"Little brother, where are you going?"

"Little brother?"

The driver kept asking in front, while Conan in the back seat lowered his head, his small face was hidden in the shadows, holding a mobile phone in his hand, but he didn't say a word.


Xiaolan handed the phone to Yuanzi, and said, "Yonzi, Kudo is going too far, why don't you help him make trouble?"

Yuanzi laughed dryly, but didn't answer, his big amber eyes lit up: "Xiaolan, I really have you, if it wasn't for that reasoning maniac calling, I wouldn't know that you even invited your boyfriend over to play outside Darling!"

"Why, don't introduce me when you come here, hide it so tightly, do you still regard me as your best friend?"

"That boyfriend of yours is real too. Is he a rabbit? He runs so fast! I've disappeared without a trace. Say, who the hell is he? What does he look like?"

Yuanzi looked like he was inquiring about the crime.

Xiaolan's face suddenly panicked, and she quickly said: "Yuanzi, don't ask, I'm not ready to announce it yet, good Yuanzi, just let me go!"

Xiaolan looked at the curious Yuanzi: I really want to tell you that I am afraid that you will explode in an instant!

Yuanzi sighed, shrugged and said, "Okay, I'll let you off this time, Xiaolan, but if you want to announce it, I must be the first to know!"

When Xiaolan heard this, hesitation appeared on her face.

"Why, you don't want to tell me when you announce it?"

Yuanzi's eyes widened, and he glared at Xiaolan with his hips akimbo.

"No, no, I will tell you first when the time comes!" Xiao Lan responded in panic, but her tone revealed a bit of guilt.

Immediately afterwards, the two women joined hands and returned to the restaurant together.

While walking, Xiaolan said softly, "Yuanzi, I have someone I like, you have to keep this secret for me, don't let my mother know!"

Hearing this, Yuanzi smirked and said, "It's okay to keep it secret, but in exchange, you can lend me your father for a few days!"

Xiaolan's face darkened immediately, and Yuanzi immediately changed his tone when he saw this, "You're just kidding, Ann! Ann! We are the best girlfriends, and I will definitely help you keep a secret!"

Seeing Xiaolan's complexion gradually getting better, Yuanzi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: Why does it feel that Xiaolan is getting more and more scary now?

When the two returned to the dining table, Mori Kogoro saw that it was getting late, so he said, "Okay, let's stop here this time, let's go back!" He pulled Fei Yingli up.

Although Fei Yingli was a little drunk, she was able to move without hindrance, so she got up and left together holding Kogoro Mori's hand.

Soon the four of them walked out of the lookout restaurant, took the elevator back downstairs, and the Lexus drove to Yuanzi's house.

The car soon arrived at the mansion of Suzuki's family. Sonoko said goodbye to the three of them with a smile: "Uncle Maoli, Xiaolan, and Aunt Eri, I will go back first. Thank you for your hospitality today!"

Everyone in the car also waved goodbye to Yuanzi, and soon the car restarted and went to Tengfeng residence.

Yuanzi turned around and walked into the barricade, took out the vibrating mobile phone from his pocket, answered the phone and said, "Kudou, why do you keep calling?"

"Do you want to know who that man is? I told you that I didn't see it. When I came out, that man had already left, and Xiaolan was the only one left. Xiaolan didn't tell me!"

"Why lie to you! It's just Kudo Shinichi, I have something to tell you!"

Yuanzi stopped on the front yard with a serious look on his face.

"Kudou, you haven't come to school for half a year, and Xiaolan and I haven't seen you for half a year."

"I know you like Xiaolan, but what I want to tell you is that Xiaolan has found someone she likes now, and I can see that she is very happy, so please don't pester Xiaolan in the future, okay?"

"Like someone is never just talking about it, let's forget about the person who only appears on the phone all the time!"

At this moment, the serious Yuanzi seemed to have a special charm on his face.

"That's all for now, don't ask me about Xiaolan in the future, I've already promised Xiaolan that I won't tell you any more!"

After Yuanzi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

And Conan, who was climbing the stairs back to the office, listened to the blind voice coming from the mobile phone. He stood where he was, lowered his head, and let out a long breath.

The character who only appears on the phone all the time!

Conan laughed, but this smile was uglier than crying!

Just now Conan wanted to rush to Xiaolan, and wanted to find out that man.

But after getting into the car, he didn't even know where Xiaolan was!

After making a few phone calls and hearing what he heard, Conan was heartbroken, and he completely ignored Mr. Driver.

In the end, he was thrown out of the car by the unbearable driver, and then he walked back to the Mori Detective Agency in despair.

Conan's heart was in a mess at the moment, and he couldn't calm down at all.

He climbed every step extremely slowly, as if a mountain was pressing on him.


Mori Kogoro sent Fei Eri back home, and then drove back to his own direction.

Xiaolan was sitting in the co-pilot seat, Mori Kogoro's left hand and Xiaolan's right hand were tightly held.

At this time, Kogoro Mori's cell phone rang, and it was Conan's call. Kogoro Mori parked the car on the side of the road and answered the phone.

"Conan, what's wrong?"

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