Conan lay powerlessly on the sofa: Xiaolan, come back and cook!

As for Huiyuan doing experiments at the doctor's house, she won't be back until very late today, so she ate at the doctor's house by the way.


The dishes on the table kept decreasing, and Mori Kogoro was a little surprised to see Sonoko and Xiaolan keep urging Fei Yingli to drink.

However, Feiyingli is indeed very happy today, and she will not refuse anyone who comes.

But her drinking capacity was average, and soon her eyes were blurred.

Mori Kogoro also drank a lot of red wine, but for his strong physique, this drink is not a problem at all.

Looking out of the restaurant, you can see the night view of most of Tokyo, which is very beautiful!

Looking at the night scene outside from the garden near the glass, shaking the red wine in his hand, he said softly, "For a romantic place like this, you should come with the person you love!"

Sonoko pursed her mouth, and turned her head to look at Kogoro Mori resentfully, only to find that Kogoro Mori didn't pay attention to herself at all.

She couldn't help being a little angry, and drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp!

At this moment, Mori Kogoro only felt that his hair stood on end.

Under the hanging tablecloth, a soft little foot was gently stepping on his ankle...

Just by the touch, Kogoro Mori knew who it was.

This girl is too bold!

On the side, Fei Yingli still had a slight smile on her blushing face.

Mori Kogoro glanced at Fei Yingli, then looked at Yui Xiaolan, and saw a sly smile hidden on that angelic face.

What an angel!The little devil is right!

She blinked her big eyes towards herself, as if there were stars in her eyes, they were extremely beautiful.

Only then did Kogoro Mori know why Xiaolan also persuaded Concubine Eri to drink. It turned out that he had such a wicked idea, which was too naughty!

The jade feet were extremely nimble, and quickly lifted Kogoro Mori's suit trouser legs up, and soon, the jade feet touched Kogoro Mori's calves, sliding gently.

Mori Kogoro only felt the soft and slightly cold touch from the touch, and itches rose from the bottom one after another.

So exciting!

At this moment, Fei Eri swayed and accidentally touched Mori Kogoro's shoulder.

Mori Kogoro shuddered and looked over in horror.

"What are you shaking?" Fei Eri glanced at Mori Kogoro, without looking up, she turned and continued eating her dessert!

Seeing that Fei Yingli didn't find out, Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked at Xiaolan who was covering her mouth and giggling, and couldn't help feeling angry, you girl, I really thought I couldn't cure you!

With his left hand on the outside, he made a plan to fish for the moon in the sea, and instantly grabbed Xiaolan's little foot, put it on his knee, and clamped it with his legs.

Xiaolan's extremely flexible legs were stretched, but her upper body remained motionless, and no one noticed anything abnormal.

Kogoro Mori looked at his daughter, smiled wickedly, and gently scratched the sole of the jade foot with his index finger.

Xiaolan's whole body trembled suddenly, originally she was eating pasta with chopsticks, but with this shake, her mouth was covered with sauce.

Yuanzi beside him couldn't help but said, "Xiao Lan, why are you eating like this?"

She hurriedly wiped Xiaolan with a paper towel, but when Yuanzi was helping Xiaolan wipe her face, Xiaolan shook her body from time to time and laughed loudly on her face from time to time, making Yuanzi unable to wipe it clean.

Yuanzi thought that Xiaolan was playing with her, so he quickly said, "Xiaolan, stop playing!"

Chapter 0089 The man

"Yuanzi, I'll do it myself!"

Only then did Xiaolan stop breathing heavily, her face was still flushed, she took the tissue and began to wipe her mouth by herself.

Fei Yingli couldn't help shaking her head and said with a smile: "Isn't it just winning the championship? Are you so happy? Xiaolan, remember, don't be proud! Do you understand?"

Mori Kogoro also had a smile on his face: "Don't be proud!"

Xiao Ran blushed and nodded at Fei Yingli, but glared at Mouri Kogoro.

Xiaolan said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

After all, she still sat in her original position without moving.

Yuanzi on the side said, "Just go, why are you still sitting?"

Xiaolan spoke again: "I'm going to the bathroom!"

At this moment, Kogoro Mouri had a smile on his face, let go of his hands and stood up, and said, "The restroom in this restaurant is still a little far away, I just want to go too, let's go, I'll take you there!"

The two left the dining table and walked towards the bathroom one after the other.

Walking to the door of the bathroom, Mori Kogoro touched Xiaolan's head, smiled and said, "See if you dare to be naughty next time!"

Xiaolan wrinkled her nose, gave Mori Kogoro a haughty look, and walked into the women's bathroom.

She washed her hands in front of the sink, and then looked at herself in front of the mirror. Her face was still a little red, so she couldn't help but patted her face with water.

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