Xinchu Zhizhi was quietly relieved, fortunately he was not discovered, and this hard work of disguise really paid off.

Sure enough, this guy is still as lustful as ever. Judy, that American woman with big breasts and no brains, must be looking at other people's beauty again.

Immediately afterwards, Xinde Zhizhi asked with a dry smile: "Detective Maori, do you know Teacher Judy?"

Mori Kogoro said, "Well, I played tennis with her."

Xiaolan in front turned around and saw the two whispering to each other, while Shinde Akechi was being hugged by Mori Kogoro, looking extremely reserved.

Xiaolan thought her father was threatening Xinchu doctor, so she said, "Dad, what are you talking about with Xinchu Zhizhi?"

Mori Kogoro said with a smile: "The new doctor and I hit it off right away. We just exchanged ideas and didn't say anything!"

Xiaolan came to Kogoro Mori's side, and walked together with Kogoro Mori's arm, and Kogoro Mori let go of Shinkashi's shoulders.

As soon as he let go, the palpitations in Xinde Zhizhi's heart gradually dissipated, and his shoulders relaxed. He looked at Mori Kogoro with extremely complicated eyes.


Everyone chatted all the way, walked through the health room, and saw a boy coming out of the toilet next to him.

This boy has dark skin and thick eyebrows.

"Seko-san, why are you here? I haven't seen you all day!" Sumi Tsukamoto was quite surprised.

Shi Gu Guofan said: "I feel sick to my stomach today. I took a leave of absence and rested in the health room. I'll go home when the rain lessens..."

Shigu Guofan then passed the crowd and headed towards the health care room: "I have to go back and lie down, otherwise it would be a tragedy if I was caught by the nervous doctor on duty and taken to the hospital."

Seeing Shigu Guofan enter the health care room, Yuanzi said, "Senior Shumei, is this senior also in the same class as Baoban Yingzhang?"

Sumi Tsukamoto shook her head and said, "Not a classmate, but I heard that he and Hideaki Hoban grew up together, and they have a very good relationship."

Everyone turned around and went up the stairs, and soon came to the library with hatred on the third floor.

As soon as he entered the garden, he said, "This is the second place where supernatural events happened. For four consecutive mornings, when the doors of the entire library were opened, books were found scattered all over the floor."

"And what's even more frightening is that the borrowers of those books all have the name of Baoban Yingzhang written on them. This must be because Baoban Senior didn't finish the book, and his ghost kept flipping through the books with resentment."

Yuanzi's face became gloomy again, and his voice became louder and louder, causing people in the library to keep looking sideways.

It's a pity that the library is brightly lit, but not very scary.

Xiaolan and Tsukamoto Sumi hurriedly raised their index fingers to tell her to be quiet, only then did Sonoko realize that this was a library, and covered her mouth with her hands.

Mori Kogoro said, "Where are those books scattered everywhere? Can you read them?"

Sumi Tsukamoto took all those books back, and more than a dozen books were very unpopular, such as "Electrical Engineering", "Report on Tropical Rainforest Destruction", "Geological Analysis Report", "History of the University System"...

These books are very unpopular, and ordinary people would not borrow them to read, and most of the debit cards only have Baoban Yingzhang's name on them.

Yuanzi looked at these books and said, "These books are really unpopular!"

Sumi Tsukamoto said, "Because Hideaki Hoban said that he wants to be a manga artist, and to draw interesting things, he must understand some weird things, so he looks at it so sideways."

How many people surrounded this pile of books really attracted attention.

Tsukamoto Sumi said, "Go to the next place, I'll just stay here and pack these books."

Yuanzi nodded, and said with a serious face: "It seems that it's time to go to that cursed staircase!"

Another name full of middle school sense.

Mori Kogoro looked at the people beside him. Sonoko completely regarded this as a supernatural game. In a horror movie, Sonoko would be the character who caused trouble and died first.

And Xiaolan was really scared, just these pediatric tricks scared her half to death.

Mori Kogoro already knew that this incident was really just a pure prank, and there was no murder in it, so he felt very sorry.

The reason is very simple. This incident did not trigger the system's routine tasks. If it was not for his daughter, he would not bother to pay attention to it.

Everyone soon came to the stairwell on the fourth floor, next to the art room.

Xiaolan said: "I heard that some classmate came early in the morning and found that the stairwell was full of water, and this is where the senior Baoban fell."

Sonoko interjected, "Is that water the cursed tears that Baoban Yingzhang shed?"

Shinde Akechi on the side said, "Maybe it was just raining heavily that day, and then the upper window was left open, and the rain leaked in."

Kogoro Mori also said, "Perhaps a student who came earlier accidentally knocked over his water bottle would also create this scene."

Hearing this, Yuanzi immediately laughed awkwardly.

Indeed, because there is a puddle of water here, it is really far-fetched to think it is a ghost!

Xiao Lan soon figured it out, and chuckled lightly: "It seems to be true, I don't think it's so scary after thinking about it."

At this moment, Xiaolan, who was facing the playground, saw something appearing in the mud in the atrium, and her pupils kept shrinking.

"Look, there is a desk over there. It didn't exist just now, but why did it suddenly appear, with a piece of paper on it?"

Seeing that desk, Xiaolan instantly thought of Baoban Yingzhang's desk in the warehouse, and her little face suddenly became terrified.

Yuanzi looked at the field carefully, and said in surprise: "And there are no footprints near the field, how could it be possible, could it be that a ghost moved the desk there?"

Yuanzi suddenly felt creepy, and the atmosphere of fear lingered between the two women.

Xiaolan immediately threw herself into Maoli Kogoro's arms, hugged his waist tightly, her little face was full of panic: "Father, I'm afraid!"

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