The fireworks on the side are still constantly blooming, illuminating the rooftop.

Kogoro Mori saw this beautiful face so close, put his big arms around his waist, and kissed him.

Fei Yingli's waist was tilted, and she was leaning back, holding a blue tie in her hand, and raised one leg.

Even in this posture, she felt full of security in Mori Kogoro's arms, and she didn't have to worry at all, so she responded enthusiastically.

The two kissed for a long time before Mori Kogoro let go of Fei Eri's mouth and straightened her body.

At this moment, Fei Yingli's face was flushed, and she was breathing heavily.

Her chest was constantly floating, and the waves were magnificent.

Mori Kogoro hugged Concubine Eri tightly, and said softly, "Eri, come back, it's almost time for us to remarry."

A look of joy flashed across Fei Yingli's face at first, but soon, her brows were slightly frowned.

"Then what about Youxizi? She has been your secret lover for twenty years, don't you plan to give her a title?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro felt a little surprised, what is the situation now?Girlfriend love?Why did she think about Yukiko instead?

Mori Kogoro said in a low voice: "Well, I have considered this issue, Eri, what do you think if I change my nationality and go to Nigeria?"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli's eyes flashed a cold light, pinched the soft flesh of Mori Kogoro's waist with her fingertips, and said, "Why, do you want to change to polygamy, want to have a harem?"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be gasping for air, and said, "Aw, aw, aw, aw!"

It's not about opening a harem, it's already opening a harem.

Seeing Concubine Eri who suddenly changed from a gentle little woman to a domineering queen, Mori Kogoro immediately counseled: "Just kidding, let's liven up the atmosphere, how could I do such a thing!"

A cold light flashed in Feiyingli's eyes, and she continued to ask: "Be honest, what happened to you and Ritsuko, she told me all about it in the police car just now."

Mori Kogoro immediately laughed dryly: "What else can happen? I carried her on my back and carried her during the forest bath in the afternoon, and then had dinner and drinks at night. Aren't you there? At most, I'm a drinking buddy!"

Chapter 0119 My daughter is too bad

"Drinking friend, hum." Fei Yingli turned around arrogantly, looked at the blossoming fireworks, and didn't pursue further.

She had known for a long time that Kogoro Moori was being playful, so she turned a blind eye and pretended not to see it.

Mori Kogoro rubbed his head on Fei Eri's shoulder, put his arms around Fei Eri's flat belly with both hands, and the two of them pressed tightly together, enjoying the smoothness!

Rubbing his big hands on the delicate skin, he said, "How is it? Eri, come home with me!"

"Forget it. It's just a marriage certificate. I don't care about it."

"Actually, this state is quite good now. I live well in Yuxizi's place. It's only a few steps to go to your office and see Xiaolan."

"Besides, if I remarry you, Youxizi might have to eat more. Anyway, the two of us are going to be with you now. You might as well get the certificate with Youxizi. It's fairer for one person at a time. Maybe she will be more happy." Be happy."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was extremely surprised. Is this still the original Eri? How did he become so magnanimous.

Looking at the understanding Eri, Mori Kogoro couldn't help hugging his delicate body even tighter, and the two of them leaned their heads together to watch the fireworks in the sky.

On the rooftop, the two hugged each other tightly, feeling the fiery body underneath, Mori Kogoro was excited, whispered to him, and made some unreasonable demands.

Fei Yingli was in a very good mood at this moment, and today was her wedding anniversary, Xia Fei's cheeks were immediately lifted when she heard those requests, but she didn't refuse.

There is a play!

Mori Kogoro jumped up and his eyes lit up.

At this moment, the adorable loli's laughter echoed on the rooftop.

The little loli Haibara ran out from the gate, and Xiaolan behind the door whispered to Haibara to go back, and don't disturb Fei Yingli and Mori Kogoro to be alone.

But Huiyuan completely ignored Xiaolan's intentions, she ran to Feiyingli with a childlike innocent smile on her face, pretended to be surprised, and looked at the sky.

"Wow, what a beautiful firework!"

Then she turned to Mori Kogoro and turned around.

"It's really beautiful."

Kogoro Mori looked at Haibara who was pretending to be an innocent child, and cold sweat suddenly appeared on his head, and the cold sweat fell down.

pill!This little loli is so jealous!

His arms holding Fei Yingli loosened.

Seeing her father and mother separated, Xiao Lan hurried over.

She looked at Mori Kogoro rather resentfully: "Mom and Dad, I thought something was going on. The case has just been closed, and you all ran up to watch the fireworks, really."

The romantic atmosphere was broken again, but Fei Yingli was not annoyed, and said with a light smile, "This is all your father's trick, it's really a cheesy routine on the street."

Although Fei Yingli said this in her mouth, her face was full of satisfaction.

Xiaolan also came to her senses: "Oh, yes, today is Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary, no wonder Dad is so careful."

Mori Kogoro immediately felt a small hand pinching his thigh, and looked down.

Hui Yuan beside him raised his small head and looked at him with a smile on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, but there seemed to be a cold light in his eyes.

Kogoro Mouri hugged Haibara, her expression was as usual, and calmly kissed Haibara's cute face.

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