... [-] words are omitted here ...

Four hours later, the dark battle finally came to an end, and the room returned to calm again.

Under the quilt, Mori Kogoro hugged Miwako who had already performed the healing technique, and let out a long breath.

As expected, Miwako is proficient in judo skills, her body is extremely flexible, and she can make many poses that Mori Kogoro could not have imagined.

Mori Kogoro also unlocked many new poses. With a smile on his face, he stretched out his index finger and tapped Miwako's nose: "Miwako, you are really honest. If you say you will sell yourself to me, you will sell yourself to me."

"Just now you lied to me that you came to see your mother, really!"

Miwako rubbed her small face against Mori Kogoro's handsome face, and said softly, "Otherwise, how would I know if you care about me or not!"

She has long since lost the tough posture she had when she was a policeman, and the little bird is lying on Mouri Kogoro's chest.

Miwako raised her head, her purple eyes stared closely at Mori Kogoro, and said, "Kogoro, I warn you, you already have me, so keep a distance from Yumi obediently, Yumi just likes star chasing , I just like idols!"

"If you ignore her for a while, she will calm down soon."

"If I find out that you have entanglements with Yumi, hehe..."

Miwako looked down with both eyes, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt a chill between his thighs, couldn't help rubbing his head and laughing dryly.

If Miwako knew that she had applauded love with Yumi in the car in the afternoon and ate Yumi up, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At this moment, the sound of a key turning came from outside the door. Mori Kogoro had excellent hearing, and he couldn't help asking in doubt: "Miwako, besides you and your mother, is there anyone else in your house?" ?”

Before hearing the voice, Mei Hezi replied directly: "No, it's just me and my mother at home!"

"Who is the person outside with the key to open the door?"

The door was opened immediately, and a middle-aged woman walked in, without changing her shoes, she went to the bedroom.

Her voice also came in: "Meihezi, are you at home? Tell your mother who killed your father. You didn't make it clear on the phone. I'm really worried."

"Oops, my mother rushed back from Osaka!"

Miwako panicked when she heard the voice. She threw off the quilt and jumped up from the bed, ignoring the fact that the spring was completely leaked.

"Xiao Wulang, get dressed and go. My mother is very strict with me. If I let her know that I did these things before marriage, she might overthrow the whole family."

Mori Kogoro looked at the bedroom, there was only one towel.

Only then did he remember that the changed clothes were still hanging in the bathroom.

Miwako quickly picked up the purple knitted sweater, put it on, then opened the closet, found a pair of shorts and put them on.

There was the sound of turning the handle of the bedroom door, and Miwako couldn't help but lose color.

The door opened, and Miwako's mother, a middle-aged aunt, Shinobu Sato walked in.

She didn't care when she saw her daughter with a weird expression beside the closet, she walked over and grabbed her daughter's arm, and pulled her to sit on the bed.

"Miwako, tell me who the murderer is and how the Maori detective deduced it. Tell me what happened today."

Fortunately, the quilt covered the blood plum on the bed, otherwise Sato Shinobu would explode instantly if he saw it.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori standing above the air-conditioning cabinet outside the window felt a ball of sadness, and the night wind made his body chill.

He was completely naked looking out at the dark night, this was the first time he was in such embarrassment!

Damn!The achievement of completing the double kill today is a bit high, I forgot that I have a system master.

Mori Kogoro quickly exchanged for a psychedelic talisman.

He immediately used the psychedelic talisman, and the psychedelic talisman pulled both mother and daughter into the illusion.

Then Mori Kogoro went back into the room openly, ran to the bathroom and changed all his clothes, then turned around and pushed open the door to leave.

Going out of the door, Mori Kogoro canceled the illusion.

He sent a text message to Miwako on his mobile phone, telling her to leave first.

Then Mori Kogoro went back downstairs to the apartment, drove his own Lexus, and headed towards his home.

Miwako who received the text message couldn't help being a little puzzled. She glanced suspiciously at the room, completely unable to understand how Mori Kogoro left.

But Miwako didn't dare to stay in the room with her mother, once she found the traces left on the bed, it would be terrible.

Miwako put her arm around Shinobu Sato and dragged her out: "Mom, we talked while we were eating, you must have not had dinner since you came back so late!"

"You girl, why are you still in the mood to eat, tell me the truth quickly!"

Chapter 0141 Eat Huiyuan's Cherries

At the dining table, Sato Shinobu listened to Perfect Kazuko talk about today's reasoning case, her face was full of sighs and emotions.

"It turned out to be Lu Ye, I said that this guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks is not a good person, and your father wants to associate with him!"

She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, took her daughter's little hand, and said gently: "Meihezi, you have to thank Detective Maori for me, if it wasn't for his help, that guy Lu Ye would have escaped by him."

"In this way, I can finally be worthy of your father's spirit in heaven."

Mei Hezi's purple eyes rolled around for a while, looking at her mother, she couldn't help but said: "I still need you to teach me, your daughter's gift of gratitude is not even big!"

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