Sitting next to Xiaolan, Fei Yingli couldn't help but said, "This guy should go to talk to girls again, he really can't sit still for a moment!"

"Mom! Dad took Huiyuan to buy ice cream, so it's impossible to go and strike up girls!" Xiaolan quickly explained.

On the opposite side was a man with a goatee in a brown T-shirt, Hoshi Saku said, "Maybe he was caught up in fans, so let's delay. You must know that Mori Detective is very famous, and everyone in Japan knows it." , No one knows."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's voice came.

"It's really lucky to hear someone complimenting me as soon as I came here. Lawyer Saku, long time no see!"

"Eri, you are finally here!"

Mori Kogoro appeared in good spirits, holding little loli Haibara in his arms.

At this moment, Haibara is full of cuteness, when she sees Xiaolan and Eri, she even smiles, almost startling Xiaolan.

Conan next to Hoshi Saku was also full of suspicion: How did this guy change his gender?

I have to say that Mori Kogoro's stick education was very successful, and now Haibara is obedient and obedient, and he doesn't dare to quarrel with Xiaolan anymore.

"Dad, where have you been?"

"Just now, Xiao Ai ate a little too much ice cream, and she lost her stomach, so she was delayed for a while, but it's okay now!" Mao Li Xiaogoro explained and sat next to Xiao Lan with Xiao Ai in his arms.

Chapter 0101 Beauty plan?

Recalling the feeling just now, Kogoro Mori's depression in the morning all dissipated.

He was holding Huiyuan just now while doing experiments and training little Lolita.

Huiyuan was very stubborn at the beginning, but Mori Kogoro was very experienced, and Little Lolita was completely defeated before she could hold on for ten minutes.

In the end, she nodded in agreement with what Kogoro Mouri said.

Satisfied at this moment, Huiyuan, who was completely fed, no longer showed his edgy appearance before, nor did he have the idea of ​​competing with Feiyingli and Xiaolan.

She just wanted to rest her head on Mori Kogoro's chest quietly.

There was a quiet smile on Huiyuan's face, he ignored everything, just cared about smelling the smell of Kogoro Mouri, counting the beating of Kogoro Mouri's heartbeat: once, twice!

It's great, the frequency of my uncle's heartbeat has become the same as mine, and our two hearts are connected together!


Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked at Eri who was beside him. Eri didn't have makeup on, but her face was already flawless.

She was wearing a light purple conservative blouse, revealing her delicate collarbone, and a pair of jeans underneath, fully outlining her slender legs. Young Eri and Xiaolan sitting together looked like a pair of sisters.

Mori Kogoro praised: "Eri, you look beautiful today! You look like Ran's sister!"

In the presence of a large crowd, Fei Yingli couldn't help but blushed when she heard Mori Kogoro's praise, and said, "What are you talking about!"

On the opposite side, Saku Hoshi's face darkened a bit.

The frustrated Conan was stunned by this mouthful of dog food, and he couldn't help shaking his head speechlessly.

Just then, a shoulder-length brown-haired beauty appeared.

With big watery eyes and fair skin, she was wearing a pink off-the-shoulder dress and black high-heeled shoes.

Ritsuko Zuishui smiled and said, "I never thought that the famous queen of the legal and political circles would look like this in front of her ex-husband. She is no different from a little girl!"

"Queen of the legal world?" It was the first time Xiaolan heard this phrase.

"Haven't you heard of it? Lawyer Concubine's majestic posture in court is daunting, coupled with her superb dialectical skills that can overwhelm the chief judge, and a [-]% winning rate, so everyone calls her the legal circle." queen!"

Ritsuko Usui blinked her big eyes, and glanced at Kogoro Mori.

Fei Yingli shook her head and said, "Stop saying that, it's just what you call it!"

At this time, a cute girl in a green top and blue denim skirt came over.

Kuriyama Midori said: "Teacher, it's not just us who say that, even the chief inspectors think so!"

There were two men behind Kuriyama Midori.

They are Kenzo Shiozawa, a fat man in his fifties with graying hair.

And Mikasa Yuji, who is in his thirties and has a pockmarked face and is quite submissive.

Kenzo Shiozawa looked at Ritsuko Usui, smiled and said, "But the hottest female lawyer right now should be the one who overturned that big case in the second instance and sent it to the Supreme Court for adjudication, you young generation?" !"

Ritsuko Zuishui smiled and said, "Anyone who takes over this kind of case can solve it. Senior praises me!"

Mikasa Yuji said with a pockmarked face beside him, "I'm really sorry, the case could have been won in the first instance, but it was because I took over that it ended up being lost."

Ritsuko Usui waved her hands and smiled, "I didn't mean that!"

"Even if I win this case, I'm still far inferior to our queen in the legal world!"

Lawyer Yanzawa looked at the sunny weather outside, and said, "It would be a pity to come to Karuizawa and not go for a stroll in the forest outside. The forest is the coolest in this season."

"Yes, the larch and birch forests are very beautiful. We can also see the Sea of ​​Tonahu after crossing the forest. It is very effective to make a wish there. I have to ask when my soul mate will appear!" Ritsuko Usui looked longingly.

Xiaolan's eyes lit up when she heard it. She believed in such legends very much.

Feiyingli said, "Then let's go to the forest together!"

Forest bathing in Japan is actually taking a stroll in the forest on a sunny day.

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