He could only watch Huiyuan win Yukiko's favor step by step, the two got along very well, and they talked about something interesting, the two girls laughed together.

Mori Kogoro looked at Yukiko rather angrily, with such high acting skills, why couldn't you see that this little lolita was performing in front of you.

But Fei Yingli looked at You Xizi quite enviously. She had seen Hui Yuan a few times, but every time Hui Yuan always ignored her. He glanced at his mouth.

Mori Kogoro simply broke the jar and left the two of them alone. If Haibara really couldn't accept it, he could only exchange it for the psychedelic talisman.

A primary psychedelic talisman can tamper with a person's memory for an hour, an intermediate psychedelic talisman can tamper with a person's memory for a whole day, and an advanced psychedelic talisman can tamper with a person's memory for a whole month.

Although he is unwilling to use props on his own people, if the result is really not satisfactory, then Mori Kogoro will not hesitate.

At this moment, Yuan Shan and Ye ran over, and shouted affectionately, "Uncle Mao Li."

However, she frowned as soon as she approached, and Kazuya couldn't help being a little puzzled when he saw two young beauties with very different styles beside Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro immediately opened his mouth to explain: "Heye, are Xiaolan and the others ready?"

"Well, get ready, their show is really amazing, but Uncle Maori, who are these two?"

There was a smile on Feiyingli's face: "You are Yuanshan and Ye, I heard Xiaolan often mentioned you, I am Xiaolan's mother, Feiyingli, next to me is my good friend, a famous actor There is Kiko Fujimine."

"In the past, the three of us and Kogoro were students of this school, and today we can revisit the old place, ha ha!"

Fujimine Yukiko also raised her head and greeted Kazuha.

Toyama and Ye immediately had a look of surprise on their faces: "Wow, it's really Yukiko Fujimine, I'm your fan, I like you the most as Otome, it's so beautiful, can you sign it for me?" A name!"

Naturally, Fujimine Yukiko would not refuse, and immediately signed a name for Toyama and Ye.

Yuan Shan and Ye turned their heads to look at Fei Yingli, with scrutiny in their eyes, as if they were thinking about why this woman married Uncle Mao Li before.

However, Toyama and Ye did not make things difficult for Mori Kogoro. She looked at Fei Yingli and praised: "It's really unbelievable that Xiaolan's mother is so young and well maintained!"

When Fei Yingli heard this, she naturally chuckled happily, and pulled Yuan Shan and Ye to sit beside her, and began to chat about Xiaolan's drama.


At this moment, Conan, who had been wandering for an unknown amount of time, came back. He saw his childhood nightmare, and Eri, the master of dark cooking, couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Then when she saw Yukiko who was dressed in British style like Sherlock Holmes, her mother wailed in her heart: Pills!

With my own mother around, that plan would have been impossible to realize.

Conan immediately turned around and was about to run back, but was stopped by Fujimine Yukiko: "Conan-kun, what are you running for?"

Fei Yingli couldn't help but wondered: "Youxizi, do you know Conan?"

Yukiko smiled: "Of course we know each other. The child's mother Fumyo Edogawa and I are very good friends. She went to South Africa to mine, and she asked me to take good care of Conan!"

"I heard from Detective Maori that Conan has been very naughty recently, and Wen Dai asked me to help discipline this child."

"I said, Conan, you are too, your mother is so beautiful and kind, are you willing to let her down? She worked so hard for you in South Africa, why can't you understand her?"

Yukiko kept putting gold on her face, which made Conan speechless.

Seeing this, Haibara couldn't help but look at Conan sympathetically, your mother is cheating, and you, a detective, didn't even notice it, it's so pitiful!

No, Huiyuan, with a big brain hole, remembered Xizi's words just now: "Auntie wants to have a daughter like you, but it's a pity that someone is not good at all."

At that time, Yukiko glanced at Mori Kogoro pointingly.

No way, Kudo Shinichi is Uncle Mori's illegitimate son!

Isn't this guy and Xiaolan's half brother and sister?


Haibara didn't dare to think about it anymore, but the way she looked at Kogoro Mori was very complicated.

If Kogoro Mori knew that Huiyuan's mind was so wide open, he would definitely not be able to help knocking Huiyuan's little head. This little loli is too intelligent and has too much imagination.

You Xizi looked at Conan who was still about to run away, and immediately shouted: "Stand up, come over, sit here, from now on you kid must not leave my sight, Wen Dai is not here, let me, my aunt, discipline you well! "

Conan obediently sat next to Yukiko: You can ask for more blessings!

At this moment, the lights in the auditorium gradually dimmed, while the lights on the stage turned on.

The first program was a karate performance led by Tsukamoto Sumi from Class C of the third year of high school.

Students in karate uniforms ran up one by one and knelt and sat in a ball. This first program was a big move.

Sumi Tsukamoto fought against the other students alone. She stood in the middle of the field and shouted at the others: "I will fight ten."

In an instant, ten male students in karate uniforms stood up and surrounded Sumi Tsukamoto.

This is of course the opinion of Mori Kogoro, when he hugged Tsukamoto Sumi in the karate club classroom before.

He heard Sumi's troubles in this campus festival program, so he contributed this sentence casually, and then extended it to rehearse a karate performance, and Tsukamoto Sumi accepted it kindly.

After drinking these words today, everyone couldn't help being shocked when they heard the voice of a woman, and then the wonderful karate fight was displayed, which was very interesting to watch.

All the audience were excited and the performance was excellent.

Especially in the last scene, Sumi Tsukamoto used Mori Kogoro's Bengquan to knock all six people into the air with one punch, which was even more jaw-dropping.

Chapter 0191 Two Xiaolan

Standing proudly on the stage, Sumi Tsukamoto bowed to the audience with a heroic appearance, which is the right to call off the curtain.

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