Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand, caressing Qiu Ting's pretty face, the high nose bridge, the soft eyebrows, and the plump lips, and said: "I only have one wish, I want to Ask you to be my girlfriend, will you promise me?"

Upon hearing this, Qiuting Lianzi quickly said: "Xiao Wulang, I promise you, I promise you, don't say anything, I will drive you to the hospital right away."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, the controlled pallor disappeared in an instant, and his face returned to rosy again.

He got up in an instant, pressed Qiu Ting Lianzi under him, kissed on the red lips, then climbed up the mountain with his big hand, and put the other hand on Qiu Ting Lian Zi's thigh.

Mori Kogoro suddenly remembered that Qiuting Lianzi still had injuries on her legs. Since she was his own woman, there was no need to keep the healing technique secret.

The instant healing technique was cast, and Susu Mama's energy instantly lingered on Qiu Ting Lianzi's knee, and flesh and blood continued to grow.

Not long after, the knee returned to its original state, extremely smooth.

In this way, you can indulge in joy, Moori Kogoro's hands are constantly walking on Qiu Ting's soft body, and his mouth is attacking.

The kiss lasted for ten minutes.

Qiu Ting Lianzi's face was in a daze, this is not something a dying person would do!

Her little face had already turned red, and she kept pushing Kogoro Moori's solid chest with both hands, and finally pushed Kogoro Moori up.

"Xiao Goro, are you alright?" Qiu Ting's crimson eyes were fixed on Mo Li Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro said with a smile: "Of course I'm fine, what can I do, I'm in great shape."

"Lianzi, you may not know, but I am a martial arts master with a very strong physical fitness. Even if I really secrete a lot of adrenaline and my potential explodes, I can fully bear it."

Hearing this explanation, Reiko Akiba threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms in an instant, and pressed her soft chest against Kogoro Mouri's chest. She cried with joy, "That's great, it's great that you're fine."

But she quickly came to her senses, raised her head and glared at Mouri Kogoro: "So, you were just pretending?"

Mori Kogoro smiled meanly: "You don't intend to go back on your word, do you? That's not okay, you won't be allowed to go back on what you promised!"

Qiuting Lianzi snorted, but didn't say anything more, just hugged Moori Kogoro's waist tightly.

Her tears stopped, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

Chapter 0167 Classroom Play1

Qiuting Lianzi soon noticed the abnormality, just now her knee was clearly injured, but now all the injuries have disappeared.

Although she had been paying attention to Mori Kogoro just now, it was not insensible that she was injured. The pain still remained in her mind, why did it suddenly disappear?

Qiuting Lianzi glanced at Mori Kogoro with her crimson eyes: What a magical guy.

Kogoro Mori was very satisfied watching the tsundere queen become submissive.

But he took another look at the time on the car monitor, and it was almost [-]:[-] in the afternoon. He still remembered Xiaolan's entrustment incident, and he still remembered going to Didan High School to find out the identity of Xin Chuzhi.

Kogoro Moori let go of Reiko Qiuting, put the baseball cap he just brought back on her head, and said, "Let's go, Lianzi, I'll take you home!"

Qiuting Lianzi couldn't help frowning: "Is it really okay to just go like this? What about the two trucks?"

Mori Kogoro said: "Leave this to me. I will tell Officer Megure later that those people are all desperate killers, and we are also in self-defense."

"If the police ask about it, the explosive potential at the moment of life and death is too mysterious. You can just say that we got under the car to avoid two cars, and then the two cars collided with each other to become like this. "

Qiuting Lianzi nodded obediently.

Mori Kogoro climbed into the driver's seat, started the car, and headed towards Akiba's house.

Reiko Akiba in the back seat of the car nimbly got into the co-pilot position, then fastened her seat belt, and looked sideways at Kogoro Mori.

"what happened?"

"I want to be closer to you."

There was a smile on Mori Kogoro's face.

The car soon arrived at Qiuting Lianzi's home, which was in the high-end villa area of ​​Mihua [-]-chome. After all, he is an internationally renowned soprano singer, so he could naturally afford such a house.

The security measures in the villa area are very perfect, but no outsiders are intruded.

The car parked outside Qiu Ting Lianzi's villa, Qiu Ting Lianzi showed a look of hesitation on his face.

Then she proudly raised her little head, revealing her white swan neck, and said proudly, "Why don't you come in and have a meeting?"

Mori Kogoro naturally understood what this meant, but he didn't have enough time and had to go to Xiaolan's school.

He then declined and said, "I still have something to do later, and I have to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to tell the police to check the contents of your water bottle, so let's go in next time!"

But the gangsters I encountered this time paid for murder, so we must guard against them!

Mori Kogoro summoned two other intact Ant-Man robots, and made three with the other one to protect Akiba.

He opened his mouth and said: "Lianzi, don't be arrogant when you encounter anything, just call me, I will help you settle it, try not to go out these few days."

But Qiuting Lianzi said: "But I have to go to the park to take a forest bath the day before every concert, otherwise I can't concentrate on music."

When Akiba Lianzi mentioned this, the crimson eyes that looked at Mori Kogoro seemed to flash a strange color.

Hearing the strings, Kogoro Moori immediately smiled and said: "In that case, tomorrow I will come over to take a forest bath with you. If anyone still wants to hurt you, at worst, I will burst into my potential to save you!"

Qiuting Lianzi hammered Mori Kogoro's shoulder with his fist, and said with a light smile, "It's impossible to say that you can explode if you want to."

"Okay, since you want to go to the forest with me so much, I will reluctantly agree." Qiuting Lianzi said arrogantly.

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