"That's it!" Officer Meguro's tone contained disappointment.

Fei Yingli glanced at Mori Kogoro, and said: "The case should be more urgent, it is a matter of life after all!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro asked: "Officer Megure, where is the crime, I'll see if there is time to rush there!"

Police Officer Megure said, "It was at Mr. Seba Zontoku's house on Heishi Avenue in Mihua City. A bank president died in a room on the third floor."

Hearing this, Conan immediately got up and said to several people, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

As soon as Conan was out of everyone's sight, he rushed out of the gymnasium and took a taxi to the address he had just heard.

When this guy heard about the case, it was like a shark smelling blood, eager to pounce on it.

Kogoro Mori hung up the phone, and Sonoko couldn't help but asked, "Uncle Mori, is that Uncle Sewa who came to my house yesterday? Did someone really die at his banquet?"

Mouri Kogoro nodded.

Yuanzi looked scared: "Fortunately, my mother said that she was too tired and wanted to rest at home for a few days, so she didn't go to participate, otherwise it would be dangerous!"

Mori Kogoro smiled, this is still his own credit!

Lie on the ground if you say dry, without any moisture!

Mori Kogoro looked at Conan's position, shook his head, and then turned to look at the game on the field.

Surprisingly, Xiaolan fell into a disadvantage.

Because when she was fighting just now, she accidentally caught a glimpse of her father talking and didn't look at herself, so she couldn't help being distracted.

However, Wada Yangnai seized the opportunity, and after a series of blows, Xiaolan was beaten to the ground, her hair under the helmet was covered with sweat.

Wada Yangnai frowned, and said: "You dare to distract yourself in a martial arts competition with me, it seems that I have been underestimated."

Seeing Xiaolan being suppressed, Yuanzi couldn't bear it any longer, took out a loudspeaker from somewhere, jumped up and shouted excitedly: "Xiaolan, concentrate, concentrate, show perseverance, show fighting spirit, Hold on!"

The roar of the east lion plus the sound of the trumpet is completely on the level of a lion's roar. When others heard that the little girl in Yuanzi was so excited, they couldn't help pointing at Yuanzi and laughing.

But Yuanzi completely ignored the opinions of others.

Mori Kogoro took over the horn of the garden, and began to shout: "Lan, calm down, hold on, Dad believes that you can do it."

Hearing the voice of Maori Kogoro, a light flashed in Xiaolan's big eyes. She propped herself up and stood up, her eyes burning with fireworks: I don't want to disappoint my father!

At this moment, Xiaolan's body seemed to be burning with raging flames. When she turned around, there seemed to be a golden light flashing in her eyes, and the referee couldn't help being frightened.

drink! ! !

Xiaolan's speed exploded completely and rushed towards Hetian Yangnai.

A look of disbelief flashed in Hetian Yangnai's eyes, this speed is too fast!

The speed obtained by practicing the channeling technique exploded at this moment, and Xiaolan instantly got close to Wada Yangnai's body...

Like a blue lightning, the blue glove passed through Wada Yangna's hands and hit her chest.

Hetian Yangnai's green eyes couldn't believe it at all, she had already made a defensive posture, but it was too fast, and she couldn't stop it at all!

how is this possible?How could it be possible that in just one year, the defeated general became so powerful?

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolan kicked Hetian Yangnai directly in the back with a roundabout kick, and she staggered and lost her center of gravity.

The lower section, the middle section, the upper section, and the three consecutive kicks respectively kicked Zhonghetian Yangnai's abdomen, chest and neck, and instantly kicked him flying.

There was a referee sitting in the direction of the flight, and the referee dodged away holding the blue flag.

There was an uproar in the auditorium, and unexpectedly there was a crushing scene in the final.

And this movement is too beautiful, clean and neat, no one can find any faults, it is pleasing to the eye.

The three of Mori Kogoro in the auditorium all had happy expressions on their faces.

"Good job, Lan!" Mori Kogoro's praise reached Xiaolan's ears, and a smile appeared on Xiaolan's face.

Wada Yang Nai hammered the floor unconvinced, stood up again, she thought she was just careless.

But when she and Xiaolan started the next round again, the scene was exactly the same as before!

Wada Yangnai was completely suppressed and beaten, and his strength and speed were not comparable, and he was beaten to the ground again soon.

The blue flag kept being raised, and Xiaolan's scores kept adding up.

When the three minutes were up, the referee stepped forward and shouted: "The game is over!"

A look of disappointment immediately appeared on Wada Yangnai's face, she knew that she was doomed.

Sure enough, the referee who was sitting on the red table stood up and announced: "The red player Hetian Yangnai has an effective score of [-] points, and the blue player Mao Lilan has an effective score of [-] points. The winner is the blue player Mao Lilan! "

The referee on the field raised Xiaolan's right hand.

The students of Tedan High School cheered immediately behind, and the three of Mori Kogoro stood up excitedly.

He hugged Fei Yingli, who was also excited, into his arms, and Sonoko jumped up behind him, hanging on Moori Kogoro's back, laughing heartily: "Uncle Mouri, Xiaolan won!" Yay, Xiaolan won!"

Chapter 0084

Mori Kogoro watched his daughter standing on the top of the podium and waving to him, he couldn't help but smiled in relief.

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