Chapter 0171

Mori Kogoro said calmly: "What are you afraid of? It's very simple. The rain was so heavy just now that the footprints were washed away. That's why this scene was created. Well, don't scare yourself."

Hearing what Kogoro Mouri said, the slightly tense atmosphere just disappeared instantly. Xiaolan and Sonoko looked at each other and laughed immediately.

At this moment, the door of the art room on the side was opened, and a student wearing glasses and an apron asked, "Is the Baoban Yingzhang you are talking about the one who fell to his death here two years ago?"

Yuanzi asked, "Why, do you know him?"

The student from the art department named Monobe Yassen said: "Well, he was in the same art group as me before, and he was beside me when he fell to his death. What are you doing? Investigate his The cause of death is still..."

Xiaolan replied: "In the past few days, there have been many supernatural events related to Baoban students in the school. We are investigating who did these events."

Mori Kogoro said calmly: "Okay, this incident is very simple, I already know who did it."

Yuanzi immediately opened his eyes wide and asked, "Uncle Mao Li, do you really know?"

This incident is exactly the same as the anime in the memory of the previous life, and Mori Kogoro didn't want to waste time here, anyway, it's not a case, and it's better to solve it quickly.

So Mori Kogoro said, "Let's go, let's go to the first floor and see if that table is Hideaki Hoban's."

Yasen Monobe on the side also said: "Although it's a bit presumptuous, I also want to know who is doing these things behind the scenes, can you let me go and see together."

Mori Kogoro nodded naturally.

A group of people walked down the stairwell on the fourth floor, just in time to knock down Sumi Tsukamoto who was walking up.

Xiaolan immediately said: "Senior Shumei, come with us, Dad already knows who is spreading the rumors."

Tsukamoto Sumi followed, and everyone came to the corridor.

Mori Kogoro asked them to stand still and wait, while he walked quickly to the table in the atrium, stepping on the yellow mud all over his feet.

He nodded when he saw the same signature on the table as he had seen before.

As for the piece of paper on the table under the weight of the stone: "I haven't taken revenge yet!"

He ignored these words directly, and he pulled the paper back.

Kogoro Mouri, who ran back to the corridor, led the crowd to the health room.

On the hospital bed in the health care room lay the classmate I met just now, Baoban Yingzhang's childhood, age and history.

Seeing everyone coming in, Shigu Guofan couldn't help getting up in a panic, and he said to Sumi Tsukamoto, "Tsukamoto-san, why are you bringing them here?"

Tsukamoto Sumi didn't speak, but looked at Mori Kogoro instead.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the things in the room, and said directly: "Student, you put this piece of paper and the table in the atrium!"

A look of panic flashed in Shigu Guofan's eyes, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "I don't know what you are talking about, please don't disturb my rest."

After saying that, he lay down on the hospital bed again, as if chasing guests away.

Mori Kogoro said: "You were the one who cried in the warehouse before. When I saw my good friend's desk placed in the warehouse, I thought that Hoban Yingzhang was bullied by the school, and he couldn't even attend class. In the class, I can only sit alone in the warehouse and wait alone."

"And you also misunderstood that your friend died because of being bullied, that's why you did so many things, messed up books in the library, and made water on the stairs, just trying to find out what you imagined murderer."

Shigu Guofan was punctured, and instantly seemed to be irritated, and said, "Uncle, who are you! I don't know why, I don't even know what you are talking about?"

"A man has to be brave in doing things. Look at your shoes, they have betrayed you a long time ago. If you didn't go to the atrium, where did the yellow mud on your shoes come from?"

Shigu Guofan looked down, and instantly seemed to be choked, his eyes widened, and he couldn't say anything.

His well-prepared approach:

Place ice cubes behind the fire bottle groove at the head of the stairs to create a puddle of water.

Tie the umbrella with a thin thread and put it on the table, then pull the umbrella back to create a dry table and dry blood letter paper that suddenly appear like a ghost after heavy rain.

The method of thinking hard and contemplating was useless, and others simply ignored it, and they found themselves just by the yellow mud on the shoes.

Shigu Guofan couldn't help but sighed deeply, and said, "That's right, uncle, I did all of these."

Immediately afterwards, Shigu Guofan's expression became excited: "Uncle, you are so smart, then help me, help me find the murderer who bullied Yingzhang, I don't believe that Yingzhang died so easily .”

When Sumi Tsukamoto heard this, she fully understood, and said directly: "Seko-san, I think you misunderstood, we moved this table into the warehouse."

"Student Baoban is from our class. After his accident, people in the class opened his picture album and found that he had drawn pictures for all of us."

"The people in the class decided that Baoban should graduate with us no matter what, so that he will always be a part of us and never abandon him."

"That's why we moved his desk to the warehouse, raised money to buy a new desk, and thought about keeping his desk. When we graduated from high school, we moved it back to graduate together. I didn't expect this to make you misunderstand. "

Shigu Guofan's expression froze for a moment, and he asked, "Is what you said true?"

Tsukamoto Sumi nodded: "Of course, you can ask other people in my class about this, everyone knows about it."

On the side, Monobe Yassen said with a guilty expression on his face: "I was there when Hoban-san died, and that day was because we were going to move the teacher's plaster statue, and Hoban-san slipped on his foot while climbing the stairs. , and then fell down the stairs and died, all because I didn't hold him back."

Shigu Guofan turned his head to look at Monobe Yasen, his eyes turned red immediately: "Really? That means Yingzhang was not bullied to death."

He immediately got out of bed and bowed deeply to everyone, and said: "Thank you for telling me the truth, I am really sorry for causing you trouble."

After saying that, he immediately put on his shoes, rushed towards the atrium, and moved the desks in the atrium back to the warehouse.

After listening to Mori Kogoro's reasoning, knowing that Shiko Kofuge did these things because of a misunderstanding, everyone stopped blaming him, and Xiaolan was no longer afraid.

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