Fujimine Yukiko who was on the side also snorted when she heard this, and said, "Xiao Goro, what is your relationship with that woman?"

Haibara raised her head slightly, she felt a little weird when she heard Fujimine Yukiko's tone, Kudo Shinichi's mother must be too close to her Uncle Mori!

"If you don't say it clearly, you will never want to sleep in my bed next time!"

Instant explosion! ! !

The mischievous Yukiko burst out with explosive information as soon as she opened her mouth. She thought Haibara was a child who didn't understand anything, so she spoke without any scruples.

Mori Kogoro only felt his scalp tingling, his pupils constricted, and he stretched out his hand to cover Haibara's ears.

At this moment, his subconscious reaction was to exchange the psychedelic talisman and tamper with Huiyuan's memory.

However, Huiyuan only shrank his pupils when he heard this, and there was no reaction at all.

Fei Yingli frowned and said, "You Xizi, the child is still here, don't talk about these things."

Mori Kogoro immediately smiled wryly, this is not a child!

Yukiko stuck out her tongue, with an embarrassed expression on her face, then stretched out her hand and hugged Huiyuan, and Moori Kogoro's arms were empty before he could do anything.

"Xiao Ai? It's so cute to be hugged by auntie. Auntie wants to have a daughter like you, but it's a pity that someone is not good at all."

Yukiko was holding Haibara with a smile all over her face, and couldn't help but glance at Kogoro Mori.

Huiyuan frowned slightly, annoyed in his heart, but he didn't resist.

With her IQ as high as [-], she naturally knew that this was not the time to be jealous, and she should listen to more information.

Haibara could infer something when she heard these words, and seeing that Fei Yingli didn't respond to Yukiko's words, she instantly understood that Fei Yingli must also know about Yukiko's existence.

No way, this is Ehuang and Nvying, two women serve one husband together?

Oh my god!It's unbelievable, Haibara looked at Fei Eri and couldn't believe it, such a proud woman would share her man with other people, and that woman was also Kudo's mother.

The amount of information was too large, and Hui Yuan felt that he couldn't handle it.

Feiyingli looked at Kogoro Mori who was in a daze and didn't respond, and got angry, pinched Kogoro Mori's waist with her small hand, and said, "So, do you have something to do with that foreign woman?"

Seeing Feiyingli's gesture, Haibara instantly realized that Feiyingli must have been taken down by his uncle Mori, otherwise he wouldn't be like a jealous woman.

She couldn't help but glared at Mori Kogoro, but she didn't dare to make any drastic moves in front of Fei Yingli.

Although Haibara hates Concubine Eri, it's actually because Haibara feels like seeing a maiden every time she sees her.

Moreover, my body has not yet recovered, and I am a little girl and a third party, so I am inherently weaker.

Therefore, Haibara felt guilty and felt a little inferior every time he saw Fei Yingli, and this discomfort gradually turned into disgust.

Mori Kogoro looked at Haibara in embarrassment, then turned his head and explained to Fei Yingli: "How is it possible, Teacher Judy is Xiaolan's English teacher, and she played tennis with me, Sonoko and the others before. After coming down, we exchanged a few words and then got up, you should have seen it, what relationship can we have?"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli and Yukiko looked at each other, and it was indeed the same as before, so she let Kogoro Mori go.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to hug Huiyuan back, he smiled and said, "Yukiko, don't get tired of you, Xiao Ai let me hug you!"

You Xizi immediately twisted her body, protected Hui Yuan under her body and said, "You're not tired, how can you be tired holding such a cute little girl, Xiao Ai, do you want to be with your sister or with your uncle?" together?"

"Hey, I'm a generation behind!" Mori Kogoro complained speechlessly, but Yukiko was still pretending to be tender.

There was a playful smile on Youxizi's face, and she said cutely: "Oh, Uncle Mao Li, don't you remember me, I am Youxizi!"

With her current appearance, she didn't feel any disobedience when she said these words.

Immediately, Kogoro Mori and Hieiri's heads were full of black lines.

Fei Yingli couldn't help laughing and said, "You call him Uncle Mao Li, then what do you call me?"

"Aunt Yingli, what are you talking about?" Yukiko left on the road to death.

Fei Yingli immediately stood up and wanted to pass Mori Kogoro and teach the unrestrained Yukiko, but was blocked by Mori Kogoro's arms around his waist.

"Yukiko, stop playing." Kogoro Mori said seriously, and Yukiko stuck out her tongue again, rubbing her chin against Huiyuan's little head: "Okay, okay, Xiao Ai? You can just call me Auntie Yukiko gone."

"Then Ai, do you want to be with Aunt Yukiko or Uncle Maoli?"

Yukiko asked seriously, but Kogoro Mori stretched out his hands.

Huiyuan looked at the two of them, and then spoke, with a cute loli voice: "Uncle is a big pervert, I want to be with Aunt Yuxiko."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro felt sad for a moment, while Fei Eri and Yukiko couldn't help laughing.

"Poor Xiao Goro, I didn't expect Xiao Ai to know your true nature."

You Xizi couldn't help complaining about Kogoro Mori, and Kogoro Moori's face became more and more ugly, and he couldn't help but glared at You Xizi: "I'll make you look good when I get back."

Yukiko was not afraid at all, and even gave Kogoro Mori a provocative look.

Chapter 0190

Kogoro Mori looked at Haibara, who was constantly acting cute in Yukiko's arms, with a wry smile on his face.

Of course, he knew exactly what Huiyuan was up to, and he definitely wanted to take advantage of the child's innocent and lively appearance to get more information from Yuxizi when he was unprepared.

But Mori Kogoro couldn't stop it, he couldn't reveal that Haihara was an adult.

Even Haibara didn't know about this matter, and Mori Kogoro already knew about it!

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