Chapter 0067 The Challenge of Kyogoku Martial Arts 1

In the end, under Sonoko's insistence, Mori Kogoro was dragged to bandage the wound.

Xiaolan wanted to help, but Yuanzi pushed her away.

Sonoko's big amber-green eyes flickered, looking intently at the two deep dagger wounds on Mori Kogoro's palm, one in the palm and one at the second knuckle.

Then she picked up the powder, sprinkled it on the wound, and began to wrap it with medical gauze.

Kogoro Mori watched his left hand get bigger and bigger with a painful face, and finally became like a bear's paw, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching.

"How is it? Uncle Maori, let me bandage it up!"

But looking at Yuanzi's dedication, Mori Kogoro didn't let it go, and nodded in praise: "Not bad! Not bad!"

The healing technique was secretly triggered, and the granulation on the wound on the left hand continued to grow, and the palm under the gauze soon returned to its original state.

Mori Kogoro waved his hand, thinking that he would remove the gauze when he would go back later.

Everyone was waiting in the hotel room, and Kyogoku looked at Mori Kogoro from time to time.

There was jealousy and suspicion in the eyes under the reflective glasses!

Not long after, the sound of an ambulance and a police car came from a distance at the same time.

The curly-haired police officer Henggou appeared in front of Mori Kogoro again with the police officers, and there were medical staff from the hospital beside him.

Police officer Henggou couldn't help being startled when he saw the big man inlaid on the wall. Hearing that Kogoro Moori had punched him into this appearance, police officer Henggou immediately looked at Kogoro Moori adoringly No doubt!

Finally, after hearing Kogoro Mori's judgment, he said that the guy who was beaten inside the wall was the serial murderer.

Officer Henggou was also taken aback, and recalled Masahiko Michiri, who had been complaining about grievances at the Metropolitan Police Department today when he was making a statement. No wonder that guy refused to admit it. It turned out that someone else did it.


Because Masahiko Michiro never admitted it, the police officers who took the statement used some small tricks, but Masahiko Michiri had a good meal.

Police officer Henggou looked at the medical staff who were asking for advice, and quickly directed: "Okay, be careful, dig this guy out and send him to the hospital."

He then turned his head to look at the police officer he had brought, and said, "Take a few more people to the hospital to guard him later, and don't let him escape, you understand?"

The patrolling police officer in police uniform nodded quickly: "Hi!"

The medical staff hurried forward to help pull the burly man out of the wall. The process was very difficult, and stones fell from time to time.

In the end, the police officers also came forward to help, and the big man finally lay on the stretcher, and there was a large hole in the shape of a human being on the wall.

The big man curled up as soon as he got on the stretcher, tightly protecting his crotch.

Before leaving, the burly man was still staring at Sonoko, so Sonoko quickly hid behind Kogoro Mouri, not daring to look into his eyes: "Uncle Maori, I'm afraid!"

"It's okay, this guy won't be able to hurt anyone in the future!" Mori Kogoro's Beng Fist had a total of twelve stretches, eight of which escaped from the body surface, while the remaining four were tightly entangled In this big man's body.

The hospital also didn't see any problems, but as long as this guy tried to use force, the collapse of the tarsal bones would explode, and the pain was unbearable. It can be said that this guy will be a useless person in the future.

Besides, for this guy's crime, once he is caught and sentenced, he will be imprisoned for life after that, so he naturally cannot appear in the eyes of everyone.

Police officer Henggou respectfully bowed to Mori Kogoro, and thanked with reverence: "This time, thanks to Mori Detective, he helped me solve this serial murder case and helped those victims get justice. "

"However, Detective Maori and Miss Sonoko, if possible, please come to the Metropolitan Police Department tomorrow. After all, there are two cases, so let's go according to the procedure!"

Mori Kogoro nodded naturally: "Of course no problem!"

Police officer Henggou led the team back. The arrival and departure of police cars and ambulances woke up everyone in the hotel, and everyone looked at Mao Li and his party who were seeing off police officer Henggou in the lobby on the first floor.

Soon someone recognized Mori Kogoro!

"That seems to be our Tokyo Maori detective!"

"It seems to be him!"

"Did another murder happen just now? It's too exciting. I would have gone up to watch if I knew it!"

"Don't talk nonsense, someone was attacked in the hotel just now, the Maori detective arrested the attacker, I was in the next room, and I heard it clearly, the guy who was lying on a stretcher and sent to the hospital is Izu Lianhuan The murderer of the murder case."

The bald and fat man at the stairway looked complacent, like a storyteller, showing off what he heard.

When everyone heard the bald fat man say this, they quickly gathered around, and the atmosphere of the group was very lively.

Mori Kogoro naturally heard other people whispering, but he didn't bother to care about it, they were about to go back to their room.

At this moment, outside the hotel, a man wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat appeared.

It was the hotel owner who came back from the sea. He was very imposing, and every step gave people strong pressure.

He stood at the gate of the hotel, took off his bamboo hat, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes.

The whispers of everyone in the hotel gradually subsided, and it seemed that they also felt the severe atmosphere.

"Detective Mori, no, Kogoro Mori."

Hearing someone calling him, Mori Kogoro turned around, smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. Kyogoku, finally you don't pretend you don't know me!"

This person is Kyogoku Mori, the master of Kyogoku martial arts who was defeated by Mori Kogoro [-] years ago.

It's just that for some reason, this martial artist who was originally the same age as Mori Kogoro turned out to be so old, with deep wrinkles, almost like an old man in his fifties.

"Mori Kogoro, I've remembered your name for twenty years, and I've also remembered the big defeat twenty years ago. It's like a nightmare!"

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