Mori Kogoro gently wrapped his arms around Miwako Sato's elastic waist, turning his back on the customer. The two positions were switched instantly, and Miwako was pinned against the wall instead.

Mori Kogoro had a smirk on his face: "Miwako, you care so much about Yumi, you must be jealous, right?"

"Wow, there's no way I'll be jealous of you!"

Sensing Kogoro Mori's hands started to walk on her body, Miwako Sato couldn't speak fluently.

Mori Kogoro touched Miwako Sato's thigh with his left hand, the skin was smooth and elastic, and his right hand slowly moved up from the waist, grasping a lump of softness.

Miwako Sato trembled and said, "Kogoro, don't, don't go too far!"

"Is it too much? I don't think it's too much. Isn't it okay to touch my own woman?" Maori Kogoro said domineeringly.

Hearing this, Miwako Sato's face instantly turned red, her head was buzzing, and the five words kept echoing: 'My own woman! '

Is this a confession? ? ?

Her mind was short-circuited, and she didn't even do anything to stop Kogoro Mori's movements!

Mori Kogoro kissed that jelly-like mouth, and looked at Miwako Sato who was already dazed underneath, feeling very interesting.

Although Miwako was dumbfounded, she still cooperated obediently, and her pair of bare hands had hugged Mori Kogoro's back before long.

Mori Kogoro slowly let go of Miwako Sato's mouth, looked at this delicate little face, and said gently, "Okay, we have to solve the case!"

Hearing the word "solve the case", Miwako Sato came back to her senses immediately, and said, "Xiao Goro, do you know the murderer of this case? How come so fast, you just came here!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "This simple case will be completed in a few minutes, let's go, little vinegar jar!"

Mori Kogoro patted Miwako's head, pulled her and went downstairs.

Chapter 0086

Mori Kogoro brought Miwako Sato to the first floor, and he heard Sewa Tuntoku who was sitting in a wheelchair angrily shouted: "Officer Megure, you are endless, I don't have time to accompany you to play this kind of fruitless game!" search!"

"The ones you left behind are all my most honorable guests and the most famous people in Tokyo. If this continues, I'll have to talk to Chief Inspector Hakuba!"

Zunde Seba kept talking, hoping that the investigation would end here, and the guests on the side also complained.

"When will it end, I still have important things to deal with!"

"Yes, I have to go back to spend time with my wife and children!"


Police officer Mu Mu appeases everyone with sweat profusely, and said: "Please cooperate, the murderer must still be hiding in this villa, please wait patiently!"

Mori Kogoro came down from the stairs and said, "Everyone, I have already clarified this case."

Mori Kogoro's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone.

The noise subsided slowly for a while, and everyone looked at the handsome Mori Kogoro at the stairs, their eyes full of surprise.

How long has he been up here? In less than three minutes, the case has been solved?

Mori Kogoro came in front of Sentoku Sewa, who was sitting in a wheelchair, his face became a little ugly.

"Meet you again, Mr. Seba."

Police officer Mumu couldn't help asking: "Brother Maoli, do you know each other?"

Mori Kogoro looked at Sewa Tuntoku with a half-smile, "Well, I met at Suzuki's house yesterday, and Mrs. Suzuki also wanted me to help investigate the incident of Mr. Sewa's banquet horror letter."

"It's a pity that Mr. Seba said no, otherwise today's unfortunate case would not have happened!"

Hearing this Seba Zunde burst out all of a sudden, he shouted: "Don't talk about those useless things, don't you say you know who the murderer is, then tell me quickly, what kind of detective, I think you have a false name! "

Mori Kogoro chuckled, and said, "Why is Mr. Seba in such a hurry? Could it be that he has a ghost in his heart!"

"Well, back to the topic, at the scene of the crime on the third floor, Mr. Yamazaki, the president of Mihua Bank, was killed in the room. The door was locked, and only the balcony window was open."

"In other words, the murderer sneaked in from the balcony, killed Mr. Yamazaki, and then escaped from the balcony."

Mrs. Seba said, "That's the third floor. The windows of the left and right rooms are all locked, and there are no footprints under the balcony. How could you escape from there?"

Mori Kogoro said: "The murderer sneaked into the room from the balcony opposite the crime scene and committed the crime."

The housekeeper immediately frowned and said, "That's impossible, the two balconies are five meters apart, and you can't even jump in!"

"This is about the special structure of the third floor of your villa. Extending from the balcony, there is a specially designed protruding eaves. Step on the protruding eaves, stick to the wall and go to the end, and you can get close to it." The balcony of the opposite room, you can easily jump into the balcony of the opposite room with a single jump.”

"Although the entire eaves are covered by shadows, you can still see it if you look closely."

"That is to say, the murderer is not among the guests invited to the banquet this time, but someone who knows the villa architecture very well. He is among the people of your Seba family!"

When the onlookers heard that their suspicions had been cleared, they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Police officer Mumu said, "Brother Maoli, who is the murderer?"

Mori Kogoro smiled indifferently: "Of course the murderer is ulterior motives, making unreasonable troubles and wanting Police Officer Megure to quickly close the team, Mr. Seba!"

Hearing that Seba Zunto suddenly exploded, pointing to his tightly wrapped right leg, he was over fifty years old but still shouted angrily: "It's nonsense, my leg is already like this, how can it be possible? To kill?"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "What are you still pretending, when you were at Suzuki's house yesterday, did you forget when the wheelchair got out of control?"

"At that time, you stretched out this tightly bandaged leg and stepped on the ground to slow down. I am afraid that the injury on your leg has already healed."

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