By eight o'clock tomorrow morning, Qiuting Lianzi will fully recover and wake up.

Sweet Dreams cost Mori Kogoro [-] points, but compared to the income of this case, it is nothing. After the completion of the theatrical version of the case, the system rewarded Mori Kogoro with [-] points and one time A chance to win a lottery.

Mori Kogoro's points once again exceeded 125642, reaching as many as [-], and the lucky draw opportunities have accumulated to two times.

The case this time is very simple. Mori Kogoro originally thought that he would not get so many points, but he did not expect to gain so much. It seems that the theatrical version of the case is the place to really harvest points!

Looking at Reiko Qiuting lying on the bed, a smile appeared on Jumei's little face, as if she had entered a sweet dream, and Kogoro Mori didn't bother her anymore.

He turned off the lights in the room, then went out, got into the car and drove towards his home.


Soon, Mori Kogoro returned home. After he opened the door with the key, he saw Xiaolan and Huiyuan in the living room with surprise on their faces.

However, the look of surprise on the faces of the two women disappeared in a flash, and then subsided.

Huiyuan turned his small head to look at the TV, and said with a cold expression: "You know you're coming back, I thought you were so fascinated by Miss Qiu Ting that you forgot where your home is, do you still plan to live with her tonight?" ?”

This feeling, how can there be a sense of déjà vu being interrogated by his wife.

Mori Kogoro quickly explained: "How is it possible? Last night when he was not at home, he said he was busy with a case to protect Miss Qiuting. You don't know that there were three groups of killers at Miss Qiuting's house last night, but I subdued them all."

Because Huibara also heard about Mori Kogoro entrusting Police Officer Sato today, so he nodded and agreed with this statement.

"Besides, tomorrow morning is Xiao Ai's singing competition, and this afternoon is Xiao Lan's hard-working drama rehearsal. How could I be absent?"

Xiaolan on the side smiled gently, pretending to be concerned as if nothing had happened: "Dad, why did your suit turn black? I clearly remember that you didn't wear this when you went out yesterday. Where is your previous suit? "

Mori Kogoro replied easily: "Yesterday's suit was accidentally torn when subduing those killers. I couldn't wear it to the concert. I had to buy a set on the way this morning. No, the label hasn't been removed yet. Woolen cloth!"

Xiaolan walked over and saw the label hanging on the inside of the lining, so she nodded, accepting the statement.

Feeling no more doubts, the two women looked at each other, and their expressions became more relaxed.

Mori Kogoro immediately noticed the gazes of the two, good guy, they are united!

Fortunately, I am an old driver, so I can drive steadily!

Mori Kogoro was free now, and calmed his frightened heart slightly.

Chapter 0186 Ham and Milk

Mori Kogoro sat between the two beauties, big and small, stroking the smooth and beautiful backs of the two girls with his big hands, with a slightly sad expression.

Now it seems that the two women formed a strategic alliance because of the appearance of Qiuting Lianzi, which gave them a sense of urgency.

This is too bad, they are already two terrible juicers.

If this continues, there will be fewer happy days.

Mori Kogoro sank into his mind: "Little V, what can you do?"

Little V's female voice said: "You're so stupid, you're so stupid, strangled to death."

"Trash little V, ruin my youth, what do you want?"

Little V said, "How dare the ten-second man An be so rampant."

Hearing the critical complaint from Xiao V, Mori Kogoro instantly petrified.

At this moment, the phone rang, which stopped the scolding battle in Kogoro Mouri's mind.

Mori Kogoro walked to the balcony with his mobile phone and connected the call.

A voice full of vitality sounded: "Uncle Maori, I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow, and I'll see you soon, do you miss me?"

It was Toyama and Ye's voice. Hearing Genki Niang's voice, Mori Kogoro had a smile on his face.

"He Ye, of course Uncle misses you. Are you here to participate in Xiaolan's campus festival?"

"Yes, Xiaolan and the others said that this performance is very exciting, so I must not miss it. I will be there tomorrow morning."

Mori Kogoro said: "Okay, then if you come over tomorrow morning, you can meet us at Teidan Elementary School, and we will go to Teidan High School to watch the performance together in the afternoon."

Yuan Shan and Ye on the other side of the phone immediately agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Mori Kogoro turned around and entered the living room, sitting on the sofa and hugging the two girls again, enjoying the comfortable weekend time.


Early the next morning, Mori Kogoro woke up from his sleep, his left and right hands were full of softness.

He pulled his left hand out of the gully with difficulty, and moved his right hand from his buttocks, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

These hands are always unable to control when they are sleeping, and they will search for a place to explore. Fortunately, they are all under the quilt, otherwise they will be seen by the two of them, and the consequences will be tragic.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro gently pushed away the little loli Haibara who was lying on his body, and the two girls were still sleeping soundly.

Mori Kogoro got up quietly, covered the two girls with the quilt, and went out of the room.

Mori Kogoro went out after washing and got into the car, and soon came to Qiu Ting's villa.

People who study music are sensitive, and so is Qiuting Lianzi.

If I didn't see Mori Kogoro when I opened my eyes, I might feel abandoned in my heart.

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