"Little ghost, dare to slander me, I will teach you a lesson later!"

Mori Kogoro accelerated past Conan, and soon rushed to the fourth floor, and immediately saw Ritsuko Usui leaning against the wall in the corridor.

At this moment, Ritsuko Usui's face paled, her eyes were still red and swollen from crying, and she looked at her room in horror.

Sure enough something happened!

Mori Kogoro rushed over, squatted beside Usui Ritsuko, and asked with concern, "Ryukko, what's wrong?"

Then Mori Kogoro turned his head to look into the room, and saw Hoshi Saku lying in a pool of blood at the entrance of the room, the blood hadn't clotted yet.

What's the situation, the murderer in the anime became the murdered person at this moment, and died tragically in Ritsuko's room, how could this happen?

Seeing Kogoro Mori appearing, Ritsuko Usui suddenly seemed to have a backbone, forgetting how she complained about Kogoro Mori just now, she threw herself into Kogoro Mori's arms and burst into tears.

"Maori-kun, I was scared to death. As soon as I opened the door, Lawyer Saku fell in the room."

Mori Kogoro said in relief: "Ritsuko, calm down, I'll go in and have a look."

Ritsuko Usui was full of panic, and tightly grasped Kogoro Mori's arm: "Mori-kun, I'm afraid, don't leave me behind!"

Feiyingli, Xiaolan, and Haibara who were chasing up from behind frowned when they saw this scene.

But when they saw the tragic death of Lawyer Saku inside, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

Mori Kogoro broke away from Ritsuko Suisui's hand, and said domineeringly, "I'm here, it's fine!"

Ritsuko Usui let go of her hand, Kogoro Mori entered the room and threw Conan who was lying on the ground out.

Mori Kogoro touched Saku Hoshi's body, and immediately confirmed that he was utterly dead, and the healing technique did not respond at all, so he ordered: "Xiao Lan, hurry up and call the police."

"Eri, call lawyer Shiozawa, lawyer Mikasa, Midori Kuriyama and others."

Feiyingli and Xiaolan immediately nodded and took out their mobile phones to make calls respectively.

And Mori Kogoro walked out of the corridor, comforting Ritsuko Usui softly, and Ritsuko Usui's mood gradually calmed down.

Not long after, Midori Kuriyama, Kenzo Shiozawa, and Yuji Mikasa who received the call rushed to the fourth floor.

Several people couldn't help but panic when they saw Saku Hoshi who was lying in a pool of blood. They wanted to enter inside to confirm the situation, but they were stopped by Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro said with a serious face: "Lawyer Saku is dead, from now until the police arrive, no one is allowed to enter this room..."

Ritsuko Usui with red eyes looked at Midori Kuriyama who came down with lawyer Shiozawa and the others, and couldn't help being surprised: Shouldn't she have passed out drunk in Kogoro Mori's room?How would it appear here!

Ritsuko Usui got up and approached Midori Kuriyama, and asked in a low voice, "Assistant Kuriyama, shouldn't you be in Mr. Mori's room? Why did you show up at this time!"

Midori Kuriyama glanced at Fei Yingli, and seeing that she didn't pay attention to this side, she explained in a low voice: "Lawyer Usui, just after you left, Detective Maori let me go too. It's really incomprehensible!"

Hearing that Ritsuko Tsuisui looked at Mori Kogoro with strange eyes: So this guy is quite a gentleman!

Knowing that Mori Kogoro is not the kind of bad guy who would take advantage of others, Ritsuko Usui's mood improved inexplicably.

If Mori Kogoro knew that Ritsuko Usui gave him the evaluation of being a gentleman, and specified that he would laugh out loud, this word would have nothing to do with him.

After a while, the manager of the hotel appeared on the fourth floor along with the police.

The policeman who led the team was the Gunma County criminal police officer Yamamura Misao, who Mouri Kogoro had met once before. He was a fanatic fan with a flat mouth, and the head of the fan support group.

As soon as Yamamura saw Kogoro Mori, he rushed up excitedly, clasped his fists on his chest, and circled around Kogoro Mori in a girly attitude.

"Detective Maori, I didn't expect to meet you again, our god of reasoning in Japan, I am so lucky to be able to hear your deduction again today, Detective Maori!"

Seeing Yamamura Cao's cheering appearance, the lawyers who had just died and their colleagues were in a bad mood couldn't help but look a little ugly.

And Xiaolan looked puzzled: "God of reasoning?"

Misao Yamamura explained, "It's the inventory of famous Japanese detectives held by TV Tokyo. Mr. Mori won the title of the first detective in China with an absolute advantage, and he is known as the god of reasoning!"

Yamamura Cao turned his head to look at Mori Kogoro, his eyes were full of fanaticism: "Detective Mori, I mobilized all the members of the support team in Gunma County to vote for you!"

Seeing this picture of mountain village practice asking for praise, Mori Kogoro laughed dryly, and said, "Thank you very much."

Kogoro Mori didn't even know he had this title.

Yamamura waved his hands immediately: "Don't say that, it's right to do things for idols!"

Chapter 0114 Ritsuko's Crisis

Mori Kogoro said, "Officer Yamamura, aren't you a police officer from Gunma County? Why are you here?"

Yamamura touched his head and explained: "Nagano County and Gunma County are very close, and this is also the area under the responsibility of our police station."

The hotel manager on the side asked, "Excuse me, what happened here?"

The fat man Shiozawa Kenzao said, "One of our companions was attacked and killed in a room on the fourth floor."

"Ah, how could this happen!" The hotel manager suddenly panicked.

Shan Cuncao quickly sent police officers to the scene of the crime, and the police officers began to investigate the scene.

After a while, according to the information inquired, Yamamura Cao took out the notebook and said: "The deceased Hoshi Saku, [-] years old, was found dead in a room on the fourth floor of the hotel at ten o'clock tonight. The cause of death was The fatal wound caused by the dagger in the atrium is estimated to occur between nine thirty and ten o'clock."

"May I ask who was the first person to discover the crime scene?"

Ritsuko Usui raised her little hand when she heard it: "It's me."

"Can you describe how you found the dead man?"

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