When the night wind blew just now, she was really cold, and she was trembling a little. She didn't expect to be discovered by this meticulous detective.

Qiu Ting Lianzihao tightened the blue suit a little bit, smelling the masculine breath coming from it, couldn't help but blushed slightly: he is really an unexpected gentleman!

Qiuting Lianzi touched all the pockets of the suit, and there was a business card in the inner pocket, which stated the location of the Mori office and the contact number of Mori Kogoro.

Qiuting Lianzi put away the business card and left the villa with brisk steps.


Eight or nine minutes later, a taxi drifted to the entrance of Mihua Central Building.

The door of the driver's seat was opened, and Mori Kogoro walked out of the driver's seat. He turned his head to look at the driver sitting in the passenger seat, and said, "Master, thank you for your cooperation. I will use the extra money as a tip." !"

The driver's face in the passenger seat was ashen. Seeing that the car had finally stopped, he quickly opened the door and vomited out.

Mori Kogoro looked at the driver in embarrassment. He took out a few banknotes from his wallet and put them on the driver's seat without counting them. Then he turned and went into the central building.

Because of being delayed for a few minutes by Qiuting Lianzi, and waiting for a taxi to waste a lot of time, in order not to break his promise to Xiaolan, Mori Kogoro rushed over desperately.

With master-level driving skills, Kogoro Mori drove an ordinary taxi into the air, and never got off at the highest speed.

In just six minutes, he drove a road that others might not be able to catch up with in sixteen minutes.

All kinds of lane changes, sharp turns, and drifts along the way scared the driver in the passenger seat to death, but Kogoro Moori felt very happy when he drove more and more.

With master-level driving skills, there will be no collisions at all, and there will be no sparks and lightning all the way like before.

Mori Kogoro entered the central building, and soon took the elevator to the highest lookout restaurant.

The Wangwang restaurant is very gorgeous, but there is only one table occupied, which is the three daughters Xiaolan, Yuanzi and Fei Yingli.

As soon as the three of them saw Kogoro Mori appear, Sonoko and Xiaolan immediately cheered, and Xiaolan said to Feiyingli: "I won, I won, I said that Dad will be back within thirty minutes! "

Yuanzi smiled triumphantly: "Aunt Yingli, I would like to accept the bet, you have to drink this glass of wine!"

Fei Eri glared at Kogoro Mori who was walking over, but obediently raised her glass and drank the wine in one gulp!

Mori Kogoro scolded with a smile: "Okay! I've worked so hard to solve the case, how many of you are here to bet on me?"

Chapter 0088 Xiaolan's Jade Feet

Mori Kogoro sat next to Hieiri, across from Ran, and Sonoko sat next to Ran.

Seeing Fei Yingli with a flushed face, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being surprised and said, "Eri, how much wine have you drunk?"

Fei Yingli rolled her eyes at Mori Kogoro, her winking eyes were crisp, and her eyes were full of brilliance, which made people feel their index fingers twitch.

"Why, it's up to you if I drink. My daughter won the championship today, can't I be happy?"

"Okay, okay, drink as much as you want!" Looking at the slightly drunk but still domineering Fei Yingli, Mori Kogoro resolutely confessed.

Sonoko looked at Mouri Kogoro with his chin up, "Uncle Mouri, did you really solve the case in thirty minutes?"

"Of course, the murderer is the Sewa Zuntoku who visited your house yesterday. This guy pretended to be lame, but in fact he was very flexible. He could even climb over the balcony from the window to kill. Wanting to hold my wife hostage is very ruthless!"

"What, Mr. Seba did it?" Xiaolan looked surprised.

Yuanzi looked scared: "So he is a gangster, it's too scary!"

"It is because the president of Mihua Bank refused to lend money to his company that Mr. Seba committed such evil deeds. If it wasn't for his wheelchair getting out of control yesterday, I saw him using his legs to stop the wheelchair from sliding, and there was nothing I could do. Then make sure it's him!"

On the side, Fei Yingri looked at Mori Kogoro with her small face, her eyes showed admiration.

She would never be like this in normal times, if she hadn't been a little drunk today, she wouldn't be so unable to control her expression.

Sonoko clasped his hands in front of his chest and looked at Kogoro Mori admiringly: "Sgoo, Sgoo, Uncle Maori, even so, you are too powerful. We didn't notice it, but you did!"

Mori Kogoro waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk about the case. The protagonist today is Xiaolan. We are here to celebrate Xiaolan's karate championship!"

"Hey, why don't you just order red wine, the food here is also great!" Mori Kogoro called the waiter, ordered the food, and the waiter quickly returned.

Xiaolan looked at the gorgeously decorated lookout restaurant, and even the hanging tablecloths looked very high-end and exquisite.

She couldn't help frowning and said, "Father, you're wasting it again. Just celebrate when you come to celebrate. How much will it cost to rent the whole floor!"

Xiaolan, whose little housekeeper's attributes exploded, couldn't help complaining.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and looked at Xiaolan with fixed eyes: "I don't think it's enough for my precious daughter to celebrate!"

Xiaolan's eyes lit up when she heard this, and her face turned red all of a sudden.

Yuanzi coaxed from the side: "Wow, I really want to have such a father, how about Xiao Lan, your father will 'split me in half'?"

Yuanzi frowned, trying to die in front of Fei Yingli.

Hearing the special charm in Yuanzi's words, Xiaolan immediately started fighting with Yuanzi.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckled.

The waiters continued to pass on exquisite and delicious dishes, and everyone kept colliding with red wine. When it was time to taste the food, the atmosphere on the table became more and more enthusiastic.


While at Maori's house, Conan looked at the empty third floor and the empty dining table, his stomach growling.

"Haven't you come back yet? I'm so hungry! It's already past eight o'clock!"

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