Ayako Ninagawa did have an expression in the video, which was somewhat different from her usual calm look at the moment.

This wonderful video ended in the fight between Ayako Ninagawa and Romi Noda.


After watching this video, everyone looked at Noda Luo Mi who was squatting on the ground with contempt. Noda Luo Mi wanted to hide behind Mitani Yota, but was pushed away by Mitani Yota.

Mitani Yota looked angry: "Originally I wanted to pursue you, but I didn't expect you to be such a slut, it's all because I fell in love with you when I was blind, and Urata Kohei, it's really cheap for him to die like this today .”

"Detective Mori, I apologize for what I just said. Kohei Urata is as scum as this bitch."

Hongshang Wuyi seemed to have been greatly impacted, and his face was still dazed, and he had not recovered.

Officer Megure was also trembling with anger from this video, and said to Romi Noda: "Miss Noda, it has been proved from these videos that Urata Kohei has committed many extremely bad rapes. Accomplice to rape..."

Mori Kogoro said indifferently: "Who said just now that the dissolution of the engagement is my problem? And who said that Kohei Urata is a good person?"

"The video is here, I want to ask, is this guy a good guy?"

"Scum! Scum!" "Scum! Scum!" "Scum! Scum!"

The students below started cursing again, almost throwing bottles and cans at the corpse and Noda Luomi.

Mori Kogoro didn't say anything, he just stretched out his little finger and gently licked his ears.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's gesture, the high school students present put up their index fingers and booed in low voices!

The scolding sound disappeared in an instant, and the entire auditorium became silent again.

Fujimine Yukiko's eyes shone brightly: "It's like this again, just a single movement stunned the audience, it's so handsome."

She bumped Concubine Yingli's shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Look at this guy, he has been away from Didan High School for so long, but as soon as he appears, he becomes a man of the hour again, as if he was back in the past, he is so handsome. "

A satisfied smile appeared on Feiyingli's face, and she pretended to be disdainful and said, "That's the way the man who proposed to me is like that!"

Hearing these words, Fujimine Yukiko and Haibara in her arms showed resentful expressions.

Xiaolan and Qingzi had the same expression, their angelic faces looked at Mori Kogoro adoringly.

At this time, Ayako Ninagawa lowered her face slightly, her glasses flashed coldly, and said, "Detective Mori, I admit that I lied just now, I know the bad things Dr. Urata and Nurse Noda did, but he is someone I liked after all. "

"As the saying goes, death is like a lamp going out. Although Dr. Urata has done many evil things, there is no way for him to atone for his sins after death. I still hope that he can have a good reputation, so I thought of lying. I am really sorry. Mori Detective." Ayako Ninagawa bowed to Mori Kogoro.

After hearing Ayako Ninagawa's words, some of the high school students present seemed to understand her. Japan takes death very seriously, and she is a student of the school, so the eyes of the students looking at Ayako Ninagawa became softened.

Conan looked at Ayako Ninagawa and frowned, taking a step back, what a powerful character!

But Mori Kogoro sneered in his heart: he is stubborn.

Chapter 0199 Electra Complex

Ayako Ninagawa is really a tough guy, her most powerful thing is that she can draw a group of people to stand in her position with a few fluffy words.

Just a few words made the other suspects flank Mori Kogoro together, and now a few words have even attracted all the high school students from the same school.

Especially at the moment when she was wearing a school uniform, her face was immature, adding a bit of weakness.

Confronting Mori Kogoro will inevitably make people feel that Mori Kogoro is bullying the small.

However, Mori Kogoro would not let her be spoiled, and directly opened his mouth to expose her weak disguise: "Miss Ninagawa, I asked Officer Takagi to play the video just to provide evidence for my reasoning just now."

"Urata Kohei is not a good person, and you already know it. He has something against you, and it is true that he threatened you. Because of this, you have the intention to kill him, and killing him is the truth today..."

"But when I asked you just now, in front of the police, you said that Kohei Urata was a good person. You intended to tell us that you had no motive to kill, and created the illusion that it was impossible to kill. You also secretly asked Noda Romi to help you with perjury."

"Your behavior is completely an act of perjury to exonerate yourself. When the time comes, the sentence will be a more important crime."

"Why do you hypocritically say that you are thinking of Urata Kohei's reputation, and you should just say that you are thinking of yourself."

Mori Kogoro pointed straight to the core.

The high school students present realized that if Ayako Ninagawa was not a criminal, she could still explain it with white lies.

But if she is a criminal, she must be giving perjury, trying to use this as an excuse to get rid of the crime.

"Joke, Maori Detective, what you said is so funny. You keep saying that Kohei Urata has something against me and threatened me. Have you ever seen it with your own eyes, or heard it with your own ears? I remember that today we just Let's meet for the first time."

Ayako Ninagawa didn't believe that Kogoro Mori could find the video Kohei Urata copied from her computer in such a short period of time.

Therefore, she has no fear on her face, and she confronts Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro said with a serious face: "Miss Ninagawa really wants me to show the evidence? If this is the case, won't the reputation of your Ninagawa family be completely ruined? Don't you really want to bear a tainted identity? Have your eyes gone for the rest of your life?"

"Wouldn't your dean's father be very disappointed in you, and he will secretly regret why he didn't teach you well at the beginning and let you go on that road of no return."

Hearing this, Ayako Ninagawa could no longer hold her composure, and for the first time a strange expression appeared on her face, and she said angrily, "Enough, stop talking."

Only when it comes to her father does she have this attitude, Mori Kogoro immediately understood.

The videos just shown are those of Kohei Urata and Romi Noda assaulting a female patient. They are strong evidence of their crimes. In order to make Romi Noda plead guilty and expose Kohei Urata’s true colors, Kogoro Mori had no choice but to let police officer Takagi show it of.

And Ayako Ninagawa's video is a picture of your own love and my own wish, for self-entertainment.

Although the scenes of compensatory dating with those bald and fat men may look a bit eye-catching, it is not an illegal act after all.

Compensated dating may sound ugly, but it is already a very normal thing in Japan.

In addition, Mori Kogoro, like Fei Yingli, admired this extremely calm and perverted girl, so he didn't want to let her fall into a situation where there was no redemption.

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