"Really, Kogoro, you don't even mind this, do you? This is too stingy!"

Reiko Akiba's crimson eyes looked up and down Kogoro Mori, and made a 'tsk tsk tsk' sound.

Seeing such gazes, Mori Kogoro directly pulled Akiba Reiko and let her lie on his body, with his soft chest against his chest, the fragrance poured into his nose, and his big hand directly patted that hip, elastic Excellent.

Maori Kogoro pretended to be vicious and said: "Why, I'm just stingy, so I won't give it!"

Mori Kogoro's big hand continued to slap on the buttocks, punishing Akiba.

A blush appeared on Qiu Ting Lianzi's face, and she immediately explained in a low voice: "Xiao Wulang, don't be angry, nothing happened between me and him."

Only then did Kogoro Mori smile with satisfaction, his big hands were still patting Akiba's buttocks, but the strength gradually became smaller, and finally turned into a stroking technique.

Mori Kogoro said: "I investigated last night, and the students of the Domoto Conservatory who died before were the classmates who drank with Hikaru Soma three years ago, so the serial case that happened this time has nothing to do with Hikaru Soma. Don't worry, nothing will happen next."

Hearing this, Qiuting Lianzi immediately raised her head, and surprise appeared in her misty eyes: "Really?"

Mori Kogoro nodded naturally.

Akiba Lianzi kissed Mori Kogoro's mouth in one breath, and she became much more enthusiastic than yesterday.

Mori Kogoro discovered a detail, it seems that as long as there is music in the surrounding environment, Qiu Ting will become active, which is really amazing.

The two were lying on the sofa and kissing, Mouri Kogoro's big hand kept moving.

About ten minutes later, the flushed Akiba Riko pushed Kogoro Mori away.

Instead, the villain complained first: "It's all your fault, I've finally adjusted my mood and it's messed up again."

Mori Kogoro then withdrew his big hand stuck into the lapel, his heart was indeed beating wildly.

He smiled and said: "Well, it's all my fault, beautiful Miss Lianzi, I wonder if I have the honor to go to Mihua Central Park with you for forest bathing."

Qiuting Lianzi straightened her clothes and stood up, walked into the bedroom and closed the door: "Wait for me to change."

But soon she opened the bedroom door again and said, "No peeking."

After that, the bedroom door closed again.

This girl is really, saying that peeping is not allowed and she doesn't lock the door. Isn't she seducing people by locking it like this?

But Mori Kogoro didn't care, he could take it off by himself if it really depended on him.

Soon the bedroom door opened, and Qiuting Lianzi said she was changing clothes, but in fact she just put on an extra gray coat.

She came out and saw Mori Kogoro still sitting obediently on the sofa, she smiled with satisfaction.

This girl actually set up a trick! ! !Fishing Law Enforcement! ! !

Immediately afterwards, Reiko Qiuting took Kogoro Mouri's arm, and the two left the villa and walked towards Mihua Central Park.


The park is very close, but only five kilometers away. As soon as he walked out of the villa area, Mori Kogoro immediately felt a peeping gaze.

Come again!I really don't know how to live or die!

I just don't know if it was the killer of Sumiyoshikai or himself.

Looking at Reiko Akiba with a calm and beautiful face beside her, Kogoro Mori didn't want to disturb her, so he just released the twenty-nine intact Ant-Man robots in the system space, guarding all directions.

Soon, the two arrived at Mihua Central Park. The air in the park was fresh, and the morning sun shone through the gaps between the leaves and fell on the two of them. In the distance, they could see a team of primary school students singing insects, which was a beautiful scene.

As soon as Reiko Akiba walked into the park, she kept smiling on her face, and even Kogoro Mori became happier.

"Kogoro, do you know why I have to come to the park for a forest bath before the concert?"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows: "The soprano originated in Europe and was born in the fields and nature. I think you intend to incorporate all the beauty of nature into your body, and then sing together, so that you can be more touching. Bar!"

A look of surprise flashed across Qiu Ting's crimson eyes, and she said with a smile: "Xiao Wulang, you really understand me!"

Chapter 0178 Personal Protection

Reiko Akiba let go of Mori Kogoro's arm, facing the green forest, she stretched her waist, showing a beautiful figure.

Mori Kogoro didn't bother her, music is a dialogue with God, and Qiu Ting Lianzi took tomorrow's concert very seriously.

Kogoro Mori naturally supported her, so even though he wanted to make out with Lianzi, he didn't do anything.

Time passed quickly, and when it was almost noon, the two walked out along the park.

The peeping man was patient enough to hold on, but at last he could bear it no longer.

boom!boom! !thump!thump!

A few strange noises came over, as if Akiba had been awakened, she turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro smiled gently: "It's okay, take it easy, I'm here for everything."

Qiuting Lianzi saw that there was no movement around her, so she felt relieved, but she was still a little worried, so she said, "Xiao Wulang, the forest bathing is almost done anyway, let's go back!"

Kogoro Mori naturally had no objection, so he walked back to her home with Reiko Akiba.

As soon as he got back to the gate of the villa, Mori Kogoro saw a little devil pouted at the window next to the gate, and it was Conan the little devil.

With the help of people in the Metropolitan Police Department, Conan also discovered the relationship between the deceased in the serial case and Soma Hikaru, so he speculated that Akiba Rieko was in danger, so he wanted to protect Akiba Rieko.

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