After her complexion returned to normal, she let out a long breath, cheered herself up, and walked out of the bathroom.

As soon as she walked out of the bathroom, Xiaolan's cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Kudo Shinichi who was calling, she hesitated for a moment before answering the phone.


In the room on the second floor of the Mori office, Conan took a voice changer and a cell phone, and called Ran with Kudo Shinichi's voice.

"Xiaolan, congratulations on winning the national championship!"

"Hey, Shinichi, did you come to see it? Why didn't I see you?"

Xiaolan asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I was watching from a very remote corner, it's normal if you didn't notice it!" Conan's eyes were full of sadness.


"Ya...really...well...Yayu...You guys, you all saw that I won...Hiss...don't come out and congratulate me!"

Xiaolan's breathing was a little disordered. She was leaning against the wall at the moment, frowning slightly, pointing at the phone, and looking at Kogoro Mouri begging for mercy.

But Mori Kogoro had a smirk on his face, with one arm around her back and the other wrapped around her soft waist, enjoying the softness and delicateness.

Conan couldn't help frowning, and he quickly said, "Xiaolan, what's wrong with you, why did you talk like this?"

Xiaolan then said: "Xinyi, I... hiss... I'm fine, thank you very much for coming to see me... don't be like this... thank you very much for coming to my game, it's not convenient for me to borrow the phone, wait for me Next time again..."

Well! ! !

Before Xiaolan finished speaking, Conan heard the sound of kissing and sucking from the phone, and the call was hung up immediately!

Conan in the office room on the second floor is as cold as an ice cellar!

It's a man, it's a man next to Xiaolan!

Xiaolan even kissed that man, she didn't refuse at all, instead hung up on me!

Anger instantly filled Conan's mind. Conan's face was flushed red and irritable. His hair stood on end. He immediately stood up and rushed outside.

A sense of betrayal filled Conan's heart, and Conan wanted to scream up to the sky, but he endured it. His eyes turned red instantly, and he ran out of the Mori office and ran downstairs.

He kept redialing the phone, trying to get Xiaolan to answer the call again.

But Xiaolan on the other side of the phone was in a deep kiss at the moment, she cut off once when she heard the ringtone, cut off once when she heard the ringtone, and finally turned off the phone altogether.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Xiaolan's soft waist, kissed Xiaolan's pink lips, and he could smell the fragrant breath in his nose and mouth.

After a while, cheerful footsteps suddenly sounded from the side.

The two were immediately vigilant, Mori Kogoro let go of Xiaolan's pink lips, and the speed exploded, pulling Xiaolan to the side exit.

Seeing Sonoko walking briskly into the bathroom, Mouri Kogoro and Xiaolan sighed inwardly: How dangerous!

Kogoro Mouri held up Xiaolan's pretty face, kissed him again, and then let go of Xiaolan.

He said: "Xiaolan, let's go back separately, you can go in later!"

Xiaolan naturally nodded obediently.

Mori Kogoro quickly returned to his seat in the restaurant, and when he sat down, he gave Fei Yingli a guilty look.

Feiyingli, however, drank the red wine with a normal expression, and didn't notice anything unusual at all.

Soon, Xiaolan also re-entered the restaurant from the exit, just in time to meet Yuanzi who came out of the bathroom with a mobile phone.

Sonoko said, "Kudou, don't worry, I'm looking for you! I've been a classmate for many years, so I'll still help with this. I didn't find her in the bathroom!"

"Hey! I found it. Xiaolan walked in from outside the restaurant, so I gave Xiaolan the phone!"

Yuanzi handed the phone to Xiaolan, and said, "It's the call from that reasoning freak!"

After saying that, Sonoko rushed out from the exit with a face full of curiosity, wanting to see who the man Kudo said on the phone was kissing Xiaolan just now!

But obviously she couldn't find it, the exit was empty and there was no sign of anyone.

Yuanzi couldn't help being disappointed: cut, why are you running so fast!

And Xiaolan picked up the phone with a serious face, and said, "Kudou-san, are you investigating me? Why did you ask Sonoko to come to me?"

"Xiaolan, I'm worried about you. Who was that man just now?" Conan shouted anxiously in Kudo's voice with a voice changer in the taxi.

The driver in front twitched the corners of his eyes and looked back from time to time. It was hard to believe that the child's voice sounded similar to that of an adult.

"Does this have anything to do with you? Kudo-san, why should I tell you who that man is, this is my own privacy, I advise you not to go too far!"

Xiaolan stood by the window with her chest folded, looking at the Tokyo lights outside, at this moment she exuded an awe-inspiring aura, she really looked like a queen.

"Xiao Lan, we grew up together. We are good friends, right? It's normal for me to care about you. I'm afraid that you will be cheated. Just tell me who that man is!"

Conan's heart has been completely swallowed by jealousy, he just wants to know who that man is!

Xiaolan said mercilessly: "Good friend, please, we haven't seen each other for almost half a year, I'll wait until you appear in front of me to talk about these things, I don't have time to talk to you anymore!"

The phone was hung up by Xiaolan. Hearing the blind tone from the phone, Conan's heart gradually slipped into the abyss.

Chapter 0090 The Garden of Loyalty

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