Policemen in uniform or suits passed by, nodding and saying hello to Kogoro Mori from time to time, and Kogoro Mori smiled at him.

The clothes worn by the police officers of the Criminal Department are regulated.

For inspections, the chief inspector stipulates that uniforms must be worn, but after being promoted to the chief inspector, he can wear plain clothes and only bring his documents.

However, once you are promoted to a position above the police station, you must also wear a uniform.

The inspection minister in the middle, the police department, and the mainstay police positions in the police department all wear suits or casual clothes.

The reason is also very simple. People who handle and solve cases on the front line are usually Megure Police Department, Sato Police Department Sui, and Takagi Inspection Director. If they wear casual clothes, they will not attract the attention of criminals. If necessary, they can show their documents to prove their identity.

So Mori Kogoro hasn't seen Miwako in police uniform until now.

Mori Kogoro watched the policewomen in blue police uniforms passing by, but he didn't pay much attention. He didn't pay attention to these rouge and vulgar fans.

After all, he just crushed Yumi Miyamoto, a beautiful police officer from the Ministry of Communications, and was completely stunned in the car in the maple forest.

Recalling the feeling of ecstasy just now, Yumi Miyamoto, who was wearing a police uniform with half-unbuttoned belts, really can arouse people's desire to be stunned by the temptation of the uniform.

Especially her pair of big butts that are so plump to the extreme make Kogoro Mori want to stop.

I thought that Yumi Miyamoto's plump bust was already a gift, but I didn't expect that the buttocks were the gift of the creator.

If there were no tourists approaching in the maple leaf forest, Mori Kogoro could not have ended the battle so quickly.

Thinking of this, I started to feel high-spirited again.

Mori Kogoro shook his head quickly, throwing the scene just now out of his mind.

He entered the office of the First Search Section with ease, and there were all familiar faces inside, but he didn't see Police Officer Megure, if there was no Police Officer Megure, then let's find Miwako.

Officer Chiba greeted her, and Kogoro Mori asked directly, "Where is Officer Sato's office, I have something to ask her for!"

Miwako Sato is already a job filled by the police department, so she naturally has her own office.

Mori Kogoro knocked lightly on the door of Police Officer Sato's office under the guidance of Police Officer Chiba.

"Please come in!"

A familiar female voice came, Kogoro Mori opened the door and walked in, and saw Miwako inside who was making a phone call anxiously.


"What's the matter with the people in the material class? How could this kind of mistake happen? Can the unsolved case eighteen years ago be the same as the unsolved case fifteen years ago? The years are different, how could they make a mistake!"

"Hurry up and hurry up. If today is over, you won't have a chance. It's [-]:[-], which means we only have [-] minutes."

"Follow the procedure, follow the procedure, it's all bureaucratic, how many times have you said to follow the procedure, don't you know how to change it, hurry up!"

Kogoro Mori understood what was going on after listening for a while. It seemed that there were some problems with the justice police officer's prosecution.

Miwako Sato hung up the phone and couldn't help inserting her hands into her short hair, messing it up.

She sighed for a long time, her eyes lit up when she saw Kogoro Mori appearing at the desk, but soon her face became depressed again.

"Xiao Wulang, what should I do? You helped me find the murderer with great difficulty, but my colleagues messed up. There was a problem with the materials sent to the Supervision Office for prosecution, and they were beaten back."

"It seems that the murderer who killed my father is really going to escape. I don't know how to tell my mother now!"

Hearing such words, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little surprised, isn't there a tomorrow besides today?

After tomorrow, the [-]-year prosecution period for that long-nosed man will end!

Mori Kogoro suddenly remembered that when he was reasoning today, he didn't mention that Shuji Shikano's arrival date was delayed by one day because of a typhoon on the day he returned from Italy.

And Miwako Sato didn't investigate, she thought that Shuji Shikano's free day was tomorrow's birthday, and the prosecution period was only today, so it's no wonder she was so anxious.

Mori Kogoro walked behind Miwako Sato, put his hands on Miwako's soft shoulders, and said with a smile, "Miwako, maybe I can help you solve this problem."

Miwako Sato said with a wry smile: "Xiao Goro, don't be joking. The mistake in the materials was discovered only now, and it was too late. It would take at least one or two hours to sort out the relevant materials of the 'Chousirou Incident' from the warehouse. .”

"Who told you that the [-]-year-old case has already passed the [-]-year prosecution period. If Shuji Shirano was not so special, there would be no way to pursue the case. Those [-]-year-old materials have long been sealed in the warehouse as discarded materials. , It takes too much time to find out!"

Mori Kogoro continued: "Miwako, I can really help you solve this problem!"

Hearing Kogoro Mori repeat this sentence, Miwako Sato's eyes lit up with hope.

She turned to Kogoro Mori, and Kogoro Mori looked at her with a smile on his face.

Miwako Sato stared closely at Kogoro Mori with her purple eyes, and said firmly, "Kogoro, as long as you can really help me bring Shuji Kano to justice, I will promise you whatever you say in the future."

Mori Kogoro said with a smile: "Wow, wow, wow, Miwako, you already owe me two demands, do you mean to sell yourself to me by saying this now?"

"If you sell yourself, you sell yourself, Kogoro, tell me!"

Miwako Sato looked anxious.

Mori Kogoro stopped teasing her.

He said directly: "Miwako, you can look up the flight that Shikano Shuji returned to China three years ago."

"Because of the typhoon, the plane that was supposed to arrive at 9:23 p.m. actually arrived at 0:08 a.m., so tomorrow is also within the prosecution period!"

Hearing this, Miwako Sato's eyes lit up, and she immediately made a call: "Put me through the customer service of Dongdu Airlines..."


The answer given by the customer service of Dongdu Airlines is exactly the same as that of Mori Kogoro, which means that there is still a one-day period for prosecution.

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