Many girls dragged their male companions to the two of them.

The one hundred yen circulated in Japan is about the same as the one yuan coin in China, so when they heard such a cheap price, even boys, let alone girls, couldn't help but gather around.

Xiaolan's face was flushed. It was her first time doing business, and she kept taking money and sending out dolls. She was very busy.

But the owner of the shooting shop was heartbroken beyond words when he saw this scene. The plush dolls worth more than 100 yen were sold at a price of [-] yen each!

Soon, more than forty dolls were sold out, leaving only a big white bear in Xiaolan's arms!

Xiaolan carefully put away the forty-nine coins she received, with a bright smile on her face.

At this moment, the girl who had been watching for a long time rushed out from behind and rushed towards Kogoro Mouri.

Like an instinctive reaction, Kogoro Mori stretched out his hand to cover the girl's face, the girl danced with her hands and feet and struggled continuously, trying to get closer to Kogoro Mori, but she didn't make a single step.

Mori Kogoro felt very familiar as soon as he touched it, and it was the girl Sonoko again.

"Yuanzi, why are you here?" Xiaolan hurriedly pulled Yuanzi away, and asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Sonoko smiled awkwardly, and greeted Mori Kogoro first: "Uncle Mori, we meet again!"

Then she turned to Xiaolan and said, "Xiaolan, I've been looking for you here in Ginza for a long time, and I didn't expect you to sell dolls here."

"Come on, come home with me, I have a gift for you."

Then Sonoko invited Kogoro Mori, "Uncle Mori, come too!"

Hearing Sonoko's invitation, the two naturally agreed, and the three got into Sonoko's driver's car and drove to Suzuki's villa.

Sonoko didn't sit in the co-pilot seat, so he came to meet Kogoro Mori, and Xiaolan squeezed behind him. She sat in the middle and listened to Xiaolan talking about what happened in the shooting shop just now.

Sonoko immediately exclaimed, turned around, put his hands on Kogoro Mouri's thighs, looked at Kogoro Mouri adoringly, and said, "Uncle Maori, are you really that good? You are a sharpshooter with every shot and every shot. Well!"

Mori Kogoro smiled, was he being taken advantage of by this girl?

Seeing this scene, the veins on Xiaolan's forehead twitched, and she quickly stretched out her hand to pull Yuanzi back.

Then Sonoko turned around again and put his hands on Kogoro Mori's thighs again, staring at Kogoro Mori with his big amber eyes: "Uncle Mori, your marksmanship is so good, why don't you come and be my spearmanship teacher, teach me How can I handjob!"

Yuanzi fell into fantasy for a while:

[Under the green shooting range illuminated by the setting sun, I pretended to always miss the target.

At that time, Uncle Mao Li came behind him, hugged him gently, pressed his solid chest against his back, grabbed his little hand with his warm big hand, pointed at the red heart of the gun target, and said gently: "Little Fool, that's the way the gun should be fired. '

Bang, the shot hit the red heart, and the whole world became full of love, and I fell into Uncle Maori's arms! 】

Thinking of this garden, I felt soft all over, and my little face immediately turned pink, with a happy smile like a nympho.

Seeing Sonoko like this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help being a little speechless, he was so excited when he touched his thigh!


Xiaolan, who seemed to have black flames on her body, yelled angrily, Yuanzi immediately recovered from the fantasy, and looked at Xiaolan with a dry smile.

Bang bang bang!

Yuanzi's head instantly swelled up with three red envelopes, and she couldn't help looking at Xiaolan with teary eyes.

The driver in front saw his young lady being bullied, and then looked at Xiao Lan who was exuding a terrifying aura. He drove quietly, not daring to say anything more.

Chapter 0076 Stunning Tomoko Suzuki

Soon, the car stopped outside Suzuki's villa. Mori Kogoro looked at this very familiar villa, and he and Suzuki Tomoko had fought in it countless times.

The whole villa is a European-style building, low-key and luxurious.

Yuanzi with the red envelope on his head said, "Uncle Mao Li, this is your first time visiting my house, don't be surprised when you see my mother later!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: This is the first time, how could it be frightening, I am familiar with every inch of Tomoko's body, it can be said that all changes are led by myself.

Xiaolan couldn't help but wondered: "Yuanzi, why do you say that?"

Yuanzi immediately said excitedly: "My mother bought a bottle of magical potion from somewhere, drank it, and suddenly looked younger by more than [-] years, and now she is completely beautiful."

When Xiaolan heard this, she couldn't help but glanced suspiciously at Kogoro Mori. Her mother also became young after drinking the potion given by her father.

Could it be that this potion was also given by my father?

Seeing his daughter's expression, 49 points of intelligence were displayed, he reacted instantly, and a reason instantly formed in his heart.

Mori Kogoro explained: "That is the top and most mysterious biological research company in China. This time, I recommended Mrs. Suzuki to go. I didn't expect that she actually bought the potion."

Xiaolan's face instantly returned to normal.

Yuanzi said in surprise, "Really? Uncle Maoli, I knew that Uncle Maoli was very capable. Could you introduce that company to me as well."

"Yuanzi, you are so young, how can you use this kind of potion?"

"Be prepared!"

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said, "That's not okay, Sonoko, this company's customer service confidentiality agreement is very strict, and I can't reveal too much."

"Okay!" Yuanzi didn't seem too disappointed.

"Yuanzi, what about your father?" Xiaolan asked curiously.

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