"Children, many of you are underage, these things should not be shown to you, but this time the murderer was aggressive, so I can only make the evidence public."

Hearing this, Noda Luo Mei's heart beat a drum.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at the projector beside him, and there was a computer next to it. Many of the scenery on the stage just now were credited to this projector.

He said, "Officer Takagi, please connect that mobile phone to the laptop with a data cable."

Takagi obediently complied, and the screen of the mobile phone was enlarged and appeared on the stage at the same time.

But Takagi still said in doubt: "But Detective Maori, we don't know the password of this mobile phone, even though it is connected, there is no way to operate it."

"The password is 252319, which is Dr. Urata's license plate number."

Takagi obediently entered the password, and the phone really turned on: "It's really useful!"

"Next, open the video folder." Mori Kogoro directed, but there is still a password in the video folder.

"880418, Urata Kohei's birthday."

Mori Kogoro said another password, and after Takagi entered it, all the video folders were opened.

More than a dozen obscene video screenshots were displayed in front of everyone, and everyone present was in an uproar.

Takagi casually clicked on a video, and a lewd voice resounded throughout the auditorium. The main character in it was the dead Urata Kohei, holding a comatose patient on the hospital bed.

Mori Kogoro said: "Children, you know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart. Kohei Urata pretended to be a good person in the hospital, but in fact he was a prostitute and a thief. Even the few people who went with him were disguised by him. They were deceived, and some of them even worked as accomplices for it."

When he said this, a cold light flashed in Mori Kogoro's eyes.

Chapter 0198

Mori Kogoro hated Noda Romi, a female nurse, so naturally he would not show her any more face.

Most women in the nurse industry are extremely open-minded. After all, they are well-informed and used to seeing all kinds of genitals, so naturally they don't mind too much about that aspect.

But it is rare to be as brazen as Noda Romi, and the transformation of the victim into the aggressor is extremely smooth.

Mori Kogoro said: "Officer Takagi, besides the video stored on the phone, there are some more interesting things in other places. That is the ironclad proof that Nurse Noda was present in person!"

Hearing this, Noda Luo Mei's face turned pale, her feet softened, and she collapsed on the ground.

Mitani Yota on the side quickly reached out to caress her: "Luo Mei, what's wrong with you, Luo Mei?"

Mori Kogoro didn't care about it at all, and continued to speak: "Officer Takagi, please click on the Mikasa cloud disk icon, the password is still Urata Kohei's birthday."

At this moment, Police Officer Mumu stepped forward: "Brother Maori, is this inappropriate? Play these contents in front of these children."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Police Officer Megure, a chill flashed in his eyes, which was extremely penetrating.

Officer Megure seemed to be startled, and took a step back.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and spoke softly, but his aura continued to rise, and he pressed towards Meguro Shisan: "Children also need to know the truth, right? Officer Megure."

Looking at the imposing Mouri Kogoro, Officer Megure didn't dare to say any more.

When Police Officer Takagi saw this, he immediately entered the password, and in an instant, more than a hundred rape videos in the consultation room appeared on the stage curtain.

When all the students below saw this scene, they couldn't help being excited, even Eri and Conan couldn't bear it, with angry expressions on their faces, and the high school students cursed one by one.

"Die well."

"Scum, scum."

"My God, Mihua General Hospital is such a place."

"I'm still alive and I must kill him, it's too vicious."


Mori Kogoro spoke again: "Children, be quiet."

The words were heard clearly in everyone's ears, and everyone fell silent instantly.

It is hard to believe that Kogoro Mori has such an appeal among the students in just this moment.

"Next, please ask Officer Takagi to scroll to the bottom third line of the cloud disk and click on the second video. I believe it will bring surprises to everyone."

Officer Takagi immediately nodded and began to operate on the phone. The video was played instantly, which was exactly the same as the plot of a Japanese adult action movie.


First, a beautiful female patient came to see the doctor. She was stunned by Urata Kohei, she was dragged to the hospital bed and started having sex, and the work was done in two minutes, and then a female nurse walked in from the door.

Everyone couldn't help being surprised when they saw the female nurse, and quickly turned their heads to look at Noda Luo Mei, and then at the female nurse in the video. This is the same person!

Noda Luo Mei had already lowered her head, covering her face with her hands, not daring to face the eyes of everyone.

After the female nurse Noda Luomei went in, Kohei Urata gave her the fee from the cabinet first, and she squatted down to help Dr. Urata regain his glory, and then the two started having sex again.

The two of them talked while doing business, which was the first target to attack, their words were filthy, and the content was even more sinister.

The two worked hand in hand, showing their ugly faces!

In the last part of the video, the door of the consulting room was pushed open, and it was Ayako Ninagawa, the daughter of the dean who had the key to the consulting room.

Ayako Ninagawa couldn't help being surprised when she saw the picture of her fiancé having sex with a female nurse, and a naked woman who was stunned beside her.

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