"Does it look good?" Tomoko Suzuki turned his head and asked softly.

As expected of a business queen who likes to take the initiative, her speaking style is bold.

Mori Kogoro walked up quickly, hugged Tomoko, and said, "It's beautiful, no matter how you look at it, it's not enough!"

Kogoro Mori is naturally very familiar with this villa. When he went up to the second floor, instead of carrying Tomoko Suzuki to the conference room, he turned around and entered Tomoko's room.

Mori Kogoro threw Tomoko onto the big soft bed, and then began to unbutton his own clothes.

Tomoko Suzuki, who was lying on the bed, put on a flirtatious pose, and said with a coquettish smile, "Maori-kun, aren't we going to talk about your joining the Suzuki consortium? Why did you bring me into my room?"

Mori Kogoro said: "Yes, ma'am, it's more frank and in-depth in bed. Don't you like it, ma'am?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it!" Tomoko Suzuki bit his lower lip, and looked at Kogoro Mori with winking eyes.

"Ma'am, don't worry about this." While speaking, Kogoro Moori climbed onto the bed.

Chapter 0080 Karate Competition

Mori Kogoro kissed Suzuki Tomoko's red lips, and slowly pressed his body on top of it, his big hands wandering around the graceful and soft body, the skin could almost squeeze out water.

Tomoko Suzuki put her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck tightly and responded enthusiastically.

However, the business queen is always strong. She always wanted to take the initiative in this regard, but she lost to the strong suppression of Mori Kogoro.


Tomoko Suzuki felt that the gray stockings underneath were torn, and there was another sound, holes gradually appeared in the gray stockings, revealing large areas of fair skin.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help getting excited when he heard such a voice.

Soon, Mori Kogoro's head gradually turned, he kissed the azure gemstone necklace on Tomoko's neck, and then his head went all the way down.

Soon, in this well-sound-proof room, bursts of stirring movements sounded.

... [-] words are omitted here ...

Three hours passed, and Yuanzi and Xiaolan, who were bored waiting in the living room downstairs, were watching TV.

Xiaolan glanced at the clock, and said involuntarily, "Yuanzi, why did your mother and my father talk for so long? The whole afternoon is almost over."

Yuanzi is quite used to it: "Ah, ah, business is like this, it can take several hours, maybe Uncle Mao Li just has some good business plan!"

"Xiaolan, you must work hard for tomorrow's match at the Mihua Stadium. Come back with a championship and let everyone know that Kanto is the strongest. No, the strongest girl in Japan is in our Tedan High School."

Yuanzi looked full of fighting spirit.

Xiaolan covered her mouth and smiled, "Yuanzi, how can you exaggerate!"

At this moment, the door in the lobby opened, and Kogoro Mori in a suit walked in.

"What are you two talking about, so happy!"

Kogoro Mori had a contented smile on his face.

Xiaolan smiled and said, "It's nothing, Dad, have you talked with Auntie Pengzi yet?"

Mori Kogoro stepped forward and patted Xiaolan's head: "Yes, it's settled. From now on, I will be an advisor to the Banner Foundation and the Suzuki Foundation."

Sonoko's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Then Uncle Maoli, will you go to work at the head office of the Suzuki Foundation?"

If Mori Kogoro would go to work in the company, after the holiday, Sonoko would definitely go to work in the consortium's company for an internship.

It's a pity that Yuanzi didn't know that her mother was on the way this month!

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "That's not true. After all, I have too many facts, and I still have the job of a detective. Being a consultant can only be a part-time job."

Hearing the look of disappointment in Yuanzi's eyes, she saw that only Moori Kogoro appeared, and asked, "Uncle Maoli, where is my mother? Didn't you come down together?"

"Mrs. Suzuki, she felt a little tired after the talk just now, and said she was going back to her room to rest."

In the room on the second floor, Tomoko Suzuki, who had been killed to the point of death, was lying limp on the bed, not even wanting to move a finger, and it was difficult for her to get up in a short time.

Kogoro Maoli pulled Xiaolan up and said, "Yuanzi, thank you for your hospitality today, and Xiaolan and I will go back first."

"Let me see you off!" Yuanzi got up and followed the two of them.

The three of them came out of the hall, crossed the corridor, and walked all the way to the iron gate outside.

Xiaolan waved goodbye to Yuanzi, and before parting, Yuanzi shouted to Mouri Kogoro: "Uncle Maoli, remember to come and play often when you have free time, it doesn't matter if you come alone!"

When Xiaolan heard this, she quickly pulled Mouri Kogoro to speed up her pace.

When the two got into the taxi, Xiaolan immediately looked at Kogoro Maoli seriously: "Father, what Sonoko said was a joke, don't take it seriously!"

"Of course not!" Mori Kogoro nodded naturally.

The car soon drove back to Maoli's house, Huiyuan and Conan hadn't finished school yet, and there was no one at home.

But there are more than a dozen bags at the coffee shop on the first floor, all of which are the new clothes that Xiaolan bought today.

After thanking Uncle Anzai, the owner of the coffee shop, Ran and Kogoro Mori took all the bags to the third floor.

Xiaolan, who had a lot of spoils, had a bright smile on her face. She had been hugging the plush doll Pyrenees, carrying the bag in and out.

After all the bags were brought into the room, she began to organize the newly bought clothes, with Mori Kogoro helping her.

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