Mori Kogoro smiled, and said: "With Sumi's strength, you should be able to control this move. Although there is only one style of boxing, it is enough for you to defeat Kyogoku Shin!"

Although Mori Kogoro learned this half-step Bengquan from the system, he has also mastered it, so he can naturally pass it on to Sumi Tsukamoto.

But I dare not teach the channeling technique to this girl, otherwise when Xiaolan asks and Sumi says, it will explode instantly!

Mori Kogoro did not dare to take such a big risk.

Seeing Mori Kogoro standing in front of him, Sumi Tsukamoto wanted to teach his unique skills, so he quickly got up and put down the pillow.

His eyes were full of fire, Wu Chi disregarded everything as soon as his temper came up.

Mori Kogoro said: "This boxing method needs to stand in the three-body position, count the beauty, follow along."

Standing in a row next to the bed, Mori Kogoro puts his left foot forward, his right foot behind him, and puts his right fist next to his right rib, standing in a three-body pose.

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Mori explained the key points of this boxing method: "The strength of the Bengquan needs to come from the chest and abdomen of the middle plate, and its footwork is all in this kick. When kicking, it is like an arrow coming out of the string, and the mind moves and the body follows, without the slightest hesitation!"

While talking, Mori Kogoro demonstrated it, and threw out another punch.

Because it was teaching, it only made three beeps.

Sumi Tsukamoto followed suit with a punch, but the effect was unsatisfactory!

The punch was soft and weak. This advanced martial arts from China is really hard to understand for Sumi Tsukamoto, who has always been straightforward.

In the end, Tsukamoto Sumi only learned relatively simple steps.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning, he came behind Sumi Tsukamoto, hugged her in his arms, and held her hands with both hands.

"Master?" Sensing the fiery and solid body behind her, Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't help being a little panicked.

Mori Kogoro put his chest and abdomen against Tsukamoto Sumi's soft back, and said, "Don't talk, carefully feel the strength of my chest and abdomen."

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro took Tsukamoto Sumi's hands and punched out.

Sumi Tsukamoto seemed to hear the sound of tigers and leopards in his chest and abdomen, and couldn't help but widen those purple eyes.

That strength absorbs the strength between the kicks of the legs, binds them together at the waist and abdomen, passes them on to the fists, and instantly bursts open, and three explosive sounds are heard.

"Sigo, master, it's amazing! I can feel your chest and abdominal muscles shaking, it's so exciting!" Tsukamoto Sumi exclaimed.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but fainted, and said: "Study seriously, how can my apprentice lose to others!"

"Oh!" Tsukamoto Sumi calmed down obediently, and carefully felt the strength of Mori Kogoro's chest and abdomen behind him.

However, with the punches and punches, the muscles kept trembling and trembling, and Tsukamoto Sumi's face in front was completely red: what a strange feeling!

Gradually, the teaching of martial arts has entered a good stage, and Sumi Tsukamoto's talent is extremely high.

There is also Mori Kogoro teaching hand in hand, speaking softly and explaining in a simple way.

With such teaching conditions, Sumi Tsukamoto gradually realized the trick!

She punched and punched herself, and Mori Kogoro continued to help her make corrections. Half an hour passed, and the two of them were sweating, and the sweat was intertwined, and the pajamas they were sticking together were soaked.

Sumi Tsukamoto smelled the scent of Kogoro Mori: This is the smell of a master.

She felt a burst of peace of mind, with a hint of sweetness in her heart.

The master has worked so hard to teach himself, if he still can't learn it, it would be too shameful!

Adhering to such a thought, Sumi Tsukamoto punched harder than the punch, and soon there was a crackling sound.

Both of them looked at each other happily, so Tsukamoto Sumi's half-step Bengquan was the beginning.

Mori Kogoro nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Sumi, not bad, but it's not enough to beat Kyogoku Shin, you need to go all out and hit three moves."

"Remember, it is better to think forward than to survive; it is better to be first than to be behind."

"This half-step Bengquan practiced to the extreme can produce thirty-six strengths with one punch, but the foundation of these thirty-six strengths is the triple strength at the beginning."

"It is divided into pressing down, centering, front pushing, and Shumei. Today we will practice these three strengths!"

"Hi!" Sumi Tsukamoto nodded with a straight face, and the sweat dripped from her forehead.

Mori Kogoro reached out and gently wiped the sweat off his head.

His complexion was as usual, while Tsukamoto Sumi's face was slightly red, and she didn't resist at all.

Mori Kogoro then grabbed her little hand, and the two continued to practice next to each other!

Mori Kogoro fully believes that Tsukamoto Sumi's strength can play the triple strength. It is not difficult from the beginner to the small stage, all that is needed is sufficient strength to support the triple strength.

A count of Bengquan blasted out from Sumi Tsukamoto's fist, making repeated noises. Fortunately, the heavy rain outside covered up the sound, and others thought it was thunder!

Mori Kogoro was very satisfied with the progress of his apprentice, and she quickly hit the double strength.

However, Mori Kogoro's eyes widened quickly, as the punch became heavier and heavier.

Because the force was exerted from the chest and abdomen, all the white buttons on Suzumi Tsukamoto's light yellow pajamas were broken first.

For a while, the spring was infinitely good, but Tsukamoto Sumi didn't seem to notice it at all, and repeated punches on her own.

Chapter 0071 Master Apprentice Play

Mori Kogoro's eyes were stared straight, staring straight at the things below.


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