Conan's voice seemed to be deeply tired, but he pretended to be lively: "Uncle Maori, where are you now? No one is cooking at home, I'm so hungry!"

Mori Kogoro had a kingly smile on his face, his left hand broke away from his right hand, he gently stroked Xiaolan's smooth thigh, and said.

"You little brat, you didn't even watch your sister Xiaolan's martial arts competition, so why run away by yourself!"

"Didn't even attend the celebratory dinner, wait, we're on our way home now, you'll be having dinner soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Kogoro Mouri put his arms around Xiaolan's soft waist, pulled her over, and kissed Xiaolan's pink lips.

Chapter 0091 Xiaolan who wants to be massaged

Mori Kogoro's left hand is constantly moving up and down, the smooth and delicate touch makes people want to stop.

With his right hand gently stroking the soft back, the temperature inside the car continued to rise.

Finally, seeing that the person in his arms was panting heavily, he let go of her pink lips.

He flicked the girl's nose with his index finger, then kissed her cheek, and then let her go.

Immediately after Mori Kogoro stepped on the accelerator, the car roared forward again.

After turning a few blocks, the words Maori Office appeared not far away.

The light swept across, and saw a small figure at the top of the stairs.

The car stopped, and Mori Kogoro got out of the car and came to the side of the little figure carrying the schoolbag.

He picked up little Lolita and said, "Xiao Ai, did you come back so late?"

Little Lolita showed surprise in her eyes, she put her arms around Kogoro Mouri's neck, and said, "Because the experiment was done very late, Uncle Maori, why did you come back so late?"

"That's right, dinner took a little longer."

Xiaolan held the medal and the trophy in her hand, shook it in front of Huiyuan, and said, "Huiyuan, you didn't come to see my sister's competition, but my sister won the national championship!"

Xiaolan shook the medal in her hand, but Huiyuan said calmly: "Congratulations!" Then there was no response!

The smile on Xiaolan's face froze, and the pound key on her forehead kept beating, and she just felt that she was showing off to the wrong person.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro chuckled, and walked up the stairs with Haibara in his arms.

However, when passing the second floor, the door of the office was pushed open from the inside.

A messy little devil with messy hair and red eyes ran out. It was Conan who was in a hurry.

"Sister Xiaolan, Uncle Maoli, you are back!"

Conan stared at Xiaolan closely, Xiaolan smiled gently, and handed the bento to Conan: "Conan hasn't eaten dinner yet, this is specially ordered by Dad for you, um, I clearly remember !"

Xiaolan tilted her head and thought: "I remember, the Hulunbuir prairie set meal is all green food imported from Hulunbuir, it's delicious!"

Conan took the green bento, ignored the smiling Mori Kogoro, looked at Xiaolan with a straight face and said, "Sister Xiaolan, I have something to ask you!"

Xiaolan squatted down slightly in doubt, and said softly, "What do you want to ask Conan?"

Conan wanted to ask who was that man?

But he suddenly realized that he was Conan, so he shouldn't have known that man existed!

So the words came to a halt, and then asked: "Sister Xiaolan, where are you going to have dinner tonight?"

Xiaolan smiled: "The lookout restaurant on the Mihua Central Building is super beautiful. Dad has covered the entire floor. From the lookout restaurant, the night view of the entire Tokyo is super beautiful!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "If Xiaolan likes it, Dad will take you there later!"


"Of course it's true, as long as Xiaolan wants to go, Dad will take you there!" Mori Kogoro said with a straight face.

Xiaolan's eyes immediately turned into crescents.

Conan continued to ask: "Sister Xiaolan, how many people are there in total? Why didn't you call me?"

Mori Kogoro smashed Conan's chestnut: "It's not that you little devil is running around, and you don't want to watch a good martial arts competition. If you insist on coming back, why don't you go together!"

Xiaolan continued to answer: "Only four people, me, Yuanzi, father and mother."

Conan ignored the big red envelope on his head, and continued to ask: "Is there no one else?"

"No!" Xiaolan confessed without warning.

But Conan didn't believe it at all. Instead, he held his chin with his lunch box and began to think.

It seems that Xiaolan didn't tell anyone else about the man she secretly dated.

Sonoko didn't know either, and Uncle Mao Li didn't know about it either.

hateful!It was hidden so deep!

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but smile secretly when he saw Conan's thinking face, and quickly said: "Why do you ask so many questions, and you don't want to go if you are told. Alright! It's so late, go back to sleep quickly after dinner!"

Mori Kogoro pushed Conan into the office on the second floor, and then returned to the room on the third floor with Ran Haibara.

As soon as she entered the room, Xiaolan put the trophies and medals on the decorative cabinet on the wall of the living room, and then she went into the room to take clothes and take a shower.


Because it was already very late, Haibara was very tired from doing experiments today, so after taking a shower, each went back to his room to rest!

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