The beach was silent, and the two looked at the deep blue sea and the faint rays of light over the dark clouds, feeling very comfortable.

Fei Yingli said: "Xiao Goro, do you know? There is a legend here. There used to be a girl from Fujinahu who encountered a tsunami here and was stranded on a deserted island, but was saved by a kappa."

"Later, the girl and the kappa got along day and night, and gradually fell in love. The kappa begged the girl to help save his friend, a shell bound by seaweed. The girl agreed, but she never floated up after diving into the water."

"In the end, the Kappa, who missed the girl so much that he became ill, committed suicide on a deserted island."

Mori Kogoro said, "So, as long as you make a wish towards the Sea of ​​Tonato, the kappa who turns into a god will make your wish come true!"

Mori Kogoro had a smile on his face. He naturally knew about this legend, but what surprised him was that Fei Yingli, who had super speculative ability and coexisted with rationality and logic, believed in such a legend like a little girl.

Xiaolan looked at her parents who were hugging each other tightly, the two were really right!

Her expression was a little inexplicable, and she didn't dare to approach them standing behind them.

Mori Kogoro waved to Xiaolan who was behind, and Xiaolan's eyes lit up, and she ran over quickly.

The little hand was pulled by Mouri Kogoro's big hand, and the whole body fell into Mouri Kogoro's arms.

Mori Kogoro opened his arms, hugged Fei Eri and Xiao Ran, and shouted to the extremely deep sea: "The three of us will be together forever!"

Xiaolan turned her head to look at Kogoro Mori with a firm face.

Seeing her daughter appearing, Fei Yingli also had a smile on her face. She rolled her eyes at the puzzled Mori Kogoro, and made a trumpet shape with her hands in front of her, and shouted domineeringly: "The three of us will be together forever !"

Hearing her mother yelling like this, Xiaolan had a bright smile on her face.

Although I feel sorry for my mother, but with the blessing of the gods, the wish will definitely come true, and the delicate female voice also spread: "The three of us will be together forever!"

The shouts of the three people kept echoing on the surface of the sea, and the voices continued to spread far, far away!

At the end of the stone road outside the forest, Kenzo Shiozawa and Conan, who were riding the fastest, happened to see this scene.

Xianzao Yanze couldn't help laughing and said, "It's such a warm scene, if I knew I would bring my wife and children here too!"

When Conan heard this and saw this scene, he felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

Kenzo Shiozawa continued to laugh and said, "Looks like Lawyer Concubine and Detective Maori will get back together soon, hehehe, it's really great!"


However, this warm scene did not last long before it was destroyed.

At this moment, the veins on Fei Yingli's head kept jumping up, and she turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro speechlessly. She felt the foreign object on her buttocks, and she couldn't help but see a cold light in her eyes.

The original romantic scene was destroyed after Xiaolan added it, and it became a warm painting style, and now the warm painting style is completely destroyed.

It's too much of a spoiler!

But Mori Kogoro can't help it. The young Fei Yingli's figure is too hot, her front is convex and her back is curled up, and she is extremely domineering, especially Xiaolan is beside her.

Stimulate! ! !

The little brother rebelled by accident. Seeing Fei Yingli's expression, Mori Kogoro laughed dryly.

And Xiaolan didn't seem to notice anything, but the corners of her mouth curled up beautifully.

Fei Yingri stared at Mori Kogoro, her pink lips parted slightly, the shape of her mouth kept changing, and she said: [Are you crazy?My daughter is right there! 】

Mori Kogoro could only reply with a dry smile: [Eri, I can't help it, you are too charming, I can't control myself. 】

Fei Yingli's face immediately turned red.

Mori Kogoro then said: [Eri, I'll find you in your room when I get back later! 】

Feiyingli blushed even more, but she didn't say no to it.

She pulled Xiao Lan up and said, "Lan, let's go for a walk and ignore your lustful father!"

Feiyingri pulled Xiaolan to the beach next to him, Kogoro Mori, who had no cover in front of him, immediately arched his body, but still couldn't hide it completely.

Xiaolan glanced at Mori Kogoro, with a sly smile on her face, and followed Fei Yingli to the side.

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro was built with his back to Conan and Shiozawa Kenzai, otherwise it would be embarrassing if he was found out.

Mori Kogoro bent down and sat on the beach, looking at the sea and constantly recited various Buddhist scriptures in his heart, and finally calmed down slowly.



Kuriyama Green, who was riding a bicycle, kept cheering. It was a joy to ride down the last section of the downhill road.

In the end, Hoshi Saku and Yuji Mikasa also rode down, and finally reached the beach.

Even if the two of them took turns riding the tandem bike, they were exhausted and sweaty.

Ritsuko Usui, who was sitting behind Yuji Mikasa, said thanks: "Thank you so much, lawyer Mikasa and lawyer Saku."

Hoshi Saku smiled, but his expression was a little inexplicable.

Kuriyama Midori stopped the bicycle, and then came to the back of the tandem car to help Ritsuko get off the car, and the two walked to the beach.

Chestnut Green said while walking: "I heard that making a wish here is the most effective, especially the wish about marriage!"

Usui Ritsuko pretended to be jumping and jumping, and said with a smile: "Yes, I have heard of it a long time ago. The purpose of coming here to Karuizawa is Tonato Sea."

The two girls kept walking towards the beach, and soon they came to Kogoro Mouri.

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