The lights in the room were turned on, and there was a burly man hanging on the wall like an art painting.

Yuanzi was still in shock, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, but she rushed over, grabbed Moori Kogoro's left hand, and said in a panic: "Uncle Maoli, are you okay! Your hand is bleeding a lot! "

Mori Kogoro waved his hand: "It's nothing serious, just a small injury!"

Seeing the tragic condition of Mori Kogoro's left hand, the tears hanging from the corners of Sonoko's eyes dripped instantly.

Regardless of the fear in her heart, she ran forward and kicked fiercely between the legs of the burly man who was vomiting blood and was seriously injured.

The sound of the egg breaking came out instantly!

Even though the internal collapse was still tormenting, and the big man who was in pain everywhere was kicked by Yuanzi's provocative foot, his eyes protruded from the pain, and the whites of his eyes were full of red threads.

The big man couldn't help but vomited another mouthful of blood. He wanted to curl up, but he was embedded in the wall, so it was impossible for him to make any movements.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine when he saw Sonoko's leg, it was so cruel!

Sonoko felt perplexed, and kicked a few more times, then ran back to Kogoro Mouri, and said, "Uncle Maori, I'm going to vent your anger for you, your left hand is seriously injured, let me take care of it for you." !"

Mori Kogoro glanced sideways at Sonoko, this girl was obviously trying to vent her anger on herself!

But the injury to his left hand is nothing, just a healing spell.

Kogoro Moori turned his head to look at the big man on the wall, and said, "There's no rush, Sonoko, what's going on? Fortunately, I happened to pass by and heard your voice, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!"

At this time, Ran, Sumi Tsukamoto, Conan, Makoto Kyogoku and others rushed in after hearing the sound.

Everyone hurriedly asked what happened, but they saw a majestic middle-aged man inlaid on the wall, and there were countless cracks on the wall, like spider webs, all of them were stunned.

Xiaolan quickly realized that it was Kogoro Mouri who did it. Seeing the injury to Kogoro Mouri's left hand, she rushed over with a distressed look on her face.

"Dad, does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt! It's okay!"

The other three looked at the man in the wall. Conan held his chin and watched carefully, while Kyogoku Shin and Tsukamoto Sumi looked at Mouri Kogoro in shock.

When they rushed in, there were only Kogoro Mori and Sonoko Suzuki in the room. Obviously, Kogoro Mori's masterpiece of beating people like a painting.

This kind of power, this kind of boxing, is simply terrifying to the extreme, it is completely a humanoid Tyrannosaurus!

The smile on Tsukamoto Sumi's face became more obvious, while Kyogoku's face became more gloomy.

The black-skinned Kyogoku turned his head to look at Suzuki Sonoko, and asked, "Guest, what's going on?"

"Doesn't your hotel have any security measures at all? It's so easy for people to sneak in. If Uncle Maori didn't save me, a young and beautiful girl like me wouldn't know what would happen to me!" Yuanzi said this, tears dripping again down.

Even in danger, Yuanzi still never forgets his narcissism, and everyone can't help but be overwhelmed when they hear this!

Immediately afterwards, Yuanzi wiped away the tears on his face, and said, "I don't know why he came in, just now I went to the bathroom to wash my face, and when I came out, I found that the lights in the room were turned off, and this guy was waiting for me in the corner. "

"I went to turn on the light, but he grabbed me, and then he dragged me towards the balcony. Fortunately, Uncle Maori heard my cries for help, kicked the door open, and rushed in."

"The gangster wanted to kill me with a dagger, but Uncle Maori stopped him with his hand. After that gangster wanted to run away, my uncle punched him into the wall, and then you guys came!"

Hearing Yuanzi say calmly, "Uncle just punched him into the wall.".

Conan and Kyogoku couldn't help being stunned after hearing this, this is not the power that humans can have!

Kogoro Mori saw Conan's suspicious eyes and said with a smile, "Conan, are you curious? Do you want to try hitting into the wall? Uncle is usually very good. You can teach me a lesson. Only dare to use a little bit of strength!"

Hearing what Kogoro Mori said, Conan shook his head in panic, then lowered his head. At this moment, he is as peaceful as a quail!

Mori Kogoro walked to the balcony, and the rain continued to fall outside.

He looked at the portable ladder on the edge of the balcony, and the raincoat underneath.

"It seems that this guy used a ladder to sneak up from the bottom, and he also carried a dagger with him. This guy can't be a real serial murderer."

"Seeing that Yuanzi's hair is brown, I thought of taking advantage of the heavy rain to hijack Yuanzi at night, and then kill him with a dagger in the woods outside!"

Seeing the burly man with a swollen face, Xiaolan couldn't help but said, "I recognize him. When we came to Izu for lunch on the first day, I remembered that he was at the same restaurant as us."

Tsukamoto Sumi also frowned and said: "So I also have the impression that when we went to today's crime scene, I also caught a glimpse of him in the crowd, but he left soon!"

Kyogoku pondered for a moment, and said, "This guy is not a guest of our hotel, but I have served him both for lunch and dinner today."

Mouri Kogoro heard a few people say this, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "It seems that this guy has been eyeing Sonoko since we came to Izu. I thought it was this guy!"

It was only then that Kogoro Mori remembered that on the afternoon of his first day in Izu, when he hadn’t even seen the fireworks display, someone had spied on him. It turned out that that person was the big man who had his eyes on Sonoko!

Sonoko couldn't help being scared when he heard this, and quickly ran to Kogoro Mori, and put his arms around his uninjured right hand. The soft, small breast with only a B cup was tightly attached to Kogoro Mori's arm.

"It's terrible, I didn't expect someone to have such a terrible idea about me!"

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan and Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't help but rolled their eyes and squinted at Sonoko, but they couldn't say anything more!

Kyogoku couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene.

Maori Kogoro said: "Xiaolan, please call the police again, and call the ambulance by the way, otherwise this guy may die?"

Yuanzi looked at Kogoro Maoli in a daze: "Uncle Maoli, are you so strong? Are you going to beat him to death?"

Mori Kogoro glanced at Sonoko: "My power control is very precise. At most, he will be seriously injured and lose his ability to resist. But those kicks you kicked were too hard. You must know, that is the key to the human body!"

Yuanzi couldn't help blushing when he heard this, and pretended to be soft and coquettish: "I hate it, uncle, people don't usually do this, I'm a lady!"

Hearing Yuanzi's shameless words, two words sounded in everyone's heart at the same time: Hehe!

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