0172 - Judy's Breasts

When everyone walked out of the health care room, they saw Shigu Guofan with a smile on his face, happily picking up the table and stool in the atrium, and rushed towards the warehouse.

Xiaolan couldn't help but said, "The two of them are really good friends."

Yuanzi immediately took Xiaolan's hand, with a serious expression on his face: "Lan, so do the two of us."

Xiaolan also had a moved face, a look of emotion on her face.

But soon she turned her head and said, "If you don't think about my father, Yuanzi, then we will be better friends."

Yuanzi almost fell down when he heard this, and said with a dry smile, "Don't worry about these details!"

At this moment, an old man with glasses, silver hair and a blond woman with big breasts and wide buttocks came from the direction of the corridor. They were the principal of Didan High School and teacher Judy.

Seeing Kogoro Mori and Akechi Shinide getting together, Judy couldn't help muttering in her heart.

Shinide Akechi, played by Belmod before, suddenly appeared in Teidan High School, and she has been monitoring Shinde Akechi at Teidan High School. She didn't have time to test Mori Kogoro again, so she gave up the idea of ​​joining Mori Kogoro.

Seeing these two standing together now, based on her understanding of Mori Kogoro, if such a person with extremely terrifying intelligence and force helped Belmode, it would be extremely terrifying!

No, it must be stopped.

Seeing Kogoro Mouri, the old man couldn't help but said, "Director Maori, why are you free to come over to the school today?"

Mori Kogoro said: "Principal, it's nothing, my daughter has something to do with me."

Judy and Shinde Akechi were surprised when they learned that Mori Kogoro was the director of this school, they didn't know it before.

The old headmaster nodded, turned to look at Shinide Akechi, and put a smile on his face: "Xinide doctor, thank you for teaching me the health exercises, I feel much better in my body."

Xinchuzhi smiled: "The principal should take care of himself."

"Thank you for the new doctor's concern, I'm old, I'm old." The old headmaster left alone.

After the old principal left, a strange look flashed in Judy's eyes, and she spoke to Kogoro Mori, speaking in a mouthful of raw Japanese.

"Detective Maori, last time I lost to you on the tennis court, I felt uncomfortable for a long time. After that, I practiced for a long time and wanted to win back."

Yuanzi chuckled immediately: "Mr. Judy, you still dare to play with Uncle Mao Li! Have you forgotten the tennis court last time?"

Thinking of the tennis court last time, Judy was also sweating coldly: "That's right, it seems that we should forget it, hey, we can play tennis on the computer, so I won't lose to you."

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Judy, we'll talk about video games next time. I came here today to ask you something."

There was a look of doubt in Judy's eyes.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Judy's shoulders, and said, "It's a very important matter, go to your office and talk about it, Xiaolan, Sonoko, Sumi, you can wait here."

Mori Kogoro and Judy left.

Seeing Mori Kogoro disappearing from sight, Shinde Akechi's hanging heart finally let go. Before staying beside Mori Kogoro, it really felt like standing with a fierce beast.

Xinde Zhizhi turned around and was about to say goodbye to Xiaolan and the others, but immediately saw the three girls with red eyes and clenched fists looking like they were about to turn black. I broke out in a cold sweat.

"Dad, it's true, you are going home, why are you going to the office with Teacher Judy?"

"Damn, I didn't expect that besides the big-breasted senior sister, there would be another woman entangled with my Uncle Maori. What's so good about this teacher Judy? It's just bigger breasts, bigger buttocks, blond hair and blue eyes. No What's the point of finding a big ocean horse instead of being with a young beautiful girl!"

"That's right, hey, Sonoko, are you referring to me when you say big-breasted senior sister? Really, I don't know how to respect seniors at all. Let me teach you a lesson."

Tsukamoto Sumi made a gesture to hit Sonoko, Xiaolan immediately put her arms around Tsukamoto Sumi's slender waist, and Sonoko ran away and made a face: "Sister Sumi, let me tell you, you'd better not hit my Uncle Mori's attention."

Tsukamoto Sumi said unceremoniously: "Shut up, the master is mine."

"Oh, Xiaolan, look, I said that Sister Sumei has bad intentions, you heard it now!"

The three girls were in a mess in an instant, and Shinde Akechi couldn't help but stroked his forehead, what was going on.


Mori Kogoro entered the office with his arms around Judy, and Judy began to probe, again in half-baked Japanese: "Detective Mori, what do you think of the new doctor?"

She pretended to be a nympho: "He is the most handsome in school, he is very young, and he has a very good personality. To be honest, I really want him to be my boyfriend!"

Hearing what Judy said, the picture of two women, Judy and Belmode, grinding the mirror instantly appeared in Kogoro Mori's mind. The picture was too beautiful to think about it.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "This is really a bad decision, it's too wasteful."


Mori Kogoro frightened Judy's shoulder with his right hand, hugged Judy's soft waist, looked at Judy with deep eyes, a smile appeared on his handsome face, and when he opened his mouth, a masculine breath hit his small face On: "If this is the case, I will have no chance!"

Looking at Judy from a close distance, I found that her small white face is very delicate, without the characteristics of large pores in Europe and the United States, which is especially rare, but the glasses on her face are too old and look out of date.

These glasses should be her father's relics!

Looking at Kogoro Mori who was so close at hand, Judy's face flushed slightly, and soon she laughed: "Detective Mori, you must be joking!"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, his right hand began to walk around Judy's waist, and the range expanded little by little.

"No, I'm serious!"

Sensing the movement of Kogoro Mori's right hand, Judy's eyes gradually turned cold, and her tone became harsh: "Detective Mori, it's too rude to a lady like this!"

Kogoro Mori not only didn't stop his big hands when he heard this, but intensified his efforts, he climbed up the soft mountain with his big hands, a slight smile appeared on his face: "I'm afraid Mr. Judy is interested in the new doctor, right? Your FBI is targeting him this time!"

Hearing this, Judy's mind was constantly agitated, and she even ignored the big hand on her chest.

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