The thick skin like a wall completely ignored the cold light in Huiyuan's eyes.

"Xiao Ai, do you think these fireworks are beautiful?"

As soon as the voice fell, the brilliant fireworks stopped abruptly, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Haibara looked at Mori Kogoro with a strange expression, is this mouth a crow's mouth?

With hasty preparations, there are not many fireworks, only ten minutes.

Fei Yingli said: "Okay, the fireworks are over, it's getting late, let's go back and rest."

Everyone frightened away along the stairs, Kogoro Mori hugged little Lolita, his arms were constantly being pinched by Hui Yuan.

But it doesn't hurt at all!

The four of them took the elevator back to their room. In the elevator, Xiao Lan said with a smile on her face, "That is to say, Mom invited Dad to Karuizawa because of her wedding anniversary."

"And my father prepared a private fireworks show for my mother. Wow, the heart is in harmony, so romantic!"

Xiaolan's eyes shone brightly, as if she was very happy to see her parents get back together.

Concubine Yingli's cheeks were a little red when her daughter told her about it, but she still insisted and said, "Hey, how is it possible, what wedding anniversary, we have been separated for a long time, I have long since forgotten."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking that he would teach his stubborn wife a lesson later.

Soon, the eighth floor arrived, and Fei Yingli walked out, turned her head and said goodbye: "Okay, I'm here, you guys also have a good rest."

In an instant, Fei Yingli saw Kogoro Mori's extremely hot eyes.

Mori Kogoro opened his lips lightly, and said in lip language: "I'll come and find you later."

Fei Yingli's face immediately turned slightly red.

But just as the elevator door was about to close, Xiaolan pressed the button to open the door, and she nimbly got out and put her arms around Feiyingli's arm: "Mom, I haven't slept with you for a long time, let's sleep together tonight." ?”

After Xiaolan finished speaking, she blinked her big eyes at Mouri Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro's pupils shrunk: This girl did it on purpose, deliberately destroying the two-person world between me and Eri. She just pretended too well, with a gesture of being happy to see what happened, but she didn't expect that the carbine was so perfect.

Hearing what Xiaolan said, Fei Yingli frowned slightly, but she couldn't refuse. She gave Mori Kogoro a very apologetic look, nodded and said, "Then let's sleep together tonight!"

Although Mori Kogoro felt a little pity, he didn't say anything.

He hugged the little loli in his arms tightly, it seemed that he was going to have a hard time mourning tonight.

At this moment, Xiaolan stepped into the elevator again, picked up Haibara in Mouri Kogoro's arms, and walked out of the elevator again.

Xiaolan said: "I almost forgot, Huiyuan is afraid of sleeping alone, so let's rest with sister Xiaolan tonight."

Xiao Lan still remembers the scene where she and Hui Yuan fought for her father last night, so naturally she won't let Xiao Luoli get her way easily.

Haibara's expression was still a little bewildered, and Mori Kogoro's expression was also completely bewildered.

But Xiaolan has already pressed the button of the elevator to close the door, waving her hand to say goodbye to Kogoro Mouri, and kept looking at Kogoro Mouri with sly eyes: "Dad, I will take care of Huiyuan tonight, you should also rest well Oh."

The elevator door closed and went downstairs, Kogoro Mori looked at the empty elevator room, his cheeks twitched.

My daughter is so bad!

Black-hearted little padded jacket, it's all black when cut!

He occupied Yingli, and took Xiao Ai away by the way. The long night is so long, how can people sleep!

Chapter 0120 Mother and Daughter Changing Clothes

Mori Kogoro returned to the room with a look of disappointment on his face, and Fei Eri finally agreed to his request, and the great opportunity was ruined by his daughter.

Looking at the empty house, he sighed deeply.


In Feiyingli's room on the eighth floor, Haibara, who was sitting on the bed, looked at Feiyingli in front of her with a cold face. At this moment, she no longer pretended to be a little girl before.

She didn't want to sleep with these two people at all, but it was a pity that Huiyuan ran away several times, but was caught by Xiaolan.

Fei Yingli touched Hui Yuan's head, and said, "Hui Yuan, you look so cute, no wonder Xiao Goro likes you so much, you are even prettier than Xiao Lan when she was young."

Xiao Lanjiao said angrily: "Where is it, but Huiyuan also likes Dad very much, and always wants to sneak into Dad's room to sleep with Dad, Mom, do you have pajamas here?"

"It's normal, your father's charm is getting bigger and bigger now, and it's normal for Haibara to like you, Xiaolan, you have to help me take care of your father!" Fei Yingli opened the luggage bag and began to search.

"Oh!" Xiaolan seemed to have a guilty conscience in her reply, she didn't dare to look into Fei Yingli's eyes.

There was a sneer on Huiyuan's face, two stupid women, do you really think you can stand it, I'm here, having sex with my uncle every day, you don't even know it!

Fei Yingli took out another set of pajamas from the luggage bag and handed it to Xiaolan: "You should be fine in this set!"

While speaking, she also took off her shirt and started changing into pajamas, and Xiaolan also took off her shirt.

In the room, the spring is endless, the waves are extremely rough, and the scene is extremely magnificent.

Seeing this scene, Hui Yuan's expression darkened in an instant, he looked down at his flat body, and cursed in a low voice, "It's really a scumbag's chest."

After Fei Yingli put on the purple pajamas, she saw her daughter changing clothes next to her, and she couldn't help being surprised: "Xiaolan, why did your breasts become so big? I clearly remember that they were not so big when I took a hot spring last time. How long has it been?"

Fei Yingli immediately frowned, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Lan, have you got a boyfriend yet?"

A look of panic flashed across Xiaolan's face. After putting on her pajamas, she hurriedly said, "Mom, what are you talking about? How could I possibly have a boyfriend? This is what I developed on my own, and I inherited it from you!"

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