Soon the competition was over, and the contestants left the arena one after another. Xiaolan, who had changed back to casual clothes, came up from the aisle next to him with the trophy and medals, and came to Kogoro Mori.

Xiaolan originally wanted to fall into the arms of Kogoro Mouri, but when she saw her mother at the side, she stopped and just showed the trophy in her hand to the three of them.

Seeing this, Yuanzi accepted the glass trophy with a look of surprise on his face: "Sure enough, with the help of Miss Ben, Xiaolan, you finally won the national championship. I will call you Champion Lan from now on!"

Xiaolan smiled sideways, "It's not that exaggerated, Yuanzi!"

"But I really want to thank Yuanzi for your help, for giving us such a good training dojo, for providing me with a new martial arts uniform, and for cheering me up so loudly just now, Yuanzi, thank you."

Hearing this, Yuanzi waved his hands and laughed: "You are welcome, Xiaolan, we are best friends!"

Mori Kogoro stepped forward, hugged Xiaolan into his arms, hugged his precious daughter tightly, bowed his head and said softly: "Lan, I knew you could do it!"

Seeing her mother by her side, her father still dared to be so bold, Xiaolan's heartbeat soared suddenly, and her face turned red rapidly.

Feiyingli didn't feel anything unusual, she also had a smile on her face, she stepped forward and touched Xiaolan's head, and said: "Xiaolan, you did a great job, from now on, mother will rely on you to protect me." Already!"

Seeing that her mother didn't react too much, Xiaolan became more courageous, and stretched out her arms to hug Mouri Kogoro's waist.

Doing such a thing blatantly with her father in front of her mother made Xiaolan feel dizzy.

But Mori Kogoro quickly let go of his daughter, and said, "In order to celebrate the competition, I have already made an appointment for dinner at the Lookout Restaurant in the Mihua Central Building. Let's go there for dinner later!"

"Come with Yuanzi too!" Hearing the invitation, Yuanzi nodded repeatedly.

But Xiaolan soon noticed something unusual, and asked, "Where is Conan, just now I saw him also cheering for me!"

Yuanzi on the side said: "You said that lecherous little brat, that guy said to go to the bathroom, and then he didn't know where he went."

"Uncle Mao Li called him just now. He said the game was too boring, so he went back alone!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan didn't react too much.

Just then, a female voice appeared.


Everyone turned their heads and saw Xiaolan's opponent just now, Wada Haruna from Kushito Middle School, walking over. She was still wearing a karate uniform.

Yuanzi immediately stood in front of Xiaolan, and yelled, "Why, you don't admit it after losing, do you want to come back in private to recover the situation? With me here, you don't want to bully Xiaolan."

Wada Yangna glanced at Sonoko with his green eyes, and said, "Don't worry, I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to ask Mori-san for advice."

After hearing this, Sonoko stepped aside and let Wada Yangna come over.

Hetian Yangnai looked at Xiaolan with a straight face, and asked: "I'm curious, what has Mao Li experienced in the past year, and he has made so much progress. You were not my opponent last year. Now, I don't even have your clothes. I can't touch the corners!"

Xiaolan laughed, put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, and said, "Because my father is a karate master, today my father personally trained me, and my progress will naturally be very fast!"

Wada Yona turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro, looking at this mature and handsome man, she quickly recognized him, and said excitedly: "I know you, you are Mori's great detective, right? So you are Mori's classmate Father, if it is you, then the explanation makes sense!"

Sonoko saw Wada Yangna's excited expression, and she became vigilant in her heart: "Hey, Uncle Mao Li doesn't accept apprentices, don't pretend to be a fan and think about apprentices, it is impossible to teach you karate, you will die Take this heart!"

A senior student of Shumei who worships Mori Kogoro as her teacher has already become Sonoko's confidant's serious trouble. She naturally wants to take precautions before it happens, and kill Wada Haruna's thoughts invisible.

Wada Yangnai smiled confidently: "I never thought about being a teacher. If I lose this year, I lose. I will train hard when I go back. Mao Lilan, I will definitely beat you next year!"

"Okay, I'll wait!" Xiaolan also nodded seriously.

Watching this energetic girl leave, Kogoro Mori's eyes flashed with admiration.

The spectators next to him also started to leave, and Mori Kogoro and his party followed suit, leaving the Mihua Stadium.

After everyone got into the car, the Lexus drove in the direction of Mihua Central Building.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening when the game ended, and the sky outside had already darkened.

Fei Yingli was still looking at Xiaolan's medals over and over again, happier than herself.

Xiaolan who was in the back seat couldn't help but said, "Dad, did you watch me play the whole game?"

"Of course there is. I also know that you have used the roundabout kick taught to you by Tsumi three times, and all of them hit your opponent. It's a beautiful kick!"

Xiaolan pouted: "Liar, I saw you talking to Yuanzi, you obviously didn't concentrate on watching my game!"

Unexpectedly, Xiaolan was thinking about this, Mouri Kogoro shook his head and chuckled.

Yuanzi said, "That's because Police Officer Mugure called and said that there was a case, and it happened in someone I know's house, so Uncle talked to me a few more words!"

"The case?" Xiaolan tilted her head in confusion.

Sonoko then said: "Xiao Lan, do you still remember Mr. Seba who came to my house yesterday? He was warned to cancel the banquet, or he would die. He just didn't believe it. My mother recommended my uncle to help investigate him. I don’t want to, something really happened now!”

"Officer Megure is talking about this!"

After Xiaolan heard it, she quickly said, "Father, why don't you hurry up!"

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said, "You won the championship today, Xiaolan. How can I walk away at such an important moment!"

When Xiaolan heard this, a touch of emotion appeared on her face.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Besides, the police in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department are all elite. I believe they can handle this case well."

The main reason is that Conan has already gone, and Mori Kogoro intends to leave this case to Conan to solve.

Fei Yingli on the side frowned and said: "A good reputation is hard to come by, you have to maintain it well, and that fellow Megure has already called you to ask for help, he must have encountered a difficult problem, you should help!"

Fei Yingli still has such a sense of justice.

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