Belmord's index finger gently stroked the scar from her left breast to her abdomen, and she instantly recalled that nightmare-like basement.

That dust all over the sky, that pitch-black iron cage, that piercing gaze, that blood-stained belt, and that terrifying tyrant-like figure.

The man who can control his own life at will and is as wise as a demon - Mori Kogoro.

Belmode's body trembled involuntarily. That man was the most terrifying existence that Belmode had encountered in his life. Even the boss had never put such pressure on her.

How many nights, Belmord has woken up from the nightmare many times, in the dream, Mori Kogoro is holding a belt, or holding a golden desert eagle.

The pictures are all terrifying to the extreme, every time she wakes up, she is covered in sweat!

For the first time, she felt that it was a demon, an incomparable existence, and an insurmountable peak.

If someone else made her suffer such a big loss, Belmord would definitely think of ways to get revenge.

But for Kogoro Mori, Belmode didn't even dare to have any thoughts of revenge in her heart, she even ordered her subordinates to collect information, she didn't dare to meet Kogoro Mori herself, and avoided him carefully .

She worked even harder to study the disguise technique, constantly improving and improving, and in the end, the disguise became a new wisdom, and Belmode only dared to contact Xiaolan.

Every time he saw Xiaolan's face, Belmode couldn't help but feel emotional: "The devil actually gave birth to an angel!"

Today, when he meets Kogoro Mori again, others don't know how much pressure Belmore is under.

I don't know how much sweat seeped out from the head under the mask, and the little black vest was already wet, and it was very uncomfortable all the time, but Belmode endured it all the time.

She was afraid that Kogoro Mori would see through her disguise technique again, and when faced with Kogoro Mori's request, she couldn't think of refusing at all.

Otherwise, how could she follow Xiaolan to investigate some supernatural events in high school.

And after Mori Kogoro left, seeing the three girls arguing because of Mori Kogoro, Belmor subconsciously stepped forward to persuade him.

At that time, she just thought of calming down the matter between the three of them. Kogoro Mori should be happy!

Adhering to the idea of ​​making Mori Kogoro happy, Belmode acted without hesitation!

Now Belmode is standing in front of the mirror, recalling what he did today, he suddenly feels a little weird, but he feels extremely at ease.

After a long time, Belmore's trembling body stopped. She let out a long breath, and then moved her legs to stand under the shower head.

The switch was turned on, and the hot water slanted down, hitting the fair skin and also hitting the dark red scar.

Chapter 0177 Kogoro, you really understand me


The next morning, Kogoro Mori drove to the high-end villa area of ​​Mihua [-]-chome. He rang the doorbell, and the door opened after a while.

Qiuting Lianzi was wearing a casual sportswear, black pants, gray top, and long black hair scattered on both sides, looking very gentle.

Sure enough, Qiuting Lianzi was born beautiful, no matter what she was dressed in, she was very beautiful.

Seeing Kogoro Mouri, Qiu Ting Lianzi's crimson eyes flashed joy: "Xiao Goro, you are here!"

"How was last night? Nothing happened!"

Mori Kogoro walked into the villa, and immediately heard a strange ceremony playing in the villa.

"It's okay, it was very quiet last night." Qiuting Lianzi walked towards the refrigerator, "Xiao Wulang, what do you want to drink?"

"Green tea will do."

Mori Kogoro entered the villa and began to wander around, and soon he saw Qiu Ting's bedroom.

It was the stereo in the bedroom that was playing this strange ceremony, and this was the song Qiuting Lianzi would perform tomorrow.

However, apart from a few pieces of underwear scattered on the table at the side, it is really quite big, and there is a D cup.

But there is nothing else on it, not even a picture of flute and Soma Hikaru.

That's not right, according to the news Mingmei investigated yesterday, Qiuting Lianzi and Soma Hikaru were indeed engaged.


Pushing the door was closed instantly, Qiu Ting Lianzi blushed pretty, and snorted arrogantly: "Xiao Wulang, it's rude to spy on other people's bedrooms."

"There's no more green tea, only orange juice at home, would you like it?"

Mori Kogoro took the orange juice with one hand, took Qiu Ting Lianzi's soft hand back to the sofa, and asked, "Lianzi, I want to ask you something! Do you know Mitsu Soma?"

Qiu Ting Lianzi immediately frowned, but said with a flat face: "Well, I know him. He was engaged to me in name three years ago, but then he seemed to be drunk and fell off a cliff and died."

This reaction is too calm!

"Engaged in name?"

Qiuting Lianzi glared at Mori Kogoro angrily, clasped her hands on her chest, and then opened her mouth to explain.

"Yeah, my mother and Soma Hikaru's mother are best friends. Three years ago, my mother had terminal cancer. Before she died, she wanted to see me have a destination, so she tried her best to match Soma Hikaru and me."

"In order to fulfill my mother's last wish, Soma Hikaru and I secretly discussed, first pretending to be engaged, and then canceling the engagement, Soma Hikaru also agreed to cooperate."

"But when that guy went on a trip with others, he fell off a cliff and died after getting drunk, which made my mother die with regret!"

It's no wonder that Qiuting Lianzi's attitude was so cold when he mentioned Xiangma Guang. It turns out that the two really have nothing to do with each other, and she still has a bit of resentment towards Xiangma Guang.

That is to say, Qiuting Lianzi didn't pay attention to the identities of the people who drank with Xiang Maguang at that time.

He didn't even know that Soma Hikaru's biological father was Puhe Takumi.

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