"Nonsense, I can see it clearly from the co-pilot. Dr. Urata dropped his driver's license under the car and found it at the end. You are talking about this time."

The big fat man Mitani Yota rubbed his head and said with a dry smile: "I didn't see clearly in the back seat, so I thought he was looking for something! It seems that I really misunderstood, officer, I'm really sorry."

Gao Mushe was speechless, too lazy to blame the fat man, and returned to the auditorium with his mobile phone.

Everyone returned to the auditorium soon, and police officer Mumu saw the excited faces of everyone coming back: "Brother Maoli, brother Takagi, have you found anything?"

Takagi reported with a frustrated face: "What Yota Mitani said was actually when Dr. Urata dropped his driver's license at the bottom of the car, so there was nothing suspicious in the car, only to find the driver's license that Dr. Urata left on the car. cell phone."

"However, the phone has a password, and there is no way to crack it. It seems that we have to go back to the Metropolitan Police Hall and find the police officers in the hall to crack it."

Hearing this, one of the people present frowned.

As soon as Mori Kogoro returned to the auditorium, Yukiko held a handkerchief wrapped in a metal-rimmed plastic pouch and handed it to Mori Kogoro.

You Xizi looked excited: "Xiao Goro, Xiao Goro, look, this is something I found outside the toilet, can you see if it is useful?"

Mori Kogoro glanced at Yukiko who was excited, and Conan who had a big red envelope flashing on his head, and instantly understood.

With Yukiko's character, she doesn't have the temperament to dig through the trash can, so she must have robbed Conan's harvest and dedicated it to Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Yukiko, you are really capable!"

Hearing that his sweetheart praised You Xizi, he immediately burst into a pair of smiling eyes.

Conan on the side looked at this scene with dead fish eyes, and the evidence he had worked so hard to find was taken away.

At this time, Hattori Heiji squatted down, and said in a low voice: "Kudou, the situation is a bit strange this time. I feel that there are three people who have problems."

Conan sneered and said, "You think there are problems with three, but I only think there are problems with two. It seems that you lost this time."

"Tch, what do I lose, it's not a win if I don't find the murderer. Hey, why didn't you tell me that your mother was here too, which made me call mom twice in vain, and you see He Ye is looking at me now His eyes seem to be perverted." Hattori Heiji looked distressed.

"I also want to tell you, who told you that you can't wait to jump out as soon as you see the murder case, can you blame me?" Conan's face was burning with anger.

Hattori Heiji smiled dryly and waved his hands: "Instinctive reaction, instinctive reaction, I can't control it."

Chapter 0196 the world's best video

At this time, Police Officer Mugure felt that the delay was too long, so he said: "From now on, no poison was detected in the drink, and although no evidence was found in the car, Dr. Urata really committed suicide." Bar."

Mori Kogoro stood up slowly, and said, "Officer Megure, this is not a suicide case, but a complete murder case, and the murderer just took advantage of Dr. Urata's little habit of life."

Seeing Mori Kogoro approaching Police Officer Megure, the high school students present couldn't help but get excited.

"Hey, hey, today I can see the live reasoning show of the great detective Maori."

"This is much better than the show just now."

"Nonsense, there were two Xiaolan seniors in the show just now, how can it be better than that!"

"As expected of the great detective Maori, he saw through the truth so quickly."

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on Kogoro Mori, especially the girls behind, as well as Judy and Belmode who were secretly peeping, everyone was staring at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro said: "Actually, the glass of ice-cola in Dr. Urata's hand was indeed poisoned, but Dr. Urata didn't drink the poison, he ate it."

Police officer Mu Mu hurriedly asked: "How do you say that?"

"This should be a habit of Dr. Urata. He likes to eat ice cubes after drinking. This can also explain why the lid of the drink cup is open."

"As far as we know, potassium cyanide is a highly poisonous substance that is insoluble in ice but only soluble in water and acid. Therefore, when preparing ice cubes, the prisoner cut a hole to place the poison in the middle, and then Plugging the hole and then freezing it around will ensure that the poison stays in the ice without dissolving."

"In this way, before the ice cubes are completely dissolved, there will naturally be no poisonous reaction in the drink, and as long as Dr. Urata opens the bottle cap and eats the ice cubes, the potassium cyanide eaten is enough to make him instantly kill."

Police officer Mumu asked eagerly: "Brother Maoli, who is the murderer?"

Kogoro Mori said, "The murderer is Ayako Ninagawa, a female high school student who has been preparing in front of the drink stand and waiting for an opportunity to poison her."

Ayako Ninagawa's expression did not change at all, but her eyes slightly lifted under the glasses.

The students present couldn't believe it when they heard this. How is this possible?A man outside the school died, but the murderer was a female high school student of our school.

Mori Kogoro explained: "As Yota Mitani and Romi Noda said, they didn't have time to open the lid and drop ice cubes, so the poisoning was not done by these two."

"Although Noda Luomi, who was buying a drink in front of the drink stand, had time to throw poisonous ice cubes, but the iced coffee in the drink was taken by mistake and replaced with cola. No one would risk the drink being replaced. poison."

"It is important to know that potassium cyanide can react with acid and release a large amount of toxic gas, and cola is acidic. Therefore, if potassium cyanide is added to cola, once Dr. Urata refuses to drink it, a large amount of toxic gas will appear directly. Not to mention the innocent spectators next to the crisis, the secret poisoning plan was ruined because of this."

"So it's impossible for anyone with a normal IQ to do something like this."

"So the only murderer is Ms. Ninagawa Ayako who has been filling these four glasses of drinks with ice cubes in front of the drink stand."

Ayako Ninagawa still had a calm face, her eyes were indifferent, as if nothing could shake her.

Seeing her reaction, Hattori Heiji and Conan's hearts began to beat. This kind of reaction was too calm. They all suspected that Kogoro Mori's reasoning was wrong.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Actually, this cup of Coke represents two choices, but Urata Kohei made the wrong choice, so he ruined his life."

Hearing this, Police Officer Mu Mu and the others were a little confused again, and quickly said: "Brother Mao Li, don't go around in circles, let's talk quickly!"

Ayako Ninagawa raised her eyebrows.

Mori Kogoro chuckled twice, and said, "Just now I asked Ms. Honggami a question, and Ms. Honggami said Dr. Urata was an outstanding young talent, but at that time the nurses Noda Luomi and Ninagawa Ayako seemed to have some objections. .”

The female nurse Noda Luomei immediately became anxious: "I don't have any objections!"

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