Lying on the bed, Mori Kogoro began to think about how to deal with the matter between Xiaolan and Fei Yingli, but after much deliberation, he couldn't come up with any good solution with his forty-nine points of intelligence.

He couldn't help rubbing his hair frantically, he had already said the big words before, but how to solve it!

At this time, Kogoro Mori's door was twisted and pushed open. When Kogoro Mori raised his eyes, he saw Xiaolan who was only in pajamas slipping in quickly.

This girl is already very familiar with doing such a thing.

Mori Kogoro's eyes also lit up, and the troubles in his mind instantly dissipated.

It was like this every time, seeing this angelic face, no matter how much worry Mori Kogoro had, it disappeared without a trace.

Xiaolan quickly climbed onto the bed, and lay obediently beside Mori Kogoro.

"Xiao Lan, what's the matter?"

Xiaolan said with a serious face: "Dad, I seem to have sprained my body during the finals today, can you give me a massage?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little panicked, and quickly put his hand on Xiaolan's body, but soon a light smile appeared on his face.

He looked at Xiaolan whose face was slightly red, pretended to frown, and said, "Ahem, Xiaolan, this injury is a bit serious, untie your clothes, and I'll massage it off for you!"

Xiaolan nodded lightly, and obediently unbuttoned the pajamas one by one with both hands.

Chapter 0092

The peaks and mountains are like a gathering!The waves are like fury!Tongguan Road inside and outside the mountains and rivers!

Mori Kogoro put his big hand in from the middle of the skirt, caressing the delicate abdomen with elastic abdominal muscles, he said softly, "Is this the pain?"

The angel on the bed frowned, then nodded, Mouri Kogoro's fiery big hands started to massage the sore spot.

There was an indelible smile on Mori Kogoro's face: "Really, I didn't tell you earlier when I got hurt. How about it? Do you feel better?"

The little angel nodded, but there was a blush on his face, he bit his teeth lightly and said, "It hurts too!"


Mori Kogoro moved his big hand up slowly, touching his ribs.

Mori Kogoro groped every rib carefully, and each rib was extremely well-proportioned.

He looked at the little angel under him, and said tenderly: "How can the ribs hurt? You are obviously transformed by one of my ribs. If it hurts, it should be on me!"

Hearing this, the face of the girl on the bed flushed instantly, and she also looked at Kogoro Mori tenderly.

She opened her white teeth lightly, and said, "I'm really happy today, even happier than the day when the explosion happened last time!"

But Kogoro Mouri said with a distressed expression: "It's too troublesome. I plan to take you to a tropical paradise tomorrow with just the two of us! It's your reward for winning the championship!"

"But you are so happy now, what will you do tomorrow?"

"Really?" There was a brilliant light in the girl's eyes.

"Of course it's true, I won't lie to you if I lie to anyone!" Mori Kogoro nodded naturally.

Hearing the girl on the bed stand up, with a smile on her face, she threw Mori Kogoro onto the bed.

Then Mori Kogoro saw that angelic face kept approaching him, and the pink lips kissed his mouth at once, and the two lumps of softness pressed against his chest.

Mori Kogoro put his big fiery arms around his soft back, letting the girl lie on top of him.

Immediately afterwards, the fiery big hand could no longer control it, and it kept walking on his body.

The two looked at each other, the temperature on their bodies continued to rise, and the whole room became charming and hot.


As for Conan on the second floor, he had finished eating the bento just now, and he was not sleepy at the moment. The words of Xiaolan and Yuanzi kept echoing in his mind!

"Good friend, please, we haven't seen each other for almost half a year, so let's wait until you appear in front of me to say these words!"

"Let's forget about the characters who only appear on the phone all the time!"

The poisonous snake in his heart was constantly circling, gnawing at Conan's heart.

Conan gritted his teeth and clenched his fist: Even so, I will never give up easily!

Mihua Central Building?Lookout Restaurant?

it is good!Let me find out your true colors!The man who dared to kiss Xiaolan!I must find you out!

Conan with red eyes stood up straight from the bed, put on his shoes, opened the door gently, and rushed out.

It was already late at night, and the night wind was extremely cold.

There seemed to be a flame burning in Conan's chest, and he didn't feel cold at all.

He looked up at the third floor, the third floor was pitch black, only Uncle Maori's room was lit.

Conan immediately turned around and rushed towards the Mihua Central Building to see if he could find any clues.


In the room on the third floor, Mori Kogoro lying on the bed gasped, eyes full of disbelief.

Why?what is this?

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