Then she unbuckled her seat belt, opened the door and was about to get out.

Mori Kogoro stopped her, and said with a smile on his face, "Lianzi, you must not have forgotten something, what about the Goodbye Kiss for your boyfriend?"

Qiu Ting Lianzi showed hesitation on his face. The kiss in the practice room had a musical atmosphere, but the kiss in the back seat of the car was concerned and chaotic. He thought it was a dying kiss.

Calm down now, it's really a big challenge for Akiba Rieko to take the initiative to kiss Mori Kogoro, girls are always a little reserved and shy.

A blush appeared on Qiu Ting Lianzi's face, and she was about to run away, but when she opened the car door, she was pulled back by Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro bit her red lips domineeringly, this rouge is really hard to eat!

After a long time, Mori Kogoro let go of Qiu Ting Lian Zi's body, and Qiu Ting Lian Zi ran away in panic like a deer, and went to his house.

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro was all smiles, turned the reverse wheel in a relaxed and happy manner, and drove in the direction of Teidan High School.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

Lexus arrived at Teidan High School, and Sumi Tsukamoto, a good student, was waiting at the school gate.

Xiaolan and the others are still in class, and school will not be over until [-]:[-] in the afternoon. Sumi Tsukamoto has no class in the afternoon, so she has been waiting.

Sumi Tsukamoto wore a blue Teidan school uniform and school skirt, outlining a domineering figure, with black high-heeled small suit shoes under her feet, and a pair of knee-high black socks set off her straight legs. The absolute field in the middle was white and moving.

Seeing the Lexus, Sumi Tsukamoto immediately asked the guard next to him to open the door, and the car drove into the school smoothly.

When Mori Kogoro got out of the car, Tsukamoto Sumi immediately fell into his arms, and the big E-cup breasts directly touched Mori Kogoro's chest.

Sumi Tsukamoto rubbed her small head against Kogoro Mori's chest, and said in a nasal voice: "Master, I miss you so much!"

Mori Kogoro hugged Sumi Tsukamoto's soft waist, and said gently, "Sumi, Master misses you too."

But there is really no way to get away easily. There are two juice girls in the family, each of which is extremely powerful. Mori Kogoro can't easily take them down, and he is powerless!

Sumi Tsukamoto put his arm around Mori Kogoro, pulled him away, and said, "Master, let me show you around our school!"

Kogoro Mori of Teidan High School has also been here several times, so he naturally knows it very well, but seeing Sumi Tsukamoto beside him, he let her take him around the school.

"Master, we are in the vestibule, the square here is where the principal speaks, and this is the teaching building."

"The teaching building is square. There are classrooms, health care rooms, and offices inside, but the surrounding atrium is full of dirt, with only a few trees. The principal of our school is thinking about what to plant in the atrium!"

"That's the tennis court on the right, and then there's the playground, and our karate dojo!"

Tsukamoto Sumi walked in the corridor of the teaching building with Mori Kogoro in his arms, and soon they came to the door of a classroom at Koro, which said Karate Club Classroom.

Sumi Tsukamoto took out the key and unlocked the classroom door. There were tables and chairs in the classroom, but there was no one there. The window on the right side facing the green hill was open, and the whole classroom was clean and bright.

Sumi Tsukamoto smiled and said, "Master, this is the classroom assigned to our karate club by our school. We often discuss here. It's not bad, it's a small base."

Sumi Tsukamoto showed off to Kogoro Mori.

And Mori Kogoro closed the door after entering, and locked it from the inside: "Sumi, why is there no one in this classroom?"

Tsukamoto Sumi smiled slyly: "Because I am the president of the karate club, the key will naturally be kept by me. Without my order, this place will not be opened."

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro had a wicked smile on his face.

Sumi Tsukamoto, who had his back to Kogoro Mori, didn't notice at all. Instead, he picked up a karate uniform that he had prepared earlier, and kept saying, "Master, you just came, and Xiaolan didn't leave school, so you just put on this karate uniform." Give my members a temporary guide..."

Before Sumi Tsukamoto finished speaking, she immediately exclaimed.

Behind him, Kogoro Mori hugged his bear, his right hand instantly penetrated into the collar of the suit and school uniform, and climbed up to the domineering place.

"Master?" Sumi Tsukamoto turned her face in panic, but Kogoro Mori kissed her pink lips instantly, and she couldn't even speak.

Kogoro Mori's anger aroused by Reiko Akiba just now hasn't subsided yet.

At this moment, I saw this bright and tidy unoccupied classroom, and the youthful, lively and unsuspecting big-breasted student in front of me.

Especially the good boy was still wearing a high school uniform, the temptation of this uniform instantly rekindled Mori Kogoro's heart fire.

Mori Kogoro let go of Tsukamoto Sumi's small mouth, and hit her earlobe with a masculine breath: "Sumi, master will give you a personal guidance first."

Mori Kogoro stroked Tsukamoto Sumi's absolute domain with his left hand, and the touch was extremely smooth.

Chapter 0168 Classroom Play2

Mori Kogoro stuck his right hand into the lapel of his blue school uniform and kept groping.

Soon, under the old driver's kissing skills, Sumi Tsukamoto's face turned red, a blur appeared in his eyes, and even his body began to tremble continuously.

Sumi Tsukamoto let go of her hand, and the karate uniform fell to the floor. She kept moving her hands back, trying to grab something, but in the end she only hugged Mori Kogoro's waist.

Mori Kogoro kissed Sumi Tsukamoto while pushing her away, and the two soon came to a desk.

How could one desk be enough? Mori Kogoro let go of Sumi Tsukamoto, and went to the back to put together several desks.

Afterwards, he directly hugged Sumi Tsukamoto, and put it gently on the table. Sumi Tsukamoto lay obediently on several desks put together, her little face was flushed, obviously she knew what was going to happen next What is going to happen.

Sumei, who was lying on the desk, said softly: "Master, don't you want to investigate that prank later?"

"It doesn't matter Sumi, the master will solve it quickly."

In the bright and clean classroom, a youthful young female high school student wearing a school uniform was lying on the desk, looking like she wanted anything.

Such a scene was like a dream, how could Kogoro Mori bear it, he quickly bullied him again.

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