"However, what is the supernatural event you are talking about?" Shinide Zhiming asked with a puzzled face.

Yuanzi immediately opened his mouth and said, "Students have been discovering supernatural events in the mornings in the past few days. It seems to be the ghost of Baoban Yingzhang who died two years ago. We entrusted Uncle Mao Li to help investigate."

Sumi Tsukamoto turned around and said, "Hey, I remember that the first doctor who arrived at the scene two years ago was you, the new doctor. You should remember the scene at that time, can you tell us about it?"

A look of panic flashed across Xinchu Zhizhi's face, and he said, "The scene was so chaotic at the time, I don't even have any memories now."

"Is that so? What a pity!" Yuanzi looked regretful.

Xiaolan immediately said: "A new doctor, you can investigate with us, after all, you are also the witness back then."

Xinchu Zhizhi immediately raised his hands, and was about to wave his hands to refuse, but he heard Mori Kogoro say: "Since Xinchu doctor knows what happened at that time, then investigate with us, maybe we can remember something later!"

Xinchu Zhizhi let his hands hang down feebly, but he still wanted to struggle, and said with a dry smile: "But I have something to do later."

Mori Kogoro took a step closer to him, raised his eyebrows, and said aggressively: "The new doctor can't even spare a little time!"

"Hehehe!" Seeing such a forceful Mori Kogoro, cold sweat dripped from the back of his newly sensible head, his heartbeat became faster and faster, his eyes shrank, and finally he agreed.

Seeing this, Xiaolan turned her head to look at Shinide Akechi, then at Mouri Kogoro, and immediately started laughing.

A group of people went to the direction of the sports warehouse.

As they walked, Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan were at the back, and Mori Kogoro's gaze would pass by the new wise man from time to time.

He was quite sure that this new wise man was played by Belmod, but he couldn't help but marvel at Belmod's skill in disguise, and once again he didn't see any flaws.

Xiaolan hugged Maoli Kogoro's arm, and said in a low voice, "Dad, were you jealous just now? You're so cute?"

jealous? ? ?cute? ? ?

Mori Kogoro couldn't keep up with Xiaolan's brain circuit for a while, so he couldn't help but knocked Xiaolan on the head.

Xiaolan said: "Although I mentioned the new doctor at home, he and I are just friends. Dad, don't be jealous. I will make it up to you when I go back."

Mori Kogoro patted Xiaolan's buttocks, which were extremely elastic: "You girl, what are you thinking?"

Xiaolan, however, believed in her own judgment very much, with an air of pride and complacency on her face.

But soon her face changed, and she curled up behind Mori Kogoro, her expression became a little frightened, because the weeping warehouse had arrived.

This warehouse is extremely dark, with a lot of sundries piled up, it really looks a bit eerie.

Yuanzi's expression became terrified, and he said, "This is the origin of all supernatural events, the weeping sports warehouse."

"A few girls who practiced gymnastics came to the warehouse early in the morning to get equipment, but suddenly they heard a man crying in the darkness. Those girls turned their heads and looked over, and there was a figure of a man crying .”

"Those girls were frightened to death, and immediately turned around and ran away. After a while, they came back with the boys in the same group, only to find that there were no men in the warehouse, only this class was left. table."

Yuanzi ran over, lifted a white cloth, and a dusty desk appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone hurried up to look at it, and there were a few artistic characters engraved on the desk, like some special symbols.

Tsukamoto Sumi nodded: "This table indeed belonged to Hideaki Hoban. After he died, the table was put in the warehouse."

"However, this incident is really strange. I originally thought that the upper window was broken, and it was the sound of the wind blowing, but it didn't look like it. After all, several female students said they saw the figure of the man. way to explain."

Yuanzi said with a whistling wind all over his body: "This is definitely the soul of Baoban Yingzhang crying. He still stays in the school and has not left."

what! ! !

Xiaolan screamed, and immediately threw herself into the arms of Kogoro Mouri.

So many people were scared like this in Xiaolan, Kogoro Mouri was annoyed and funny when he saw this.

Seeing that the prank was successful, Yuanzi had a smirk on his face.

Shinde Akechi spoke softly and comforted, "Maybe it's just some classmate's prank."

Seeing that there was no other useful information in the warehouse, everyone turned around and walked out.

Sonoko then said, "Let's go to the library with hatred next."

Hearing this name, Mori Kogoro's cheeks twitched, and he really felt full of secondary feelings.

Back in the corridor outside, it was already raining outside, and the rain was still very heavy.

Yuanzi couldn't help but look distressed: "Oops, I didn't bring an umbrella today!"

Xiaolan's complexion improved immediately after leaving the warehouse, and she said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll let Dad drive you back later."

"That's great."

Everyone walked along the corridor towards the stairs.

Shinide Akechi and Mori Kogoro were at the end, Shinide Akechi said with a smile, "Detective Mori, it's really amazing. I didn't expect that such a powerful detective as you would come to investigate the supernatural events in this school."

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Investigating this incident is just incidental, meeting someone is my main purpose."

Hearing this, Xin Chuzhi's pupils immediately contracted, his heart beat faster again, and his face became a little stiff.

Chapter 0170 Dad, I'm Scared

Shinde Akechi tentatively asked nervously: "Then Maori detective, who do you want to meet?"

Mori Kogoro put his arms around the shoulders of Xinchu Zhizhi, and said with a smile: "Of course it is Xiaolan's English teacher, Teacher Judy, that foreign teacher from the United States, who has a super hot body."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows at Shinde Akechi, showing a smile that men can understand.

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