Hearing this nonsense, Conan immediately panicked, and quickly said: "This is fake, I have never done such a thing!"

He stretched out his hand to cover Yuanzi's mouth, but he was suppressed by Yuanzi with one hand when he was weak.

Sonoko then said, "Don't look at Conan as a child, but he's actually very lustful. Xiaolan and I both secretly watched at Izu Beach. Conan just stared at the big breasts of those girls along the way."

"Tsk tsk tsk, people are small and big, but it's a pity that they are all developing in an unhealthy direction."

Conan repeatedly defended: "Slander, pure slander, where have I ever done such a thing!"

"I already knew that you little brat was very stubborn. Fortunately, I have evidence, Qiang Qiang."

Sonoko took out the phone, found the picture on the phone, and handed it to Kogoro Mori and Hieiri.

"I secretly photographed this when we were on vacation on Izu Beach a few days ago. Look at the expression of this little devil!"

In the picture, Conan on the beach saw a beautiful woman with big breasts passing by, staring intently at the beautiful woman's breasts, her eyes seemed to be blazing, her mouth was opened very wide, with a look of lust and soul.

Conan's face turned pale when he saw the solid evidence, especially when he knew that Xiaolan saw him in the same way, and his heart ached even more.

Fei Yingli on the side shouted: "You don't learn well at such a young age, Kogoro, you have to discipline this child well!"

"That's natural!"

Mori Kogoro looked at Conan who had already been dubbed the lecherous kid, and couldn't help but chuckled.

At this moment, eight girls in white martial arts uniforms came out from the martial arts arena, and Xiao Lan was among them.

Although he was wearing a helmet, blue gloves in his hands, and protective gear all over his body, Kogoro Mori recognized his daughter at a glance and waved to her quickly!

Seeing this, Xiaolan waved to several people quickly.

Sonoko immediately became agitated, put Conan's matter behind him, put his hands in front of his mouth like a trumpet, and shouted: "Xiaolan, come on, hit me on the other side."

As soon as the Hedong lion's roar came out, it shocked the audience. Everyone looked at Yuanzi in amazement. The little girl looked thin and weak. She didn't expect to be able to scream so loudly. I'm afraid most of the gymnasium could hear it. Here we go!

The top eight contestants were soon guided by the referee to draw lots. They were paired in pairs, the winner was promoted, and the loser was eliminated. Simple and rude, only one champion was selected!

Xiaolan soon draws her opponent, a third-year girl from Shuiyuan High School who is her high school's karate master.

Mori Kogoro glanced at it, and then he was sure that this girl was not Xiaolan's opponent.

After all, there are not many people as perverted as Sumi Tsukamoto and Shin Kyogoku.

Chapter 0082 Yingli's Invitation

Soon Xiaolan and the female high school student from Shuiyuan High School went to the martial arts arena.

The current karate competition is different from that of [-] years ago. Twenty years ago, Mori Kogoro and Kyogoku Shogun competed. At that time, there were not so many rules. As long as whoever can win, whoever is the winner.

The current karate competition requires the use of karate skills to hit designated spots to score points, and whoever gets the most points within three minutes wins.

The designated positions are limited to the head, face, neck, abdomen, chest, back, side, and vital points are not allowed to attack.

Xiaolan entered the arena full of fighting spirit, and all four people in the audience looked at her with concern.

Four referees sat in the four corners of the Martial Arts Field, holding red and blue flags in their hands, and they raised their flags later to see who scored.

Xiaolan and her opponent stood in the middle of the field, bowed to each other, and the referee gave an order: "Start!"

The two of them made karate gestures, and kept moving their feet, looking for opportunities.

ah! ! ! !

Xiaolan's eyes were fixed, and she kicked her legs on the white ground, and her speed exploded instantly.

The blue glove hit the opponent's head directly, and the female high school student from Suiyuan High School had no time to resist and was hit instantly.

Xiaolan, who has been training against Mori Kogoro and Tsukamoto Sumi for a long time, naturally knows how to grasp the opportunity.

She gained the momentum, and then kicked out with one leg. The middle kick directly hit the opponent's abdomen, kicked him two or three meters high, and fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, the protective gear was worn in the martial arts uniform, so that he would not be injured, otherwise, this kick would be enough to seriously injure him.

The four referees kept raising the blue flag, and the scorekeeper in the distance kept adding points.

"Squeaky! Xiaolan is indeed very powerful. That student from Shuiyuan High School is not an opponent at all!"

Such an amazing crushing offensive is extremely rare in this arena, and the students from Didan High School who cheered for Xiaolan suddenly became excited.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing proudly: "You don't even look at whose daughter it is, and who taught this karate!"

Sonoko immediately folded his hands in front of his chest, and looked at Mouri Kogoro with admiration: "Of course, this is all thanks to Uncle Mouri. Xiaolan's karate is so powerful because of the true teaching of Uncle Mouri!"

While talking, Sonoko picked up Conan, who was full of red envelopes, and sat next to Kogoro Mori, letting Conan sit on the outermost side.

Sonoko just missed sticking to Mori Kogoro.

Conan couldn't help but glanced at Sonoko speechlessly, cursed a bitch in his mouth, and then turned his gaze back to the arena.

Hearing the flattery, Mori Kogoro couldn't help grinning triumphantly.

Fei Yingli gave Mori Kogoro a blank look, and said, "Xiao Lan was born to me. She has a mother who takes the first place in everything. Of course, it is easy to deal with such a small situation."

"Well, well, it's all thanks to you!" Mori Kogoro put his arms around Fei Yingli directly, and continued to watch how his daughter crushed his opponent.

Up kick, mid kick, down kick, side kick, straight punch, uppercut...

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