Chapter 0079

Suzuki Tomoko's cheek was stuffed with a huge ice cream, and his cheeks bulged like a squirrel, it seemed that the ice cream was a bit too big.

Tomoko frowned, his eyes were red.

A smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, and he comforted softly: "Come on slowly, don't worry!"

Sitting outside in the garden where you can see it is really exciting!

Mori Kogoro's hands are not slow at all, he processed all the ingredients quickly, and then turned on the stove. He can cook well even if he is distracted.

Mori Kogoro was stirring the mashed meat in the big bowl back and forth, poking into the mashed meat with his chopsticks from time to time, he couldn't help nodding!

He felt that the oil temperature was about the same, so he began to pour the meat paste into the pot. He wanted to make fried lion head.

Soon, the smell of pork wafted out of the pot. Mori Kogoro started tossing pieces of meatloaf back and forth with a shovel. He seemed to be singing music in his mouth and his body was moving rhythmically.

Suzuki Tomoko seemed to have choked on the ice cream, and couldn't help coughing twice.

Xiaolan in the hall seemed to hear the sound, and turned her head in doubt, but she didn't find where the friend was.

After each dish was finished, put it on a plate and put it aside, Kogoro Mori started to make the last dish, stir-fried squid.

If he stirs it up, his movements will be bigger.

The squid kept shrinking, and soon became golden under the fierce fire.

The last delicacy was finally finished. After putting it on the plate, Kogoro Mori smelled the delicacy.

Tomoko Suzuki finally finished eating her ice cream, she stood up straight, with a smear of white on the corner of her mouth.

Mori Kogoro put the plate of stir-fried squid aside, took the paper towel aside, and said with a wicked smile: "Look at you, your mouth is full, is it delicious?"

Tomoko Suzuki didn't need a tissue either, she nimbly stretched out her pink tongue and rolled it in fright, the white turbidity was instantly drawn into her small cherry mouth.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but smiled with satisfaction.

Tomoko Suzuki stared closely at Kogoro Mori with her purple eyes, and said, "Come and meet me in the conference room after dinner, Kogoro, I want to have a good talk with you about hiring you as a consultant for our consortium!"

After saying that, she walked straight out of the kitchen, passed the hall, and walked outside.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan couldn't help being very surprised when they saw Tomoko Suzuki appearing suddenly, they didn't see her in the kitchen just now!

Yuanzi couldn't help but said, "Mom, when did you enter the kitchen?"

Tomoko Suzuki glanced at the two of them, pursed his lips but did not speak, and quickly walked out of the hall.

Mori Kogoro brought the dishes to the dining table, and greeted Xiaolan and Yuanzi to come to the table for dinner.

The two girls hurried over, and Yuanzi said, "Uncle Mao Li, when did my mother enter the kitchen? Why didn't I see it just now?"

Mori Kogoro smiled, and said, "She hasn't left all this time, but she's hiding around and stealing food. Leave her alone, let's eat!"

Kogoro Moori served the last soup, and the table was full of delicious food, which immediately diverted the attention of the two women.

Xiaolan frowned and said, "I ate so many egg tarts just now, and now there are so many delicacies, and the competition is going to be tomorrow, so what if I eat and gain weight during the competition?"

"Then you should eat less!"

Yuanzi sat down immediately, then picked up the chopsticks, and shouted happily: "I'm going to start."

She began to feast on it.

Xiaolan immediately followed suit, and complained, "Yuanzi, you are too bad, and you eat it secretly without waiting for anyone."

Mori Kogoro also sat down, and the three of them began to eat lunch.

Not long after, Tomoko Suzuki also reappeared in the restaurant, looked at the sharply reduced dishes on the table, and said, "These dishes look very good, I have to try them out!"

Yuanzi couldn't help complaining: "Mom, you are serious, didn't you just eat it secretly? Why do you want to eat it again!"

Suzuki Tomoko immediately raised his fist and said, "I want to be beaten again!"

Sonoko immediately shrank back.

Soon Tomoko also sat down. It was the first time for the mother and daughter to eat the meal cooked by Mori Kogoro, and they couldn't help being amazed.

Yuanzi's mouth was full, and he said, "Uncle Mao Li, tell me what else you don't know?"

But Xiaolan frowned. Although this dish tasted delicious, it was inferior to what her father made before.

Maybe it's because the kitchen utensils here are not easy to use!

Xiaolan didn't know that Mori Kogoro was able to make such delicious food under serious interference, which was considered very good.

When everyone was full, Suzuki Tomoko said, "Mori-kun, let's go to the meeting room to talk about your coming to my Suzuki consortium as a consultant."

Pengzi turned to look at Xiaolan: "Xiaolan, it's okay to borrow your father for a while?"

Xiaolan nodded repeatedly and said it's okay.

Tomoko glanced at his daughter and said, "Yuanzi, stay with Xiaolan honestly, let's talk about business, don't bother me!"

Yuanzi waved his hand: "Okay, okay, mom, you are getting more and more verbose, remember to treat my Uncle Maori better!"

Kogoro Mori followed Tomoko Suzuki to the conference room on the second floor.

Looking at the small waist and plump buttocks that are constantly twisting in front of the stairs, the gray stockings seem to be shining with a special luster, and Mori Kogoro can't help but be fascinated.

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