Ritsuko Usui couldn't help being a little angry when she saw Mori Kogoro sitting quietly. She was also annoyed that he had just left her behind, so she didn't look at Mori Kogoro directly.

Kuriyama Midori looked at Fei Yingli and Xiao Ran who were walking by the beach, and smiled at Mori Kogoro, "Detective Mori, is the teacher still not willing to forgive you?"

The two of them came too late, and didn't see the scene of the three embracing each other just now.

Hearing this question, men always want to save face.

Mori Kogoro sneered, and said with disdain: "Your teacher is just stubborn. When I go back, I'll 'teach' her well, and she will be honest!"

Ritsuko Zuisui wrinkled her nose and snorted: Arrogant, machismo!

Ritsuko Usui didn't know why she was so angry, but she was very angry and irritable!

And there was a touch of blush on Li Shanlu's face, and she could hear the meaning.

The last time she listened to the corner in the office, she knew that Mori Kogoro was amazing, if she really wanted to teach him a lesson in bed, the teacher might really be taken down!

Then the two girls got closer to the sea, closed their eyes, and began to make wishes.

Women, women, why do you just like these magical things!

Chapter 0105 Eri Bathing

Everyone walked on the beach with the sea breeze blowing, and spent a pleasant afternoon.

Seeing that it was getting late, Mori Kogoro said, "Let's go back, it's too late and it will be dark?"

Kenzo Shiozawa and others naturally agreed, and everyone gathered around the bicycle again.

Fei Yingli was no longer angry at this moment, but looked at Ritsuko Usui with concern, and said, "Ryukko, is your foot seriously injured?"

Ritsuko Usui shook her head when she heard it and said, "I've recovered a lot, and I should be able to help you get off the tandem later!"

Ritsuko, who has been pretending to have a sprained ankle all afternoon, is quite hopeless, if she had known she would not have pretended at the beginning!

Fei Yingli immediately shook her head and said, "It's not easy to heal if you hurt your muscles and bones, Ritsuko, don't ride a bike later, let Kogoro ride a tandem car back with you!"

Fei Yingli naturally wouldn't mind riding this tandem bike without any physical contact.

Fei Yingli then said: "Anyway, this guy has nowhere to vent his energy, and his skin is very thick, so let him move around. Besides, lawyer Mikasa and lawyer Saku are quite tired."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but cast a blank look at Fei Yingli, and he still has nowhere to vent his energy, let's see how I deal with you at night!

However, Kogoro Mori looked at Hoshi Saku and Yuji Mikasa beside him, both of them looked a bit overdrawn.

Mori Kogoro directly got into the front seat of the tandem car, and said, "Miss Ritsuko, if you don't mind, I'll take you home!"

Ritsuko Usui nodded, and sat on the back seat with Midori Kuriyama's support.

A group of people set off again soon, and the bicycle team walked through the stone road in the forest.

Everyone talked and laughed along the way, and the atmosphere was very enthusiastic.

Ritsuko Usui looked at Kogoro Mori who had a calm face and was able to joke with others, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Hoshi Saku and Yuji Mikasa rode the bicycle just now, but it didn't take long for them to be out of breath and sweating all over.

And Mori Kogoro has a relaxed and comfortable face, and his physical fitness is too good!

Ritsuko Usui quickly remembered that when he carried himself on the back, it seemed that all the places he touched were muscles, and he was indeed a very strong man.

After about half an hour of riding, the sun went down, and the group finally returned to the hotel.

Because the owner of the car rental also has a special point for recycling bicycles in the hotel, everyone directly rides the bicycles back to the hotel without returning the bicycles halfway.

Kenzao Shiozawa said: "It's hard to come here today, let's drink some wine while we eat tonight!"

"Of course no problem, this kind of weather is the most suitable for drinking." Saku Hoshi echoed.

A group of people nodded one after another, and Kogoro Moori naturally didn't say anything.

Kenzao Shiozawa said, "Then let's each go back to our room to take a shower. At eight o'clock in the evening, everyone will gather at the barbecue restaurant on the first floor!"

Everyone took the stairs together and went back to their rooms.

Mori Kogoro and others are on the sixth floor, Ritsuko Usui's room is on the fourth floor, Emri and Kuriyama Midori's room is on the eighth floor, and the other lawyers' rooms are on the twelfth floor.

In the elevator, Fashi Saku touched his head and said, "No way, it's hard to book the rooms here, there's no way to book them together, we can only live separately."

When the fourth floor arrived, Ritsuko Usui pretended to limp and walked out: "Then we will see you later!"

When the sixth floor arrived, Kogoro Mori and Conan Xiaoran walked out, and the three went back to their rooms.

However, seeing the door of Xiaolan's room closed, Kogoro Mori immediately turned around and walked out of his room. He walked along the corridor to the stairs, and his speed exploded, and he quickly climbed to the eighth floor.

However, Fei Yingli and Kuriyama Midori had just stepped out of the elevator, talking and laughing all the way to their room, and they didn't even notice Kogoro Mori following behind.

"Teacher, is the magic of love really that great? It seems that you and Maori Detective are together again, and you suddenly look younger by ten years. Now, looking at your face, I can't even call you teacher. It's completely like a Like a little sister!"

Fei Yingli felt extremely benefited, and said with a smile: "Who told you that I and Kogoro are together again?"

Chestnut Green's heart-to-heart opinion: who can tell, the office was treated like that last time, and they said they didn't get back together.

But Midori Kuriyama didn't dare to say that on the bright side, so she could only say: "That was my mistake, but, teacher, does Detective Maori want to make up with you?"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli gave Kuriyama Green a stir-fried chestnut, and glanced at her: "Are you a teacher or I am a teacher, so many questions, that guy wants to get back together with me, I still don't like it!"

Midori Kuriyama couldn't help but said in admiration: "As expected of a teacher, so many women in Japan covet the Maori detective, but the teacher abandons him like a shoe."

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