Ayako Ninagawa raised her eyes slightly again.

Mori Kogoro ignored it, and continued to speak: "Actually, Dr. Urata is not as good as Ms. Kogami said. It was Ms. Ninagawa who discovered Dr. Urata's shortcomings and wanted to divorce him."

Hearing this, Noda Luo Mei also fell silent, her face looked a little pale, obviously remembering the time when she was caught and raped by Ayako Ninagawa when she and Dr. Urata fought naked on the hospital bed.

After that incident, Ayako Ninagawa and Dr. Urata divorced.

But how could Maori detective know such a secret thing?

For a moment, Noda Romi looked at Mori Kogoro with fear in his eyes.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Doctor Urata, who has worked so hard to manage his image, is willing to let go of this great opportunity. As long as he marries the only daughter of the director, he will have the opportunity to inherit Mihua General Hospital. How can he be willing to do such a beautiful thing?" give up."

"That's why Dr. Urata persevered in seeking opportunities for reunion, and even went to Miss Ninagawa's house to ask for a marriage. Therefore, she found out about Miss Ninagawa's tricks, and even threatened Miss Ninagawa not to break the engagement with her, otherwise, what he found would be revealed. It's all made public."

What Kogoro Mori was talking about at the moment was naturally the top-secret video file, and the content in it was just as exciting, but the protagonist was replaced by Ayako Ninagawa.

Kogoro Mori couldn't imagine that a girl who looks so quiet is a complete pervert. She even has a special hobby, that is, she likes to go out for compensated dating.

It stands to reason that her father owns a hospital, so Ayako Ninagawa should not be short of money, but she chose this path.

And I don't know if it's because of the lack of fatherly love in childhood, she especially likes to choose those fat, bald old men as compensatory dating partners.

Watching those videos really shocked Mori Kogoro. In this regard, neither man nor woman loses to the other.

Originally, these two people were a match made in heaven. Marriage would cause harm to each other, and it would also reduce two harms to Japan, but today such a thing happened.

However, the scene was a high school, and there were a lot of underage students. In order not to spoil the children, and not to dirty the ears of Xiaolan and the others, Mori Kogoro did not explain the video very clearly, and passed it all vaguely.

Police officer Mu Mu hurriedly said: "Brother Maoli, these grievances and hatreds are your speculations, and you need evidence for everything!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled twice: "Officer Megure, of course there is evidence, and it's in the phone, but it's not suitable to show it to everyone now. You'll understand when you go back to the Metropolitan Police Department, Officer Megure."

Chapter 0197

Only Kogoro Mori's voice echoed in the auditorium, and he seemed to exude a different kind of charm.

Everyone present listened attentively to his reasoning.

Conan and Hattori Heiji were even more admiring. Although they noticed that Noda Romi's expression was weird, and they also felt that Ninagawa Ayako gave a strange feeling, they didn't know why.

Unexpectedly, Mori Kogoro found out the reason so quickly. The deceased Urata Kohei was a different person, and it was also the reason for the divorce.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the dead body lying on the ground.

"I think Dr. Urata not only threatened Ms. Ninagawa not to withdraw the engagement, but also made some demands that Ms. Ninagawa could not accept, which led you to think of killing him."

"That cup of Coke actually represents two choices. If Dr. Urata is willing to come back and talk to you, he will naturally come back with a Coke to exchange. There is no need for him to eat ice cubes containing potassium cyanide."

"It's a pity that Dr. Urata is stubborn. He chose another option and made up his mind to blackmail Ms. Ninagawa, so he didn't go back to the drink stand to meet Ms. Ninagawa, thus ruining his own life."

After listening to Kogoro Mori's words, Ayako Ninagawa's face remained calm, as if the person Kogoro Mori said was not herself.

The expression master's title skill was activated, Kogoro Mori observed all the micro-expressions of Ayako Ninagawa, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

This girl, this dissolute, perverted female high school student who likes compensated dating, is really at peace in her heart, it's not a fake, this kind of situation is really rare!

Ayako Ninagawa adjusted her glasses and said, "Detective Maori, what you said is all your guesswork. Although the reasoning is very exciting, I can only give one comment. Detective Maori's imagination is really powerful. .”

"Everything you said is just your own imagination. Dr. Urata is a very good person and a good marriage partner. Just now Miss Hongshang said that he is a promising talent in the hospital. I made a marriage contract with him. I was also very happy, but because of my own personal problems, I suddenly felt uneasy in my heart, so I called off the engagement with him last week."

"It's not what you said, Detective Maori, that you broke off the engagement because you discovered Mr. Urata's shortcomings."

Ayako Ningagawa sneered twice: "Slandering the life of a deceased person in front of a dead person who has no way to defend himself, you can do such a thing as a Mori detective."

"Mr. Urata is a good person praised by everyone in the hospital. Otherwise, please ask Mr. Mitani and Ms. Noda to tell us how he is?"

Fei Yingli couldn't help shouting secretly, beautiful!This argument is really wonderful!

Kogoro, it seems that he has met an opponent this time. Fei Yingri turned to look at Kogoro Mori, and wanted to see how Kogoro would deal with it.

Kogoro Mori frowned slightly. It seemed that Ayako Ninagawa didn't know that Kohei Urata had made many small videos, nor did she know that there were videos in her mobile phone, and she didn't think she knew her perverted deeds.

That's why he dared to refute so arrogantly, and even directly pulled Noda Luo Mei to testify.

Everyone is dead, so Noda Luo Mei will naturally not expose his ugly activities in the hospital.

Sure enough, Noda Romi spoke up to support Ayako Ninagawa: "Ayako is right, Dr. Urata is a very good person, he takes good care of us in the hospital, and sometimes he will help the hospital staff to check up for free!"

Mitani Yota also echoed: "Yeah, I just wanted to say that Detective Maori disrespected Dr. Urata too much, and even said that in front of him. If Dr. Urata had a ghost, he might be entangled with it." you."

Hong Shang Wuyi also said, "That's right, Dr. Urata is such a good person, Detective Maori, you can't just slander him."

All of a sudden, Kogoro Mori became a point of criticism, and the surrounding high school students talked about it one by one.

Police officer Mumu at the side quickly smoothed things over and said: "Brother Maoli, and Ms. Ninagawa, each of you should not say a few words. I think this case should be a suicide. Let the police take the body back first."

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect Officer Megure to be thinking about making peace at this moment, which is really unbelievable.

Police officer Megure didn't seem to believe Kogoro Mori's reasoning either, and what he wanted now was to deal with this messy scene.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to inspect the audience, and the high school students all had disappointment on their faces.

And Ayako Ninagawa's face was still as calm as ever, without any complacency.

However, the girls behind him looked at him with confidence, looking at him with concern, and that was enough.

Mori Kogoro spoke, his voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, with a powerful momentum, which instantly suppressed the noisy voices on the field, and the only voice in the audience was once again Mori Kogoro.

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