Chapter 0100

Kogoro Mori seemed to be dreaming that he was eating steamed buns. There was a big bun in his right hand and a small bun in his left.

However, when he woke up early the next morning, he found that the bed was empty, and he had erected a tall tent.

There is no more chicken for early waking up, and no more ice cream!

The ancients were sincere and did not deceive themselves. This is the reason why the three monks had no water to drink.

Mori Kogoro waited for himself to calm down, then went out from the room.

The breakfast outside has been prepared long ago, and both Xiaolan and Huiyuan finished their meal.

Two women were sitting on the sofa, one was watching TV, the other was reading fashion magazines, they didn't speak to each other, the atmosphere seemed a bit weird.

Huiyuan glanced at Xiaolan, and Xiaolan glanced at Huiyuan, his eyes intersected, as if there was lightning lingering in it.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help touching his forehead, the relationship between the two seemed to be worse than before.

Conan, who was eating at the dining table, saw the two girls with extremely gloomy auras. For some reason, he ate breakfast tremblingly.

After breakfast, Mori Kogoro took the group to Karuizawa in Nagano Prefecture on their appointment with Eri, and Hieri set off with her colleagues from the office.

As for taking leave from school, it has long been out of the question.

After meeting Tomoko Suzuki before, I mentioned it to her during the bed fight.

In the name of Mori Kogoro, Tomoko Suzuki used funds to invest in Teidan Education Group.

Mori Kogoro naturally became the chairman of Teidan Elementary School and Teidan High School, and the matter of asking for leave was settled in one sentence.

The car set off towards Karuizawa. Karuizawa is a famous summer resort in Japan. It is located in Nagano Prefecture, adjacent to Gunma Prefecture. There are many luxury villa areas and it is a place where the upper class gathers.

The scenery there is very good. Because of the terrain, it is just surrounded by Qianjian Mountain, Biqu Mountain, and Ubing Ridge. It is also very cool in summer.

More than an hour later, the Lexus arrived at the agreed hotel. The hotel was very luxurious, and there was a swimming pool on the first floor, where many young girls in swimsuits were swimming.

This hotel was booked by Hoshi Saku, the man with the goatee who was in the office last time, the man who peeked at Fei Eri and Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro came to the front desk to inquire, and the front desk clerk said that the others had not arrived yet.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning: "I called Eri in the morning, they were the ones who set off first, why haven't they arrived yet?"

Xiaolan put her arms around Maoli Kogoro's arm and said with a smile: "Dad must be very skilled at driving. He drove fast and steadily all the way, so we arrived first!"

Seeing how close the two were, Hui Yuan beside him couldn't help but frown.

Mori Kogoro asked the front desk staff for the key cards of the four rooms, and then led everyone to the room on the sixth floor.

Everyone put their luggage in the room and went back to the lobby on the first floor to wait.

Mori Kogoro returned to the swimming pool on the first floor with Huiyuan in his arms, and they enjoyed the cool by the swimming pool.

And Conan, the little ghost, was instantly attracted by the girl in the swimsuit in the swimming pool, and he, who was frustrated in love, indulged himself at this moment.

And Haibara, who was in Kogoro Mori's arms, had a rather smug expression, as if he had the upper hand, and made a provocative grimace at Xiaolan who was on the reclining chair beside him.

Seeing this, Xiaolan couldn't help frowning angrily.

Seeing how the two women were at odds, if this was fully known, Shura would definitely not be able to escape.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling a little distressed, if this continues, the party in Karuizawa will be very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, he stood up holding Hui Yuan, and said, "Xiao Lan, you are waiting for your mother here, and Hui Yuan is clamoring for ice cream again, so I'll take her to buy it!"

Xiao Lan nodded, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he's a little brat who keeps clamoring for ice cream!"

Huiyuan quickly retorted: "I didn't say I wanted to eat..."

Before he finished speaking, Kogoro Mori covered his mouth.

Mori Kogoro disappeared into Ran and Conan's sight with Haibara in his arms, then turned around and walked back to the hotel.

Hui Yuan quickly said, "Uncle, isn't this the place to buy ice cream?"

Mori Kogoro touched Huibara's little head and smiled: "There will be ice cream that Huibara likes!"

He took the elevator back to the sixth floor, Huiyuan quickly realized what was going to happen next, and his little face immediately turned red.

Mori Kogoro swiped the card for Huiyuan's room, locked the door after entering the room, and walked to the bed with little Lori in his arms.

Mori Kogoro put Haibara on the bed, and then stood beside the bed with an evil smile on his face.

Seeing Uncle Maori like this, Huibara was a little scared, and quickly retreated to the corner of the bed, closing his two short legs...

She hugged the pillow to her chest, with a look of love and fear in her big light blue eyes.

"Xiao Ai, your performance was very bad last night and today, how could you have such a trouble with your sister Xiaolan?"

"It's too bad, uncle decided to punish you!"

Kogoro Mori climbed onto the bed while taking off his clothes, grabbed Huiyuan's little feet curled up in a ball at the corner of the bed with his big hands, and pulled him over.

Little Lolita immediately let out an exclamation of excitement, but she couldn't resist at all.

... [-] words are omitted here ...

Forty minutes later, Xiaolan, who was sitting in the cafe, called Kogoro Mori, but the call never got through.

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