Of course Kogoro Mori has no objection, if he wants to help Xiaolan relax, he will listen to Xiaolan!

"Boss, I want to try it once!" Xiaolan stepped forward to pick up the pistol, and Mouri Kogoro followed to give the money.


After five shots, none of the balloons burst, and Xiaolan continued to turn around, looking eagerly at Kogoro Mori.

Kogoro Mori naturally followed suit.

Another five shots, ten shots, twenty shots, thirty shots, all to nothing.

Mori Kogoro frowned, even if he was lucky, he should knock down one or two.

The boss on the side couldn't help but laughed and said: "Guest, it seems that you really don't have the talent to play this game, you should go quickly, don't waste your boyfriend's money for nothing!"

Xiaolan couldn't help but retorted: "Could it be that there is something wrong with your gun?"

"How is it possible? I've always done business without deceit. Give me the gun." The boss barked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and took the pistol from Xiaolan's hand.

With one shot, a balloon was instantly shattered.

Kogoro Mori saw through the boss's trick in an instant. There were three buttons on the butt, handle, and body of the gun.

Press and hold these three buttons at the same time when shooting, the bullet can be fired normally, otherwise the ballistic trajectory will be deflected in various ways, and naturally there is no way to shoot.

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with business!

Mori Kogoro glanced at the plush dolls on the wall, there are fifty in total, most of them are very delicate.

He took out [-] yen from his wallet and said, "Fifty more shots!"

The boss quickly took the money, grinning from ear to ear: Another fool!

Mori Kogoro came behind Xiaolan, holding his daughter in his arms, and the two held a pistol in their hands.

Mori Kogoro said, "Come on, Xiaolan, Daddy will teach you how to jerk off!"

Chapter 0075 Take advantage of the gross profit

Mori Kogoro hugged Xiaolan's soft body, held her little hand tightly with both hands, but secretly pressed the three buttons.

Xu Shi had never been so close to her father in front of outsiders, and Xiaolan's face turned red all of a sudden.

Mori Kogoro used his spear skills, aimed at the direction of the balloon, and said softly, "Xiaolan, shoot!"

The warm breath blew into Xiaolan's ears, and the little ears turned red instantly. She didn't even aim, she believed in Mori Kogoro completely, and shot directly.


A balloon burst instantly, and the big pyrene bear that Xiaolan wanted was in her pocket at once.

"Daddy, hit, hit!"

Xiaolan turned around and danced excitedly with her arms around Mori Kogoro. This dribbling and hitting someone is really unheard of!

Seeing this, the boss instantly understood that Kogoro Moori had pressed the switch, and quickly said, "Sir, only one person is allowed to shoot, not two people!"

"Well, did you just mention this rule in your store?"

Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked over, with a serious face and a cold light in his eyes, the aura of a martial arts master suppressed him without hesitation.

The boss's eyes immediately flashed with fear, his lips became extremely pale all of a sudden, his body kept trembling, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Xiaolan, his face instantly became warm like a spring breeze, and he said gently: "Come on, Xiaolan, let's continue!"

Xiaolan turned around obediently, put her four hands together, and kept shooting with a pistol.



The gunfire continued continuously, and after each gunshot, a balloon burst.

As the gunshots continued to ring out, the smile on Xiaolan's face became more obvious. Seeing the row of exhaust balloons wiped out, her mood became more and more joyful.

When the last balloon burst, she turned around, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro shook his head: This girl is very bold!

Then Xiaolan hurried inside and took down the valuable plush dolls hanging there.

The boss on the side was full of bitterness, and this wave of words cost more than [-] yen.

But he didn't dare to say anything more, just now Kogoro Moori's gaze really scared him, he thought he was going to die!

Kogoro Mori looked at his daughter with several dolls in one hand and a big white bear doll in her arms, who didn't want to give up on any of them. He had an inexplicable sense of cuteness, so he chuckled.

He found a large plastic bag from the side, and then went in to help Xiaolan put all the dolls into the plastic bag, then picked it up and carried it on his shoulder, while Xiaolan only hugged her big white bear doll.

The two came out of the shooting shop, and their strange looks instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

Mori Kogoro said, "Xiaolan, do you want all these dolls? The room will be full!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan turned her head sideways to think for a while, and soon came up with an idea.

She yelled at passers-by: "Limited time promotion, one hundred yen for one doll, come here if you want it!"

These words instantly attracted the attention of many people, especially when they saw the bag full of dolls in the hand of Mori Kogoro.

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