A stone in Sato Shinobu's heart fell, and then he noticed that his precious daughter seemed to have some strange smells on his face, and he couldn't help frowning and said, "Miwako, have you had a boyfriend recently?"

Miwako was startled, and quickly waved her hands and said, "How is it possible? Why did you talk about this topic again, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to take a shower."

Miwako got up quickly and went towards the bathroom in a panic.

Shinobu Sato kept yelling at him: "If there is a boy you like, you have to take the initiative, they are all grown up, and if you don't get married, you will become an old girl."

"Telling you to take the initiative is not to make you act recklessly. You must understand girls' self-esteem and self-love. Don't do things that are beyond the limit before marriage."

"Mom knows a few handsome young men, why don't I introduce you next time!"

The answer was the slam of the bathroom door.


When Mori Kogoro returned home, it was almost eleven o'clock, and he ordered his men to clean the car.

He opened the door on the third floor, and it was dark inside. It was too late now, and they all went back to their rooms to sleep.

Walking into the house, Mori Kogoro opened the door of his room, and immediately saw the quilt on the bed revealing the outline of a female body with a domineering figure.

Unexpectedly, this girl didn't go back to her room to sleep, but lay on her bed instead.

Mori Kogoro stepped into his room lightly, took his pajamas and went to the bathroom.

He began to take a shower, washing away the traces and blood left on his body.

Standing in front of the mirror, Mori Kogoro looked at the scratches on his shoulders, but he didn't expect Miwako to be so rough.

Mori Kogoro turned sideways, his back was covered with tiny scratches and bite marks, even a 49-point physique couldn't resist Miwako's scratching and gnawing.

The healing technique was cast, and soon, the scars gradually disappeared, and the back returned to its original state.

After taking a bath, Mori Kogoro dried himself up, put on his pajamas, and went back to his room.

He closed the door, gently climbed onto the big soft bed, gently lifted the quilt, and then got into the bed without making any sound, nor did he wake up the girl next to him.

The girl had already slept soundly, Kogoro Mori didn't intend to wake her up, so he closed his eyes.

Smelling the fragrance of the girl next to him, Mori Kogoro's big hand slowly hugged it, and poked in along the gap between the buttons of the clothes, grasping the domineering and soft place.

The contented Mori Kogoro had a smile on his face, and soon fell into a dreamland.

The breathing sounds of the two people in the room gradually became consistent, and finally there was only one breathing sound left, and the rhythm of their heartbeats became exactly the same.


In the early morning of the next day, Mori Kogoro woke up from his sleep, and the girl in his arms had long since disappeared, and only a burst of fragrance remained on the bed.

After Mori Kogoro got up, he opened the door, and saw the bright living room, the little loli Huihara was sitting on the sofa, holding a bowl of cherries in her arms, reading a fashion magazine.

Birds chirped outside the window, the breeze blew, and the green plants in the window swayed.

The warm morning sun shone on her pink calf, which seemed to exude a different kind of luster.

The little loli was wearing a black short-sleeved top and light yellow shorts, and was gnawing on a cherry in her hand.

Xiaomeng looked at the magazine with a concentrated expression on her face. She really enjoyed her leisure time this Sunday.

Looking at this little loli, Mori Kogoro leaning against the door felt very beautiful.

The inexplicable Kogoro Mori remembered a little poem.

【The door is low, but the sun is bright

The grass is bearing its seeds

The wind is shaking its leaves

we stand and don't speak

It's very beautiful]

It was only then that Haibara noticed Kogoro Mori at the door, his light blue eyes glowed from calmness, and finally revealed a look of surprise.

"Uncle Maori, are you awake?"

A smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, he came to the little Lolita, and kissed Huiyuan's Xiaomeng directly.

Huiyuan wiped the drool off his face with his small hand, his face was full of joy, but he pretended to look disgusted: "Ah! You kissed me without brushing your teeth, it stinks!"

Mori Kogoro stretched out his big hand to mess up all the brown hair on Haibara's head, and then dodged into the bathroom to wash up.

Soon, Mori Kogoro reappeared in the living room after washing.

He came to the sofa, picked up little Lolita, then let Huiyuan sit in his arms, and said, "Xiao Ai, what are you looking at?"

"Prada's new spring bag, how about it, isn't it beautiful!"

Haibara's big eyes lit up, staring closely at Mouri Kogoro's face.

Mori Kogoro smiled and said: "Sure enough, it's very beautiful. This kind of bag is barely worthy of my Xiaoai. Uncle bought it for you."

Hearing this, Huiyuan's face was full of joy, and he turned his head and kissed Kogoro Mouri's face, and Kogoro Mouri also had a smile on his face.

Sure enough, it can cure all diseases, especially for Huiyuan.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Huiyuan's belly, and said, "Xiao Ai, where are the others?"

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