Miwako Sato sighed angrily: "Okay then, I'll leave them to you. I just want to go back and watch Shuji Kano to see if he can send the case for prosecution today. I'll go back to the police first." hall."

After finishing speaking, Sato Miwako pulled Mori Kogoro over and whispered into his ear, "Kogoro, don't let Yumi get too close to you."

Hearing this order like a little wife, and seeing Domi Kazuko's slightly flushed delicate face, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but smile heartily.

Miwako Sato couldn't bear the laughter, and immediately blushed and turned to Mazda, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out.

Mori Kogoro shook his head with a smile, got into the car, and the Lexus started.


An hour later, Mori Kogoro and the last child, little loli Ayumi, waved goodbye in the car.

"Uncle Mao Li, goodbye!" Little Lolita also waved her hand, and then jumped into the apartment.

Ayumi walked into the elevator room, and took out a note in her hand, on which was written a string of numbers, which was the mobile phone number of Mori Kogoro that Little Lolita had just obtained by acting like a spoiled child.

"That's great, I can call Uncle Maori from now on..."

Ayumi looked at the phone number and kept reciting it. After remembering it well, she carefully put away the note and walked out of the elevator.


The Lexus kept galloping, and there were only Kogoro Mori and Yumi Miyamoto in the car.

Conan just happened to pass by the office when he was sending Yuanta home, so he put Conan down first.

Miyamoto Yumi looked at the scenery flying by in front of her, and suddenly felt a fiery hand on her thigh.

Immediately afterwards, Mouri Kogoro's voice came over.

"Yumi, are your patrol missions over today? Should I take you home or go to the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Metropolitan Police Department, I have to clock in when I get off work!" Yumi Miyamoto's voice trembled a little.

Don't look at this girl who took the initiative the first two times, in fact, it was all because of the stimulation of the two thrilling drag racing, the secretion of adrenaline and the impulse of hormones.

But Mori Kogoro didn't know it, and thought that he, a beautiful fan, had such a bold personality, so his big hands became even more unscrupulous.

There was a wicked smile on Mori Kogoro's face: "It's only past two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's still a long time before the time to clock in after get off work!"

While talking, Lexus drove into Kubado Park, because it was a weekday, there were not many people in the park.

The car drove deeper and deeper, and gradually there were no more people left or right.

Mori Kogoro parked his car in a red maple forest, the scenery was extremely beautiful and quiet.

"Maori-kun, what did you bring me here for?"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Yumi, I think the scenery here is very beautiful, so I just want to enjoy it with Yumi!"

Miyamoto Yumi looked at the red maple leaf forest on the left and right, it was indeed very beautiful.

But suddenly the co-pilot's seat moved by itself, and the seat back slowly fell down, and Miyamoto Yumi naturally also lay down.

Miyamoto Yumi suddenly panicked.

Mori Kogoro explained: "Yumi, it's pretty good. When I bought this car, I thought this function was very practical. With one button, the seat and the back seat become a bed."

While speaking, Mori Kogoro unbuckled his seat belt, and turned over lightly and landed on Miyamoto Yumi.

At this moment, Miyamoto Yumi's expression was still a little confused, and Mori Kogoro had already untied her seat belt casually.

Looking at the delicate little face below, Mori Kogoro stroked it slowly with his big hand, and said softly: "Speaking of which, the place where Yumi and I have the most stories is in this car."

"Yumi, you are also the most daring girl I've ever seen. You were the one who kissed me first twice, but it's only three times. This time it won't work."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro kissed those pink lips, and his fiery hands poked in along the gap between the buttons of the blue police uniform.

Miyamoto Yumi's blue eyes kept shrinking, and she finally realized what would happen next, panicking in her heart.

Chapter 0134 Police Flower Play1

Yumi Miyamoto stretched out her hand and pushed Kogoro Mori's solid chest.

But she is no match for Maori Kogoro's strange power.

Kogoro Mori controlled everything with his big hand, his breath gradually became thicker, and it was very interesting to look at Yumi Miyamoto's rosy face, ruddy ears, and those panicked eyes like a deer.

She was such a bold girl before, and kissed herself twice, but now she looks like this!

Soon, Kogoro Mori drew back his big hand, and gently stroked Yumi Miyamoto's black hair. The strands of bangs were delicate.

Mori Kogoro didn't take off Yumi's black traffic police cap, this hat has to be worn to have a special charm, and he doesn't plan to take off the uniform later.

Mori Kogoro's fiery right hand was wandering around Miyamoto Yumi's soft waist, and Miyamoto Yumi whispered: "Mori-kun, don't be like this, don't be here, okay?"

Mori Kogoro smiled gently, resting his head on Yumi's head, and hitting Yumi's little ear with his warm breath.

He murmured like a lover, but his words were extremely domineering.

"But Yumi, I think this is the best place. The bond that Yumi and I formed in the car should naturally continue in this car."

Hearing this, Miyamoto Yumi recalled the thrilling scene of her encounter with Mori Kogoro, glimpsed the beautiful scenery outside the window, the maple leaves were constantly swaying, and the resistance in her heart gradually dissipated.

It seems that it is not bad here!

Miyamoto Yumi's eyes were full of water, and her little hands on Mori Kogoro's chest had already lost half their strength, and they were just acting.

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