"Everyone who came to Karuizawa on vacation this time has been having dinner at the barbecue restaurant on the first floor downstairs tonight. The dinner lasted until about half past nine. Only me, Mori-kun, and Assistant Kuriyama were left. We drank a lot Let’s go back to the hotel together.”

Ritsuko Usui glanced at Kogoro Mori, then spoke.

"Assistant Kuriyama and I went to the Maori detective's room on the sixth floor. After staying for a while, I left first, and then I took the elevator back to my room on the fourth floor."

Hearing this, Feiyingli, Xiaolan, and Huiyuan had strange looks on their faces.

"When I came to the door of my room, I opened the door and saw the body of Lawyer Saku."

Yamamura immediately asked, "May I ask when did you leave Mr. Mori's room?"

The three women are also very concerned about this issue.

Ritsuko Zuisui shook her head, and said, "I drank a lot of wine at the time, my head was dizzy, and I couldn't remember."

At that time, she was extremely sad, how could she pay attention to these things!

Mori Kogoro said, "It should be around [-]:[-]. Assistant Kuriyama left around [-]:[-]. There should be surveillance in the hotel."

Shancuncao tapped his head with a pen, and said to himself: "Fifteen minutes? How can it take so long to walk two floors, there is absolutely time, and it is possible to kill someone!"

"In addition, this room belongs to you, Miss Ritsuko, and the room card is only in the hands of Miss Ritsuko."

Ritsuko Usui's face suddenly changed, but she couldn't explain why she walked so slowly. Could it be that she was played by Mori Kogoro, crying sadly, taking one step and resting two steps?

The hotel manager next to him said, "I want to say that, the surveillance cameras on the fourth floor and the elevator were burnt out in a power outage two days ago, and they haven't been repaired yet."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's eyes froze, how could it be such a coincidence!It happened that someone died on the fourth floor that was not monitored. It seems that the murderer really planned it long ago.

Yamamura Cao asked again: "Then may I ask the manager, besides the key card on the door, are there any other room cards?"

The hotel manager said: "Yes, there is another universal card hanging on the wall behind the front desk, which can open all the rooms. Only I can use it, but I haven't used it today."

Yamamura immediately sighed: "Oh, it seems that this time I can't listen to the reasoning of detective Maori."

Xiao Lan immediately asked, "Why do you say that?"

Shancun raised his jaw and said: "There are only two key cards that can open this room, one is at the front desk, and the other is in the hands of Ms. Suisui. The room is like a secret room before it is opened, and the windows and balconies are closed. Isn't it obvious that the dead man is lying in the room again?"

"Ms. Sushui is the murderer in this case. No one has a room card to open the door except her and killed Mr. Saku."

"I think Miss Usui should have made an appointment with Mr. Saku long ago, and asked him to come to her room before ten o'clock, and then took the opportunity to sneak attack and kill Mr. Saku with a dagger. After cleaning up the traces, he ran outside and opened the door. Call, and pretend to be the first to spot the dead."

"Mr. Molly, do you think I'm right?"

Yamamura looked at Mori Kogoro expectantly, Conan also nodded slightly, there is indeed such a possibility.

But Mori Kogoro didn't answer.

But Ritsuko Tsuisui panicked and said: "That's not the case. I didn't kill the person. I remembered that I was standing at the door and searched all my pockets but couldn't find the room card. Finally, I found the room card on the ground. Card, I picked up the room card."

"It's possible that my room card was stolen before."

Yamamura waved his hand and said, "It's also possible that the room card fell on the ground when you rummaged through your pocket. Now it seems that you are the only person involved in the murder of Mr. Saku. Please go to the police station with us, Miss Usui, to cooperate with the investigation." !"

Ritsuko's small face was stunned for a moment, her head drooped, and a bitter smile appeared on her face.

It was really bad today: I thought I would get good blessings when I went to Fujinahuhai to make a wish; I met Mori Kogoro and thought he was my real son, but I was tricked a lot; now I am accused for no reason Become a murderer.

Really, too bad!

At this time, a big warm hand rested on Ritsuko Usui's shoulder, Ritsuko Usui raised her head, and saw Mori Kogoro standing beside her, eyes full of tenderness.

Mori Kogoro moved his head close to her, and whispered to her, his warm breath hit her earlobe: "Ritsuko, it's okay, I know you are innocent, you go with them to the police station, with me here, you will definitely be fine." Help you wash away your grievances."

Ritsuko Usui's eyes lit up immediately, as if seeing hope, and her mood suddenly improved.

A smile appeared on her face, and somehow she completely believed in the man who had deceived her today.

Ritsuko Usui nodded heavily, and left with the uniformed police officers.

Yamamura Cao exclaimed in admiration: "As expected, you are a Maori detective. With just one sentence, the murderer obediently cooperated."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help giving Yamamura a blank look.

Kenzo Shiozawa said, "In that case, who will be Ritsuko's former lawyer?"

Xiaolan couldn't help but be puzzled when she heard this unfamiliar term.

Haibara explained: "This is a system of accompanying lawyers to avoid improper interrogation by the police during the interrogation stage. Otherwise, lawyer Suishui may suffer unfair treatment during the interrogation."

Eri glanced at Mori Kogoro, then turned to look at Shiozawa Kenzo and Mikasa Yuji, and said, "You all drank a lot tonight, so let me go."

She left with Ritsuko Susui and the escorting police.

Then the rest of the people were taken to the next room by the rest of the police and started questioning one by one.

Mori Kogoro checked the time on his phone. It was already half past ten, which meant that the case had to be settled within an hour and a half. He put on his gloves and walked into the scene of the crime.

Chapter 0115 Supreme Realm

Mori Kogoro knew that Ritsuko Usui was framed, because the ant-man robot sent to protect Ritsuko Usui was connected with him.

Although it can't speak, it still has simple artificial intelligence, so Mori Kogoro naturally knows that Ritsuko Usui was framed.

The key is that she picked up the room card on the ground in a daze at that time, and then fell into a situation where she couldn't explain it.

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