Thanks to the intelligent processing ability of Xiao V, the sound quality of this recorded piece of music has not been weakened in any way, and it is almost exactly the same as when Kogoro Mori played.

When Qiu Ting Lianzi heard this pure music piano piece, a smile immediately appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Looking at the beautiful face in front of him, Mori Kogoro kissed Lianzi's eyes, those scarlet eyes that were the most special in his opinion.

Qiu Ting Lianzi's heartbeat quickened by the hard stubble, she sensed Kogoro Mori's attack, and heard the music coming from her ear, she responded enthusiastically.

His white-gloved hands wrapped around Kogoro Mori's neck.

And Mori Kogoro's hands that were originally wrapped around his slender waist also slowly moved around, climbing around along that moving curve.

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Mori picked up Reiko Akiba's arms and legs, and hugged her up. The hem of the dress slipped down, revealing her white legs and a pair of jade feet wearing high heels.

Mori Kogoro climbed up the spiral staircase with Reiko Qiuting in his arms, and when he reached the top, he closed the organ cover, and then gently placed Reiko Qiuting on it.

The position of the two at the moment is the central axis of the stage, which is also the highest point of the stage, on which bright and luxurious chandeliers hang.

Under the light, the blush on Qiuting Lianzi's face was extraordinarily moving.

Finally, Kogoro Mori could no longer bear it. He had endured it for a whole day. As early as the morning when he first saw the noble and glamorous Reiko Akiba, Kogoro Mori couldn't bear it, and he has been struggling until now.

Mori Kogoro leaned forward, pressed Lianzi on the organ, and kissed that lips, with his right hand embracing the soft waist, and his left hand gently stroking the white calf.

Sensing that Kogoro Moori's actions were getting more and more extreme, Pieko Akiba couldn't help being a little panicked, she retracted her bare hands, and pushed on Kogoro Moori's chest, she said softly with watery eyes: "Kogoro, don't be here! "

But Qiuting Lianzi could not match the strange power of Mori Kogoro, Mouri Kogoro said softly: "Lianzi, no one can come in here, the door has been locked by me, and don't you think this place is very meaningful?"

"Today is the day when this concert hall is completed. I want to be here to let the entire concert hall witness, Lianzi, you are my woman from today on." Mori Kogoro's firm voice reveals an irresistible force.

Hearing these shameful words, Qiu Ting Lianzi blushed, and her crimson eyes looked across the entire vast concert hall.

I am right here in the middle of the stage, at the highest point, and there seems to be an unspeakable sense of ritual.

The strength in Qiu Ting Lianzi's hand gradually weakened, and Mori Kogoro bowed his head again and kissed Qiu Ting Lian Zi's small mouth.

And his big hands became more and more serious, the skirt of the dress was slowly tilted, and a graceful carcass was revealed in front of Mori Kogoro, which became more and more alluring under the light.

The battle broke out in an instant, and the red plums were lightly sprinkled on the piano cover. Immediately afterwards, the moving movement resounded throughout the concert hall.

Chapter 0185 Concert Hall Play2

In the concert hall, Qiuting Lianzi couldn't help singing loudly, with a unique rhythm in her oriole-like voice.

The huge concert hall was extremely empty, but the soprano singer's singing reputation was well-deserved, and it resounded throughout the concert hall in an instant.

Her voice is sad and moving, and people can't help but be fascinated by it.

Qiu Ting Lianzi has long been lost in the gorgeous music from the mobile phone, and her soul has long since disappeared.

A pair of bare hands tightly held the wooden frames on the left and right sides of the organ. She knelt on the organ, her body trembling constantly.

She was wearing white high-heeled shoes on her jade feet, a white headband on her black hair, and white elbow gloves on her arms.

At this moment, Qiuting Lianzi was like a sacrifice, like some kind of evil ceremony, located on the central axis of the concert hall, at the highest point of the stage, and could not stop singing loudly.

The bright light shone on her body, wrapping her jade body in a warm color.

Qiu Ting Lianzi's crimson eyes have long lost their usual calmness, their eyes are full of confusion, and their face is flushed like never before in this life. The pores of the jade-like body are constantly expanding, and crystal clear beads of sweat seep out , beads of sweat hung on his chest with gravity, dripping slowly from the top.

Accompanied by beads of sweat and blood dripping down, dripping on the piano cover.

The white headband suddenly loosened, and a head of jet-black waist-length hair curled wantonly, covering most of that fair and beautiful back.

But soon the black hair was stained with sweat from his body, and it was tightly attached to Qiu Ting Lianzi's body.

The singing like an oriole has never stopped, resounding through the entire concert hall.

If the audience at noon today knew that the goddess-like Qiuting Lianzi was singing like this at the top of the stage at this moment, they would definitely be shocked.

It's not ugly, but extremely beautiful, it's simply the most beautiful song in the world.

The sacrifice seemed to have stopped, Qiuting Lianzi got a chance to catch her breath, and her singing also stopped. She finally got a chance to get down from the organ stand, and her legs in high heels were a little unsteady.

Qiu Ting Lianzi stood on the high platform, facing the auditorium, holding onto the fence of the high platform with her bare hands.

At this moment, Qiuting Lianzi was like a queen, with her white belly bulging, she sang loudly again.

The music in the concert hall sang for a full four hours before the concert finally came to an end.


At around eight o'clock in the evening, the Lexus was driving on the road, and the neon lights on the left and right sides were constantly passing by, and the face of Qiuting Lianzi, who fell on the passenger seat, was intertwined with light and dark, dyeing Lianzi's small face with a different kind of luster.

Qiu Ting Lianzi was sleeping soundly in the co-pilot seat. As the only audience at the special concert just now, Mori Kogoro knew how much energy and physical strength Qiu Ting Lian Zi had consumed.

His big hand gently stroked Qiuting Lianzi's black hair, and the car drove very smoothly.

Soon, the Lexus drove into the villa area, and the car stopped at the gate of Qiuting Lianzi's villa.

Mori Kogoro got out of the car and carried Akiba Reiko in the passenger seat into the house.

Qiuting Lianzi slept soundly, and it was Mori Kogoro who took her to the bathroom, bathed her, cleaned her body... Putting on a nightgown, Qiu Ting Lianzi didn't wake up after the whole process.

Looking at Reiko Akiba who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, Kogoro Mori gently kissed her white forehead.

Then he exchanged for a sweet dream, and put a peach blossom branch in Lianzi's hand.

In an instant, pink light flashed from the peach blossom branches, and the illusion flowed, covering Qiu Ting Lianzi. This sweet dream was set by Mori Kogoro for twelve hours.

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