Xiaolan took out the clothes she had bought with Mori Kogoro from the closet, with a look of pity on her face.

Because of the redevelopment of her breasts, most of the clothes she bought before didn't fit well without being worn a few times. It was such a waste, and Xiaolan, who was always thrifty, felt very distressed.

Mori Kogoro comforted him: "Xiao Lan, it's okay, now Dad has made a lot of money, it's just a few clothes, don't worry about it, adjust your mentality, and meet the competition is the real business."

Hearing this, Xiaolan nodded, her complexion became much better, and the two quickly arranged their clothes.

Standing in the room, Mori Kogoro looked at Xiaolan, and then stretched out his hands, making a gesture of hugging.

Xiaolan blushed, moved her body obediently and fell into the arms of Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro gently stroked Xiaolan's back, and said: "Xiaolan, for the competition, just do your best, don't put too much pressure on yourself, it doesn't matter if you don't win, don't get hurt, otherwise Dad will be very upset Distressed."

"En!" Xiaolan nodded, Mori Kogoro bowed his head and kissed Xiaolan's pure white forehead, then let go of his good daughter and walked out of Xiaolan's room.


On the second day, the atmosphere in the Tokyo Mihua Gymnasium was very lively. Countless high school students in school uniforms sat together to form a phalanx.

There is still a banner hanging above the gymnasium: Japan National Youth Group Karate Competition.

Xiaolan has already passed the preliminaries and preliminary rounds, and today's game is to compete for the championship.

Mori Kogoro dragged Fei Yingli into the auditorium, and the two attracted everyone's attention as soon as they walked in. They were really handsome and beautiful, very seductive.

Conan was still following behind him. As for Haibara, after learning that Fei Yingli would also go, the girl shirked and said that she would do an experiment, so she didn't follow.

In fact, little Lolita is still a little afraid of Fei Yingli, the real empress.

As soon as Mori Kogoro and his party appeared in the auditorium, Sonoko immediately stood up, waved and shouted: "Uncle Maoli, here, I'll help you get a good seat!"

Sonoko frowned slightly when she saw Mori Kogoro holding Hieiri, but her expression soon returned to normal. Last time Sumi Tsukamoto's words made Sonoko clear.

Anyway, if they haven't really got married yet, is there still a chance?

But Sonoko was also clever, he didn't dare to be too enthusiastic towards Mori Kogoro in front of Feiyingri, which didn't make Feiyingli suspicious.

Chapter 0081

Mori Kogoro led Hieiri to the side of Sonoko, who was youthful and lively in a blue school uniform.

She occupied the best viewing positions at the front of the Didan High School phalanx by herself.

Because the contestants of the youth karate competition are required to be under the age of [-], and most of them are students who meet the requirements, whether they are high school students or college students, so most of the people who come to cheer are students.

Mori Kogoro and Hieiri sat down, and Sonoko looked sideways at Xiaolan's mother.

To be honest, because Mori Kogoro and Fei Eri separated a long time ago, Sonoko hasn't seen Fei Eri many times.

When I saw her this time, I felt that she had changed a lot. Her appearance was the same as my mother's, she became very young, and her skin was so smooth that it could reflect light, crystal clear and extremely moist.

The pair of Danfeng eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses carried a trace of laziness and a queenly aura, which was not inferior to his own mother.

The beautiful leg in black stockings underneath is Sonoko, and this woman couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The most eye-catching thing is Fei Yingli's swollen breasts, which are simply too heaven-defying. She really deserves to be Xiaolan's mother, and she is even worse than Xiaolan!

Yuanzi looked at her chest, and couldn't help lowering her head: "I lost, how can I compare it? The only thing that can beat her is my age, and I'm only two years away from becoming an adult!"

Fei Yingli noticed that Yuanzi was looking at her from time to time, so she turned her head and said softly, "Yuanzi, what's the matter, why do you keep looking at Auntie?"

Knowing that Yuanzi is Xiaolan's best friend, Fei Yingli is also very friendly to her.

Yuanzi resolutely confessed, and said, "Aunt Yingli, you are really getting more and more beautiful. You are so good-looking, I can't help but want to take a few more glances!"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli burst into joy: "Yuanzi, your mouth is so sweet, it's like honey!"

Conan, who was sitting between Sonoko and Mori Kogoro, glanced at Sonoko who was pretending to be a good girl.

He suddenly remembered the history of humiliation on the cruise ship before, and the experience that he had his pants stripped and spanked by Yuanzi.

Dead motherfucker, it's time for you to taste fear today!

Conan pretended to be innocent and said: "I clearly remember that Sister Sonoko would ask Uncle Mori to be her boyfriend every time she saw Uncle Mori. Aunt Eri, what is a boyfriend and can I eat it?"

Hearing these words, the atmosphere in the room of four froze instantly, Feiying Lidan narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed past.

Even separated by two seats, Yuanzi felt a little out of breath.

She quickly laughed and said, "It's all just a joke. I'm a key member of the Uncle Mao Li Fan Support Club. Everyone in the support club said that they wanted Uncle Mao Li to be their boyfriend. I said it was easy to say when I got used to it." It's gone!"

While explaining, she hammered Conan's head fiercely with her fist, and looked down at Conan from time to time: "Conan, you are so naughty, take it seriously if my sister jokes casually, you are obviously a person who likes to watch pornographic movies My little devil, how could he not know what a boyfriend is!"

The garden was smashed so hard that Conan had nowhere to hide. Children have little strength to resist.

Soon Conan's head was full of big red envelopes!

Yuanzi's technique of knocking chestnuts with his hands is really self-taught, and he learned it naturally after watching too much.

Conan's eyes were filled with tears, and he gasped from time to time as he touched his head, hiss!

Hearing Sonoko's explanation and seeing her barren figure, Fei Yingli expected that Kogoro Mori would not attack Xiaolan's best friend even if he was a beast, so she easily believed it, but the coldness in her eyes did not fade away.

On the contrary, she was very interested in the few words Yuanzi just said.

"Sonoko, what porn movie are you talking about?"

Sonoko immediately said excitedly: "I also heard from Xiaolan. She said that Conan is very precocious and likes to watch pornographic movies and adult magazines by herself."

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