The big mouth started from Tsukamoto Sumi's small mouth, while his hands continued to walk around Tsukamoto Sumi's body. His hands were extremely flexible, and he unbuttoned the blue school uniform, and unbuttoned the white shirt inside.However, he didn't take off all of Sumi's school uniforms. Of course, he had to wear school uniforms, which would make him feel more half-undressed.

Soon, in this bright classroom, the sound of agitated battle resounded.

... [-] words are omitted here ...

More than an hour later, the school bell rang, and the hearty battle came to an end, and the whole classroom returned to calm.

Kogoro Mori was lying on the desk, hugging Sumi Tsukamoto in his arms, and gently stroking her soft and beautiful back with his big hands.

Tsukamoto Sumi's eyes were full of confusion, her body was so soft that she couldn't move anymore.

At this time, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang, and he got up with his arms around Sumi Tsukamoto. As soon as Sumi Tsukamoto stood on the floor with his little black socks, he became unstable for a while, and his body fell to the left and right.

Mori Kogoro supported him immediately, with a smile on his face, Tsukamoto Sumi blushed slightly, and stood with his hands on the desk to recover his strength.

Mori Kogoro connected the phone through the clothes underneath, and it was Xiaolan's call.

"Dad, we are over from school, have you arrived at school?"

Mori Kogoro said: "I'm already here, where are you, let's go find you!"

"Us? Dad, who are you with?"

"I'm with Sumi now!"

Yuanzi's voice cut in immediately: "Nani, Uncle Maori, how can you be with that guy!"

"Then Dad, come quickly to the base of the teaching building on the first floor, Yuanzi and I are waiting for you here."

After all, Tsukamoto Sumi has been exercising, and her resilience is better than ordinary people. Besides, today's battle only lasted for more than an hour, but she still has physical strength.

After she put on all her clothes and tidied up, she took out a tissue with a blushing face while listening to Kogoro Mori talking on the phone and began to clean up the traces in the classroom.

There were traces left on the desks, podium, and windows in the classroom, which showed the ferocity of the battle. She was relieved after cleaning up.

After Mori Kogoro put on his clothes, he opened the door, first took a look, but there was no one around, and then he and Tsukamoto Sumi walked outside.

Sumi Tsukamoto followed Mori Kogoro closely, with a troubled face, she pouted and said, "Master, what should I do if I accidentally become pregnant? I still have to go to college!"

The little girl has a lot to worry about.

Mori Kogoro laughed, stretched out his hand to touch Sumi Tsukamoto's light blue hair, and said, "Little girl, what are you worrying about? She gave birth when she was pregnant. Master can't afford it. Besides, it's okay for college students to get pregnant now." Go to school, don't worry, you'll be fine!"

Hearing Kogoro Mori say this, Sumi Tsukamoto laughed immediately, put his arm around Kogoro Mori, and rubbed his head against Kogoro Mori's shoulder: "Master, you are so kind!"

However, she quickly let go. After all, she was in school, so she still had to pay attention to the impact...

The two soon came to the teaching building on the first floor, and saw Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

Sonoko and Tsukamoto Sumi were naturally at odds. Seeing the two of them coming out of the room, their expressions were rather displeased, and they said in a low voice, "Xiaolan, didn't you ask Uncle Maori to drive this woman out of the school? I always feel that she Bad intentions approaching Uncle Maori."

"Sonoko, you always think too much, senior just wants to learn karate, it's okay!"

Sonoko didn't know that Sumi Tsukamoto's bad intentions had already been realized, and more than once.

Seeing the two of them approaching, Xiaolan asked with a gentle smile, "Father, what are you and Sumi Tsukamoto doing in there?"

Mori Kogoro replied with a chuckle: "I've been here for a long time, and I've been 'guiding' you for a while before get out of class is over. Okay, Xiaolan, what is the incident to be investigated this time?"

Yuanzi immediately said excitedly: "Uncle Maori, I know, I know, what we are going to investigate today is the ghost incident of the student Baoban Yingzhang who died mysteriously two years ago."

Sumi Tsukamoto on the side said, "Sonko, don't spread rumors. Hoban Hideaki didn't die mysteriously. He was a classmate of mine. He died two years ago because he fell down the stairs."

Mori Kogoro said: "Anyway, since I'm here, I have to find out the matter, let's go, let's go to the place where the supernatural event happened!"

"Then the first thing to go is the weeping sports warehouse." Sonoko clapped his hands immediately, while Sumi Tsukamoto held his forehead speechlessly.

The four walked in the corridor on the first floor, and the students on the left and right carried their schoolbags and passed by from time to time, full of youthful vitality.

At this moment, a gentle male voice came from behind.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, what are you doing?"

Everyone turned around, and a handsome man in a light yellow suit and glasses appeared. There was a horizontal bar on the left and right at the junction of the lenses.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi immediately turned around: "A new doctor."

Mori Kogoro turned his back to Shinide Tomoaki, and Shinide Tomoaki's eyes kept shrinking when he saw it, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Chapter 0169 Dad, don't be jealous

"Isn't today Thursday? The new doctor, didn't you go to Didan Primary School to help with the physical examination?"

Xinde Zhiming's trembling stopped, his face returned to normal, and he said, "Didan Primary School entrusted another doctor to conduct a physical examination. The doctor replaced me yesterday. I don't have to go to help."

The replacement doctor was naturally Aso Honest.

Mori Kogoro smiled gently: "Is this the new doctor Xiaolan you mentioned earlier?"

Although he had already begun to make a judgment in his heart, Kogoro Mori's expression was as usual, and he couldn't see the slightest clue.

Xiaolan nodded, and introduced to Shinde Zhiming: "This is my father, Mori Kogoro, who came to the school today to investigate a supernatural event."

There was a smile on Xinchu Zhiming's face that no one could find fault with, and he said, "I've heard the name of Detective Maori for a long time. I didn't expect to see you here today. It's a great honor."

Xiaolan, who was standing next to Xinde Zhiming, had a rather strange expression on her face. With the improvement of the channeling technique, she could hear Xinde Zhiming's heartbeat getting faster and faster. Is this nervous?

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