Looking at Miyamoto Yumi who was wearing a police uniform underneath, she exuded a different kind of allure.

Mori Kogoro's heart kept burning, he couldn't bear it anymore, and he grabbed her belt with his fiery hands.

Soon, there was a cry of pain from the black car, and then a familiar and moving movement sounded, and the black car vibrated and shook accordingly.

As soon as the wind blows, the maple leaves are constantly swaying and fluttering, as if they are also happy about the things in the car.

... [-] words are omitted here ...

Three hours later, as the evening approached, the number of tourists in Kubado Park gradually increased, and some tourists appeared in the maple leaf forest.

Looking at the vibrating and shaking car in the maple leaf forest, the tourists couldn't help being curious.

There was a couple with smirks on their faces, as if they knew what was going on, they slowly approached the car.

But before they saw the scene inside, they heard an exclamation from inside.

Immediately afterwards, the engine roared, the car started instantly, the speed increased, and it disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.


On the street leading to the Metropolitan Police Department, the Lexus was moving forward at a constant speed, the windows were opened two slits, engulfing the smell of phyllo inside the car.

Kogoro Mori in the driver's seat was distracted. While driving, he helped Yumi Miyamoto, who was lying in the passenger seat, to tuck up the police uniform he was wearing. He didn't want his woman to leave the gate and be seen by others.

And Yumi Miyamoto, who was lying on the co-pilot's seat, supported her little hands and wanted to get up, but how could she get up at this moment.

Miyamoto Yumi suddenly looked like she was about to cry, and gently raised her arm to hit Mori Kogoro.

"You scoundrel, you said don't stay in the park, you were almost seen. It's the first time for me. You've been there for so long. How can I go back to the Metropolitan Police Department now that I look like this?"

Only then did Mori Kogoro realize that he had forgotten to perform healing techniques on Miyamoto Yumi, and his big hand immediately stroked Miyamoto Yumi.

Susu Mama's energy passed over and lingered in Miyamoto Yumi's body, and Miyamoto Yumi's body recovered instantly.

"I'm sorry Yumi, I couldn't bear it just now, but I'm fine now."

Sensing the changes in her body, Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mori curiously with her eyes, then she straightened up and touched her body with an expression of disbelief.

"It's amazing, what's going on?"

Mori Kogoro explained: "My unique secret technique is a method that can heal people."

"What else do you not know?" Yumi Miyamoto looked at Kogoro Mouri in surprise, Kogoro Mouri just smiled.


Miyamoto Yumi, who had regained her strength, got up and sorted out her police uniform, and she was relieved when she finally put them all on neatly.

Immediately afterwards, Yumi Miyamoto found tissues and an unopened bottle of mineral water in the car, and she wet the tissues.

Then he moved back and began to wipe some place on the leather passenger seat, and soon the paper towel was stained red!

Kogoro Mori turned her head, and she shyly hid the blood-stained tissue so that Kogoro Mori could not see it.


Mori Kogoro smiled, and when Yumi Miyamoto cleaned up all the traces and sat back on the passenger seat, he pulled him over and kissed Yumi Miyamoto's small mouth.

Yumi immediately patted Mori Kogoro's chest in panic: "What are you doing, you are dying, you are driving now, and I am a traffic policeman, believe it or not, I will arrest you for breaking the law in front of me?"

"I want to catch me, it seems that the lesson just now is not enough!" Mori Kogoro had a wicked smile on his face.

Yumi Miyamoto was a little terrified at once. Even though she was a policeman with excellent physical fitness, she couldn't bear the ruthless beatings of Kogoro Mori, a reckless bull.

She became very obedient all of a sudden, and was hugged and kissed obediently by Mouri Kogoro.

The distracted Kogoro Moori drives like a dog.

The owner of the car next to him in the same lane couldn't help being stunned when he saw this explosive scene in the Lexus.

Kissing while driving is already too much, and the object of the kiss is actually a beautiful traffic policeman, which is really annoying.

Soon, Mori Kogoro let go of Miyamoto Yumi's small mouth, patted her buttocks, and asked her to sit down.

Mori Kogoro said domineeringly: "From now on, Yumi, you are my woman, do you understand? Keep a distance from other men in the future."

Hearing this, Miyamoto Yumi showed a smile on her face, and Jiaorou replied: "Understood, bad guy!"

The car continued to accelerate and soon arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department.

When the two got out of the car, Miyamoto Yumi still looked reluctant to leave, standing in front of the police station with her arms around Kogoro Mori, looking at him affectionately.

However, there were too many acquaintances coming and going at the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department, and she didn't dare to stay too long. It would be terrible if Miwako found out.

After saying goodbye to Mori Kogoro, she headed towards the nearby Ministry of Communications building.

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro went to the direction of the criminal department building in front of him. He hadn't forgotten to check the case about Domoto Music Academy.

Chapter 0135

Mori Kogoro walked towards the building in the middle of the criminal department. The policemen who came and went recognized Mori Kogoro, and all of them looked at him with respect in their eyes.

After all, Kogoro Mori has solved too many cases for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Which policeman would not be impressed by a famous detective like this.

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