Xiaolan also followed suit: "Dad, it's okay, we can celebrate tomorrow, the case is more important!"

Seeing that the mother and daughter insisted, Mori Kogoro stopped the car and said, "Okay, Eri, you drive and wait for me on the top floor of the Mihua Central Building. Wait for me there!"

"Xiao Lan, give Dad thirty minutes. I'll deal with the case and meet you at the Central Building soon."

thirty minutes? ? ?

When the three girls heard this, they looked at Mouri Kogoro with some doubts. It would take more than [-] minutes to go back and forth, and the remaining time is enough to solve the case? ? ?

Mori Kogoro smiled confidently: "Well, there is already a clue, and if it goes well, the case will be solved!"

"Sgoo, Sgoo, Uncle Maoli is indeed invincible!" Yuanzi completely trusted Kogoro Moori, and immediately looked at him with admiration.

Fei Yingli also couldn't help but chuckled with satisfaction: "You bastard, are you thinking about the case as soon as you hear the phone call, but you are really there, and you still say you don't want to go."

Mori Kogoro really didn't want to go, it doesn't matter if you have thousands of points, and Conan is here, it doesn't matter if you don't go.

But if the wife and daughter have a strong sense of justice, then they can only go for a walk!

Chapter 0085 the bewildered Miwako

Soon Mori Kogoro came to Sewa Zuntoku's villa on Heishi Street, and the outside of the villa was guarded by the police.

A banquet was held today, and many people from the upper class attended the banquet here. When a murder occurred, all of them stayed at the scene.

As soon as Mori Kogoro arrived at the scene, the police officer guarding the door said in surprise, "Detective Mori, you are here!"

The police officers were naturally very happy to see Kogoro Mori. Every time Kogoro Mori appeared, the case would be concluded quickly and they would be able to get off work earlier.

So they also hope that Mori Kogoro will appear from time to time.

Mori Kogoro said, "Did you see a kid in a blue suit slipping in?"

The police officer at the door quickly said, "Yes, he said that it was your assistant, Detective Maori, who came to help collect information."

Hearing that Kogoro Mori couldn't help but have a few pound keys appearing on his head, this guy Conan used his own name to cheat everywhere again.

He stepped up the stairs and entered the villa.

As soon as Kogoro Mori entered the villa, the police officers he met greeted him one by one. The upper-class people in the lobby also showed surprise when they saw Kogoro Mori.

"Detective Maori is also here, so the case should be resolved quickly!"

"Great, I've been stuck here for three hours. If you can solve it quickly, you won't have to suffer here if you go back sooner!"


In the crowd, an elegant woman opened her eyes wide, and her crimson eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori.

Conan, who sneaked into the scene of the crime on the second floor, heard the commotion downstairs, and ran out quickly. After seeing Kogoro Mori, Conan couldn't help panicking: Didn't Uncle Mori say he couldn't come?

He just avoided Officer Megure and Miwako Sato, and finally found a chance to sneak into the scene of the crime.

Now I have to leave first, otherwise Kogoro Mori will not be able to explain why he appeared here when he knocks down Moori Kogoro later!

hateful!We already have a clue!But there is no way to continue the investigation!

Before Mori Kogoro came up, Conan hurriedly climbed down the stairs, got into the crowd of high-class people, and then sneaked out.

Officer Megure and Miwako Sato came up to meet him. Officer Megure saw Kogoro Mori's surprised face, while Miwako Sato looked at Kogoro Mori softly, with a hint of affection in his purple eyes.

"Brother Maori, you've come!"

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"How's Xiaolan's game going?"

Mori Kogoro laughed proudly: "This girl is quite up-to-date, she won a national karate championship."

Police officer Mu Mu repeatedly congratulated, and the three of them quickly walked up to the room on the third floor.

Miwako Sato introduced on the side: "The deceased is Mr. Yamazaki, the president of Rice Flower Bank. He is fifty-two years old this year. He was stabbed to death on the bed while he was resting in his room on the third floor at around two o'clock in the afternoon."

"According to the wound, the murder weapon should be a sharp dagger, but it was not found at the scene. The room was locked from the inside, and the only key was in Mr. Yamazaki's pocket."

"The only thing open on site is the balcony window facing the atrium."

"It was the housekeeper of Seba's house who found the body. Since he couldn't knock on the door and didn't have a spare key, he and the maid used tools to pry open the door, only to find Mr. Yamazaki who died on the bed!"

The three of them came to the room on the third floor. Kogoro Mori looked at the door and the corpse, then walked straight to the balcony.

He took a careful look at the structure of the balcony, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

At this time, Officer Takagi ran up, and said anxiously: "Officer Megure, Mr. Sewa is already a little dissatisfied. He said that the delay was too long, and he yelled down below that he wanted to see you!"

Officer Megure and Officer Takagi hurried downstairs to appease Mr. Sewa, only Kogoro Moori and Miwako Sato remained on the balcony.

Seeing no one else, Miwako Sato's face immediately became serious. She pushed Kogoro Mori to the wall and slammed him on the balcony wall.

The purple eyes stared at Mori Kogoro closely: "Mori-kun, tell me, what did you and Yumi do? Yumi has been talking about you for a while!"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, Yumi-chan, a beautiful traffic policeman, and a fanatical fan.

The last time the two kissed in the car, it was all initiated by Yumi. Speaking of which, I really need to find an opportunity to ask this fanatical female fan of mine to taste my long-cherished wish!

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Miwako, Yumi and I didn't do anything. Last time I borrowed her patrol car and threw the bomb under the viaduct. I just encountered it at that time, and I didn't have a chance to knock it down later. .”

"But you know, Yumi is my fan, it's normal to follow me!"

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