Mori Kogoro swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro was also sweating profusely, the sweat on his forehead dripped onto his snow-white skin, and slowly slid down.

"Hi!" "Hi!" "Hi!"...

Sumi Tsukamoto punched out with one punch, the double ringing continued to deepen, the momentum became heavier and heavier, and her body kept shaking!

Mori Kogoro could feel the strength of Tsukamoto Sumi's whole body was continuously condensed, and a breakthrough was just around the corner!

The countless pores on her body were open, and the sweat had already penetrated the pajamas on her body.

Drops of crystal clear sweat condensed together, condensed into a big ball, and dripped down.

Sumi Tsukamoto, who was completely focused, kept thinking hard about how to exert strength reasonably, and finally punched out.

With triple strength, a punch with triple strength was punched out by him.

Her eyes were wide open, she couldn't believe it at all.

Immediately afterwards, she repeated it again, and punched out again. This time, Kogoro Moori heard the three sounds very clearly.

Tsukamoto Sumi was ecstatic in her heart, and a bright smile appeared on her pretty face, which was extremely bright.

She turned around and immediately threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms, still exclaiming: "Master, I succeeded, I hit three collapses!"

"Master, I succeeded!"

Mori Kogoro hugged Suzumi Tsukamoto's soft body soaked in sweat, feeling that his apprentice in his arms was overjoyed, jumping up and down.

He couldn't help being moved and laughed: Sure enough, he deserves to be a good disciple!

Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't calm down for a long time, and still said excitedly: "Master, I just learned such a powerful stunt? It's totally unbelievable!"

Mori Kogoro patted her on the head, and said: "Just now I am proud of my small achievements, and I will tell the master that you have really learned it after you have practiced to the twelve folds!"

Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't help wrinkling her nose, and said, "Bad master, I practiced so hard, and you don't praise him!"


She is obviously a cool and chic girl, but she is acting like a baby in her arms!

Kogoro Moori's eyes changed, but when he heard the coquettish words, he felt the soft body in his arms, and looked at the delicate little face underneath. ignite!

Tsukamoto Sumi quickly sensed the heat of Mori Kogoro's body, his little face was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, his purple eyes shrank immediately.

She couldn't help lowering her head, and only then did she realize the vision of her clothes. Tsukamoto Sumi became even more panic-stricken. She quickly thought about leaving Kogoro Mori's arms. It is made of iron and steel, and it does not move at all.

Tsukamoto Sumi raised her head to look at her master, but found that there was a strange light in his eyes, and there seemed to be flames burning deep in his pupils.

Mori Kogoro had a wicked smile on his mouth, which made Tsukamoto Sumi's heart skip a beat.

A domineering voice came from Mori Kogoro: "Sumi, you have done a good job. Only someone as talented as you can learn it so quickly. You have practiced so hard today. Of course, the master will be rewarded."

"What reward?"

Sumi Tsukamoto turned her head sideways, and Kogoro Mori stepped forward in an instant, kissing the pink lips, and his fiery big hand instantly took control of the audience, Sumi Tsukamoto's pupils kept shrinking, and she was completely dumbfounded who had never experienced this before Living.

This kiss made Tsukamoto Sumi fascinated, and Mori Kogoro raised his head.

He hugged Sumi Tsukamoto's legs with one hand, hugged her whole body, and then gently put Sumi Tsukamoto on the bed.

Mori Kogoro kissed Tsukamoto Sumi's lips again, this time, Tsukamoto Sumi responded slowly!

The torrential rain outside was pouring down the city, and soon, a beautiful concerto sounded in the house!

... [-] words are omitted here ...

In Xiaolan's room, two energetic girls, Yuanzi and Xiaolan, were playing on the bed in their pajamas.

The pillow fight is going on, and Xiaolan has the upper hand, pressing down on Yuanzi and constantly torturing her.

Yuanzi couldn't help but yelled: "It's not fair, it's not fair, Xiaolan, how can you use your Brazilian lock technique! No, no, I will call Uncle Maori to clean you up!"

When Xiaolan heard this, she got up quickly, but was attacked by Yuanzi from below, and she tripped over the bed.

Yuanzi immediately turned over and pressed on Xiaolan, and said in a funny way: "Wahhaha, beauty, you are mine today, no matter how much you scream, no one will come to rescue you!"

After saying that, Yuanzi wanted to use the Pubo Dragon Claw on Xiaolan, but of course she couldn't succeed, and she was immediately sent flying by Xiaolan.

Yuanzi confronted Xiaolan, who was far superior in physical fitness to her, and naturally it did not end well. In the end, she was ravaged by Xiaolan for a long time before finally being relieved.

Sonoko lay on the bed, panting heavily.

And Xiaolan sat quietly at the side, with a smug smile on her face, and said: "See, you dare to say that you want my father to be your boyfriend?"

Hearing this, Yuanzi had a mean smile on his face, and said, "Xiao Lan, we are best friends, don't be so mean! I've said it all, and we will go our separate ways from now on!"

"Yeah!" Xiaolan frowned and clenched her fists as if to hit, Yuanzi quickly got under the covers.

But this girl is very strange, she quickly said: "Xiaolan, it's not me that you should be wary of, but Senior Sister Shumei, have you forgotten what she said on the bullet train?"

"She swears that she will attack Uncle Mao Li, and that Uncle Mao Li is the first man who made her want to fall in love. Xiaolan, you have to be wary of Sumei-senpai!"

Yuanzi used the strategy of diverting disasters to the east!

It's a pity that Xiaolan didn't get the trick at all, and instead said, "Why do I feel that you are more dangerous!"

"Nonsense, look, that female beauty has the same super big breasts as you, don't men just like women with that kind of figure?"

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